
06 September 2005 [08:22]

Rupel: “I hope Azerbaijan will fulfill all commitments for holding democratic elections”

«I appreciate highly the steps taken by Azerbaijan on fulfilling the OSCE and the Venice Commission recommendations, aimed at holding democratic and fair parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.»
06 September 2005 [08:20]

Sefa Mirzayev: “It is offensive to make voters dip their fingers into the ink in the elections”

“It is offensive to make voters dip their fingers into the ink”-Head of Milli Majlis (parliament) Body, member of Azerbaijani working group to Venice Commission Sefa Mirzayev to APA.
06 September 2005 [08:18]

Reno Harnish: “Voters must be actively involved in parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan”

The Azerbaijani voters should be actively involved in the parliamentary elections to ensure the will of the population, the USA Ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish said in a statement on 5 September at the conference “Elections and Democratic Development.”
06 September 2005 [08:15]

Sitting of Council of Europe sub-committee on Nagorno Karabakh to take place in Paris on 12 September

The second sitting of Council of Europe sub-committee on Nagorno Karabakh will take place in Paris on 12 September.
06 September 2005 [08:07]

Fuad Aleskerov commented on immunity status of Rasul Guliyev

The ex-Speaker, chairman of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (DPA) Rasul Guliyev has been registered at the Central Election Committee (CEC) as a candidate to MP and the “immunity status” has not been removed from him, head of the department on law enforcement bodies of the Azerbaijan’s President Executive Office Fuad Aleskerov told the conference “Elections and Democratic Development” on 5 September.
06 September 2005 [08:04]

Conference on “Elections and democratic development” of the Council of Europe held in Baku

The conference on “Elections and democratic development” organized by the Council of Europe (CE) was held at the “Europe” hotel yesterday.
05 September 2005 [09:43]

Candidacy of 2035 persons to the deputy registered

The stage of registration of the candidates will end on September 7 and the propaganda agitation campaign of the candidates will start after this.
05 September 2005 [09:36]

U.S. Ambasador to OSCE: “U.S. observes elections processes Azerbaijan with great interest”

The United States is watching the election process in Azerbaijan with great interest.
05 September 2005 [09:20]

Azeri President will not to participate in 60th session of UN General Assembly

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev does not plan to participate in the 60th session of the UN General Assembly to be held in New York in September 2005.
05 September 2005 [08:52]

Elmar Mammadyarov to make a speech in the meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council on September 6

Two special meetings of the OSCE Permanent Council will be held on September 6.
05 September 2005 [08:47]

Next meeting between Oskanyan and Mammadyarov to take place in October

The next meeting between the ministers of foreign affairs of Azerbaijan and Armenia can take place in October.
03 September 2005 [12:49]

49% of the Azerbaijani youth support the military way of solving the Upper Garabagh conflict

The Karabakh Liberation Organization held an inquiry aimed revealing the attitude of the society in connection with the ways of solution of the Karabakh problem.
03 September 2005 [12:45]

Candidacy of Ayaz Mutallibov will be likely to consider on 4 September in CEC of Azerbaijan

Registration of the candidacy of the Azerbaijan’s former President, co-chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (SDPA) Ayaz Mutallibov will likely to take place on 4 September.
03 September 2005 [12:42]

USA Embassy announced the name of the company to hold exit-poll in the elections

The US Agency of International Development (USAID) announced a new project contract as part of the technical cooperation with Azerbaijan which is expanded.
03 September 2005 [12:40]

Robert Kocharyan: “I‘ve never given reason to guess on changes in Armenia’s position on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict solution”

(Mediamax) – “I’ve never given reason to guess on changes in Armenia’s position on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,” Robert Kocharian, the Armenian President stated on Friday.
03 September 2005 [12:37]

The government of Azerbaijan adopted a decision on rendering $ 500.000 of extraordinary aid to USA

The government of Azerbaijan adopted a decision in connection with rendering humanitarian aid to the USA government taking into consideration great human pangs and destructions the USA states situated in the bank of the Gulf of Mexico are faced with in the result of the “Katrina” hurricane and the fact that many people lost their homes.
03 September 2005 [12:35]

Media monitoring due in Azerbaijan

The Council of Europe in partnership with the National Council of Press, the Central Elections Committee and the Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting will conduct a monitoring in the Azerbaijani media shortly.
03 September 2005 [12:21]

