
14 September 2005 [08:59]

Voters’s lists to be placed in the web-page of CEC till the end of this week

Elector’s lists will be placed in the official web-page of the “elections” Information Center of the Central Election Commission till the end of this week.
14 September 2005 [08:53]

Anar Mamedkhanov: “Venice Commission provokes situation in Azerbaijan and creates conditions for biased statements from opposition”

The draft of the final joint assessment of the Venice Commission (VC) on the Election Code of Azerbaijan is the example of the elementary prejudiced attitude and extreme non-professionalism.
14 September 2005 [08:51]

“Yeni Siyaset”, “Azadlig” blocs and Liberal Party demand CEC to increase the duration of free of charge broadcast time

The “Yeni Siyaset”, “Azadlig” blocs and Liberal Party expressed their displeasure on short duration of the free of charge broadcast time defined in AzTV and PTV for propaganda campaign of candidates to the deputy.
14 September 2005 [08:50]

?ubariz Gurbanli: “Draft resolution on election code adopted by Venice Commission is of no importance”

The draft resolution on changing the Election Code of Azerbaijan adopted by the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe is of no importance.
14 September 2005 [08:42]

Administration of the Association of Assistance for Development of the Civil Society in Azerbaijan appealed to the president

Administration of the Association of Assistance for Development of the Civil Society in Azerbaijan (AADCSA) appealed to the head of the state.
14 September 2005 [08:40]

Ambassador of Japan: “I believe elections in Azerbaijan will be democratic”

?zerbaijan is the country pursuing the most successful policy in the region and this policy is recognized by the world public.
14 September 2005 [08:37]

Prime-minister of Japan to arrive in Azerbaijan

The visit of the prime-minister of Japan Dzuntiro Koudzumi who won parliamentary elections two days ago is planned to our country.
14 September 2005 [00:18]

Azerbaijan Society of America condemns the conference hosting of separatist and terrorist regimes in Moscow

Azerbaijan Society of America (ASA) expresses concern in regards to yet another gathering of illegal separatist and terrorist regimes in Moscow.
13 September 2005 [10:27]

Second sitting of the interim subcommittee on the Karabakh conflict of the Parliamentary Assembly of the CE was held

Second sitting of the interim subcommittee on the Karabakh conflict of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) was held in Paris yesterday.
13 September 2005 [10:25]

Head of OSCE Office in Baku Maurizio Pavesi: “Such meetings should be continued, regardless their results”

Seminar-meeting on the theme “Freedom of peaceful assembly” which was held on the initiative of OSCE was over yesterday.
13 September 2005 [10:04]

AADCSA will conduct exit-poll in 1250 precincts covering 125 constituencies

The Association of Assistance for Development of the Civil Society in Azerbaijan (AADCSA) held presentation of the works carried out and planned in connection with the monitoring of parliamentary elections yesterday.
13 September 2005 [09:43]

OSCE Office in Baku organized seminar with the participation of authority and opposition parties

OSCE Office in Baku organized a seminar on the theme “Freedom of peaceful assembly” with the participation of authority and opposition parties in “Hyatt Regency” hotel yesterday.
13 September 2005 [09:35]

Eldar Mahmudov: “National Safety Ministry won’t admit instability in country”

Eldar Mahmudov, the Azerbaijani National Safety Minister, said that if the opposition holds any action within law, security bodies will not hinder them.
13 September 2005 [09:30]

Police broke picket of NDPA at front of Justice Ministry

The police broke the picket of the National Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (NDPA) at the front of the Justice Ministry on Monday.
13 September 2005 [08:54]

Liberal –Democratic Party of Azerbaijan voiced protest to OSCE Baku office head

The chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (LDPA) Fuad Aliyev disseminated the statement, in which he expressed dissatisfaction with the activities of the OSCE Baku office Robin Seaword.
13 September 2005 [08:47]

CIS experts will discuss issue of CIS observers mission head at parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan

The sitting of the CIS countries permanent authorized representatives attached to the statutory and other bodies of the Commonwealth of the Independent States will take place on 13 September 2005 in Minsk.
13 September 2005 [08:39]

“Azadlig” bloc will hold the next rally in the capital on 25 September

“Azadlig” bloc decided to hold the next massive rally in the capital.
13 September 2005 [08:31]

Elmar Mammadyarov left for New York

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov left for New York.
13 September 2005 [08:25]

Sitting of PACE sub-committee on Nagorno Karabakh held in Paris

The second sitting of the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Lower Committee for regulation of the Nagorno Karabakh problem is held in Paris, capital of France yesterday.
09 September 2005 [10:33]

Ayaz Mutelibov: “The Prosecutor’s statement is not the only problem in the election process”

“There is nothing new in Prosecutor General’s acts. The Prosecutor’s Office working principle is determined like that.
09 September 2005 [10:31]

OSCE long-term observation mission to consist of 43 persons

The head of the OSCE long-term observation mission which started its activity since September 5 for observing elections to Milli Majlis, German diplomat Geert Ahrens held a press-conference yesterday.
09 September 2005 [10:23]

Andres Herkel: “I am not familiarized with the practice of participation in elections in absentia”

“It is not a normal case if a person whose candidacy was registered for participation in electrons does not participate in his election campaign.
09 September 2005 [10:15]

CEC transfers means allocated by the Ministry of Finance into bank accounts of the candidates

Means allocated from the state budget for conducting of the propaganda campaign of candidates were already transferred into the account of the Central Election Commission.
09 September 2005 [10:13]

Ilham Aliyev: "Poverty rate decreased to 40%"

“Poverty rate in Azerbaijan decreased to 40% and this figure continues to decline,” Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani President, said to the Lerik public at a opening ceremony of Ex-President Heydar Aliyev’s monument.
09 September 2005 [10:09]

“Azadlig” bloc was permitted to hold rally on September 10

The appeal of the “Azadlig” bloc in conenction with holding a mass action in Baku on September 10 was responded positively by the Baku city Executive Power yesterday.
09 September 2005 [10:03]

Candidacy of Elmira Suleymanova was put forward to the post of the Commissar on Human Rights of the Council of Europe

The candidacy of the Ombudsman Elmira Suleymanova was put forward to the post of the Commissar on Human Rights of the Council of Europe.
09 September 2005 [09:56]

The court kept the decision on imprisonment of Rasul Guliyev in force

The claim of Azerbaijan Democrat Party (ADP) against Prosecutor General Zakir Garalov was reviewed in the court of Sabayil district yesterday.
09 September 2005 [09:29]

The visit of the president Ilham Aliyev to the south region started

The visit of the president Ilham Aliyev to the south region started yesterday.
09 September 2005 [09:22]

Republican Institute to organize television debate for candidates from 10 constituencies

International Republican Institute (IRI) will implement a new project with regard to the parliamentary elections in October.
09 September 2005 [09:10]

IRI to hold a republic-wide youth conference on “The youth in Policy: Activity of the Parliament”

The International Republicans Institute (IRI) will start a republic-wide youth conference on “The youth in Policy: Activity of the Parliament” at the “Aqua Park” hotel of Novkhani today.
09 September 2005 [09:08]

Sabir Rustamhanli: “Without national front Party of Azerbaijan dialogue authority-opposition may not take place”

There are no forces at the current stage, striving for disruption of the dialogue authority –opposition, the initiator of the next meeting between the authority and the opposition.
09 September 2005 [08:17]

ADP headquarters attacked

About 20 persons attacked the headquarters of Azerbaijan Democrat Party (ADP) at about 9.00 yesterday morning.
09 September 2005 [08:12]

KLO protests to the intention of Armenian NGOs to observe elections in Azerbaijan

The Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) spread a declaration in connection with the intention of a group of Armenian NGOs to observe parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan.
09 September 2005 [08:10]