“Azadlig” bloc applied to the Mayor’s Office for holding rally on 10 September

“Azadlig” bloc today applied to the Mayor’s Office for holding the next-march rally in Baku on 10 September. APA was informed from the press service of PFPA(r).
03 September 2005 [12:18]

CEC finds it impossible involvement of armenian representatives as observers in Azerbaijan

«Azerbaijan has no diplomatic links with Armenia, therefore availability of the Armenian representatives at the elections as observers is impossible.»
03 September 2005 [12:16]

Ali Karimli sent a letter to Mazahir Panahov

The PFPA(r) chairman Ali Karimli sent a letter to the chairman of the Central Election Commission Mazahir Panahov.
03 September 2005 [12:09]

OSCE long-term observation mission to arrive in Baku on 5 September

The main staff of the OSCE long-term observation mission will arrive in Baku on September 5.
03 September 2005 [12:05]

President not to attend the 60th session of the UNO General Assembly

President Ilham Aliyev will not attend the 60th session of the UNO General Assembly which is due to in New York in September this year.
03 September 2005 [11:38]

Ilham Aliyev: “Nobody is entitled to exert pressure on Azerbaijan for setting up economic cooperation with Northern Cyprus”

The Turkish “Hurriet” newspaper’s issue of 2 September placed an interview of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev with the newspaper’s director on the informational matters, a journalist Tufan Türenç.
03 September 2005 [11:30]

Ilham Aliyev: “Armenia will not withstand pressure of Azerbaijan”

«?zerbaijan is very strong and Armenia will not withstand its pressure. Nevertheless, we do not want war, as a great number of people may die. I believe, earlier or later we will return our lands.
03 September 2005 [11:26]

All the candidates of Yeni Azerbaijan Party and “Azadlig” bloc registered

All the candidates of some blocs and parties which nominated candidates to the parliamentary elections have been registered in the constituency election commissions.
03 September 2005 [11:17]

Terry Davis will hold all of his meetings in the frame of his visit to Azerbaijan on 5 September

The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Terry Davis to visit Baku in the evening on September 4 will hold all of his meetings on September 5.
02 September 2005 [13:46]

Tahir Taghizade: “Yerevan is taking steps not serving livening up of the peace negotiations”

“The attitude of Azerbaijan to the president of Armenia Robert Kocharyan’s visiting Khankendi for participating in the jubilee measures of the fake “Nagorno Karabakh republic” is unambiguous.
02 September 2005 [13:44]

Igbal Babayev: “All the voter’s lists will be placed in the website of the CEC”

“The names of the all voters to participate in the elections on the precinct election commissions are known and the list containing their names is hung in the corresponding precinct election commissions.
02 September 2005 [13:38]

First meeting of autumn parliamentary session held

The first meeting of the autumn session of the Milli Majlis (Parliament) was held on Thursday.
02 September 2005 [13:23]

Mats Lindberg held press conference dedicated to fulfillment of CE Action Plan on parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

Special Representative of Council of Europe Secretary General to our country Mats Lindberg held press conference dedicated to the fulfillment of the Action Plan about the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan confirmed by the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers.
02 September 2005 [13:18]

Sergey Kuznetsov: “The Venice Commission remains in its previous position in the matter of changing the composition of election commission”

“The Venice Commission remains in its previous position in the matter of changing the composition of election commission. We still consider that the ways of solution of this problem should be searched for and we have no additional recommendations at present”.
02 September 2005 [13:10]

OSCE calls on use of ink in elections

Dimitriy Rupel, the OSCE chairman–in-office, the Foreign Minister of Slovenia will visit Baku on 5 September and then leave for Yerevan to get information on the results of a recent meeting between the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharian, in Kazan.
02 September 2005 [13:02]

Reporters Without Borders condemns Azerbaijan

On Thursday Reporters Without Borders voiced shock after masked men seized the brother of an opposition daily journalist from a city centre and took him to a suburb where they beat him and threw him into a canal.
02 September 2005 [12:56]

Robert Kocharyan will visit Nagorno Karabakh

President of Armenia Robert Kocharyan will pay a visit to Nagorno Karabkah which remains under the occupation of the separatists.
02 September 2005 [12:54]

OSCE to hold inter-party dialogue

The OSCE Baku Office will arrange a seminar-dialogue for the authorities and opposition on 12 September.
02 September 2005 [12:51]

Yuri Merzlyakov: “There are grounds to be pleased with the Kazan meeting”

The co-chairmen of the Minsk Group informed the OSCE chairman-in-office Dmitrij Rupel about the details of the meeting on regulation of the nagorno Karabakh conflict conducted between the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharyan in Kazan on August 27.
02 September 2005 [12:50]

Azeri President will visit U.S.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev plans to visit the United States in mid-September 2005, the Baku Office of UN told Trend.
02 September 2005 [12:48]

The Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis visits Baku on 4-6 September

The Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis will arrive in Baku in the evening on September 4.
02 September 2005 [12:40]

Musavat chairman sends a letter of protest to Germany embassy

Isa Gambar, the chairman of the Musavat Party, sent a letter of protest to the Germany embassy in Azerbaijan on Thursday, Sulhaddin Akbar, the deputy chairman of the party, told Trend.
02 September 2005 [12:37]

The OSCE chairman to arrive in Azerbaijan on 4 September

The OSCE chairman-in-office, minister of foreign affairs of Slovenia Dimitrij Rupel will arrive in Azerbaijan on September 4.
02 September 2005 [12:30]

Kim Trovik: “Local administrative bodies should not interfere in elections campaign”

The Azerbaijani local administrative bodies should not interfere in the elections campaign, Kim Trovik, the State Secretary at the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said to a news conference on Thursday.
25 August 2005 [11:04]

2107 citizens took signature cards, 733 candidates registered

2107 citizens have taken signature cards from the district election committees to participate as candidate in the parliamentary elections so far.
25 August 2005 [10:57]

Annual conference of International Social Security Association to take place in Baku

Annual conference of International Social Security Association will take place in Baku on 6-9 September.
25 August 2005 [10:46]

OSCE experts met with oppositionists

The first deputy of the ADP chairman Sardar Jalaloghlu met with the experts of the short-term observation mission in Azerbaijan of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Berit Lindeman and Rumen Malayev yesterday.
25 August 2005 [10:40]

“Azadlig” bloc leaders met International Crisis Group representative for the South Caucasus Sabina Freizer

Leader of “Musavat” party Isa Gambar, chairman of PFPA (r) Ali Karimli and secretary-general of ADP Serdar Jalaloglu who are represented in “Azadlig” bloc met with International Crisis Group representative for the South Caucasus Sabina Freizer yesterday.
25 August 2005 [10:36]

Armenian released Azeri soldier

Ensign of the Army of Azerbaijan Ramil Khudaverdiyev who was in captive in Armenia was sent back to home country yesterday.
25 August 2005 [10:33]

Bahar Muradova: “Authority –opposition parties’ meetings to be held after the parliamentary elections”

“Conducting meetings and round tables between the authority and opposition parties most probably will take place after the parliamentary elections.
25 August 2005 [10:18]

Shirvanoil Operating Company will be set up till the year-end

Shirvanoil Operating Company will be set up till the year-end, the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) told Trend.
25 August 2005 [10:15]

982 complaints entered the European Court from Azerbaijan, 2 of them were accepted

982 complaints were made to the European Court on Human Rights from Azerbaijan till now.
25 August 2005 [09:59]

“Ukraine will always support Azerbaijan’s position in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”

Interview with Igor Kezim, the charge-d’affaires of Ukraine in Azerbaijan
25 August 2005 [09:52]

Baku, Y?revan and Moscow count on success of Armenian-Azerbaijani summit

(ITAR-TASS) Moscow, Baku and Yerevan count on the success of the Armenian-Azerbaijani summit.
25 August 2005 [09:40]

Party of Democratic Reforms approved list of candidates

The Party of Democratic Reforms (PDR) approved the list of its candidates for the upcoming parliamentary elections, the party told Trend.
25 August 2005 [09:26]

“Azadlig” block will start mass actions on 4 September

All parties, comprising the “Azadlig” election block will start mass actions from 4 September in the regions of Azerbaijan, head of PFPA press service, Isak Avyazogli told Trend.
25 August 2005 [09:12]

CEC appealed to OSCE to get the list of Armenian voters

The Central election commission appealed to OSCE to get the list of citizens of Azerbaijan of Armenian origin living in the territory of Khankendi constituency election commission #122.
25 August 2005 [08:58]

Elmar Mammedyarov: “Armenia might be involved in great economical projects in the region if it withdraws from the occupied territories”

“We had a non-official meeting with Vardan Oskanyan yesterday. We shall have an official meeting yesterday.
25 August 2005 [08:56]

Police breaks picket in front of Justice Ministry

The National Democratic Party (NDA) held a picket in front of the Justice Ministry on Wednesday.
25 August 2005 [08:52]

Armed attack made to passenger bus going to Georgia from Azerbaijan, some die and injured

5 unidentified persons made an armed attack against the passenger bus belonging to the resident of Yukhari Gushakilse village of Bolnisi which was coming from Azerbaijan near Hallavar village last night.
24 August 2005 [09:36]

Candidacies of 604 persons were registered

2070 citizens took signature cards from the constituency election commissions up today for participating in the parliamentary elections as candidates.
24 August 2005 [09:34]

Ali Karimli gave testimony in Prosecutor’s Office of Republic Office of Investigation on Grave Crimes

Chairman of PFPA(r) Ali Karimli yesterday was called to the Prosecutor’s Office of Republic Office of Investigation on Grave Crimes.
24 August 2005 [09:24]

Rene van Der Linden held press conference dedicated to the results of his visit to Baku

Yesterday president of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe Rene van Der Linden has held press conference dedicated to the results of his visit to Baku.
24 August 2005 [09:09]

No document to be signed in the meetings of the presidents and MFA heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia

The next meeting between the ministers of foreign affairs of Azerbaijan and Armenia Elmar Mammadyarov and Vardan Oskanyan will be held in the special palace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia tomorrow in the frame of the Prague process.
24 August 2005 [08:29]

PACE chairman: “Azerbaijan holds reforms, but still insufficient”

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) appreciates the reforms held in Azerbaijan, but it is insufficient yet, Rene van der Linden, the chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), said in a meeting with Murtuz Alasgarov, the speaker of the Milli Majlis, on Tuesday.
24 August 2005 [08:24]

Public TV to be on air on 29 Aug

The exact date of commissioning of the Public Television and Radio (PTR).
24 August 2005 [08:15]

13 issues discussed in the meeting of CIS Foreign Ministers’ Council in Moscow

The next meeting of CIS Foreign Ministers’ Council started in Moscow yesterday.
23 August 2005 [10:16]

2023 citizens took signature cards from the constituency election commissions

2023 citizens took signature cards from the constituency election commissions up today for participation in the parliamentary elections to be held in November.
23 August 2005 [10:05]

Rene van Der Linden met with members of “Yeni Siyaset” and “Azadlig” bloc

President of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Rene van Der Linden met with members of “Yeni Siyaset” Election Bloc Coordination Council Etibar Mammedov, Eldar Namazov and chairmen of parties represented in “Azadlig” bloc Isa Gambar, Ali Karimli and Serdar Jalaloglu yesterday.
23 August 2005 [10:03]

Head of Azerbaijan’s foreign minitry in Moscow

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamedyarov left for Moscow on a visit on 22 August.
23 August 2005 [09:59]

Ilham Aliyev received Rene Van Der Linden

The president Ilham Aliyev received the president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Rene Van Der Linden today who is on a visit in our country.
23 August 2005 [09:53]

Ilham Aliyev: “Parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan cannot turn to an ‘orange’ revolution”

Future parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan cannot turn to an ‘orange’ revolution, Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani leader said in an interview for Russian Newsweek magazine titled ‘Ilham Aliyev: «The most important – to take a balance».
23 August 2005 [09:42]

International trainings on the European Court started in Baku

The last session of the trainings on the European Court (EC) for lawyers working in the human rights field in Azerbaijan started in Baku today with the support of the Helsinki Committee, “Interrights” Organization and Law Enlightenment Society (LES).
23 August 2005 [09:30]

Rauf Denktash to arrive in Baku on August 28

The minister of foreign affairs of the Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic (NCTR) Sardar Denktash will arrive in Baku on August 28.
23 August 2005 [09:18]

OSCE experts in Baku observe the work of CEC

OSCE two independent experts-Rumen Malayev (Bulgaria) and Berit Lindeman (Norway) are in Baku for two days now.
23 August 2005 [08:58]

Italian Ambassador left Azerbaijan

The Ambassador of Italy Margarita Costa left the country upon accomplishment her diplomatic mission in Azerbaijan on 20 August.
23 August 2005 [08:52]

PACE president being on a visit in Azerbaijan met with law defenders and editors

The president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Rene Van Der Linden being on a visit in our country met with law defenders.
23 August 2005 [08:48]

?mbudsman of Azerbaijan to visit Sweden

The ombudsman of Azerbaijan Elmira Suleymanova will go on a visit to Lund, Sweden, from 22 August till 31 August 2005.