U.S. urges Azerbaijan to show commitment to democratic future

The United States is urging Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his government to continue on a path that demonstrates their commitment to Azerbaijan's democratic future and to take all necessary steps to ensure the success of the upcoming November elections, U.S. Ambassador Julie Finley stated in her address to a special session of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) on Tuesday.
09 September 2005 [08:08]

Talks on restoration of authority-opposition dialogue started

Musavat Party advocates the restoration of the dialogue between the authorities and opposition.
09 September 2005 [08:05]

CE monitoring committee heard a report by PACE rapporteur on Azerbaijan

A next meeting of the PACE Monitoring Committee was held in Antalia, Turkey, on Wednesday. Asim Mollazade, Azerbaijani parliamentary representative to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), who also attended the meeting, said the gathering first discussed the fulfillment of CE obligations by Ukraine and activities of the democratic institutes in Moldova.
09 September 2005 [08:04]

Heiki Talvitie is expected to visit Azerbaijan this month

European Union special envoy on South Caucasus Heiki Talvitie is expected to visit Azerbaijan this month.
09 September 2005 [08:01]

Ilham Aliyev: “Non-constructive approach by Armenia impedes peaceable resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict”

«Non-constructive approach by Armenia impedes the peaceable resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh.
09 September 2005 [07:58]

Armenian forces killed Azeri soldier

Violation of the ceasefire by Armenian Armed Forces resulted in the death of our more one military man.
08 September 2005 [11:21]

ADP to realize joint measures with the “Azadlig” bloc for Rasul Guliyev’s returning to Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijan Democrat Party will realize all measures it will take in connection with Rasul Guliyev’s returning to Azerbaijan together with the “Azadlig” bloc.
08 September 2005 [11:19]

A report on the pre-election situation in Azerbaijan was listened to in the sitting of the PACE Monitoring Committee

The next sitting of the Monitoring Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) started its work in Antalia yesterday.
08 September 2005 [11:04]

Goran Lenmarker to come to Azerbaijan after the parliamentary elections

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly co-rapporteur on Nagorno Karabakh Goran Lenmarker will come to Azerbaijan after the parliamentary elections.
08 September 2005 [10:53]

NDPA proposes mutual liability to opposition leaders

The National Democratic party of Azerbaijan (NDPA) organizes a joint meeting of all opposition parties to hold democratic parliamentary elections and prevent possible falsifications.
08 September 2005 [10:50]

President received the commander of the land forces of the Armed Forces of Turkey Yashar Boyukanit

The president Ilham Aliyev received the delegation led by the commander of the land forces of the Armed Forces of Turkey, General of the Army Yashar Boyukanit yesterday.
08 September 2005 [10:08]

The list of polling stations to be established in the military units compiled

The Central Election Commission will control holding democratic and transparent parliamentary elections in the military units-CEC secretary Vidadi Mahmudlu told APA.
08 September 2005 [09:57]

Ilham Aliyev: “Economic, political and defense cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey serves to ensuring stability in the entire region”

Economic, political and defense cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey serves to ensuring stability in the entire region, such a statement was made on 7 September by the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the meeting with the delegation headed by the commander-in-chief of the ground troops of the Turkish Air Forces general Yashar Byukanit.
08 September 2005 [09:55]

Representatives of the PA Government Services Company will arrive to Baku

Representatives of the winner of the tender held by the American government for conducting exit-poll in elections to be held in Azerbaijan PA Government Services worldwide consulting company will arrive in Baku in these days.
08 September 2005 [09:24]

Talks with Lukoil on drilling second exploration well on Yalama probable in Sept

“The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) does not rule out opportunities for holding this month talks with representatives of the Russian company LUKOIL on prospects of drilling of the second exploration well on the Yalama field (D-222) in the Azerbaijani section of the Caspian.”
08 September 2005 [09:01]

Araz Alizade: “I don’t believe the sincerity of “Azadlig” bloc in its intention of cooperation”

The probability of the cooperation of “Yeni Siyaset” bloc with “Azadlig” bloc is very little.
08 September 2005 [08:57]

OSCE’s one week training program on correct police conduct during public demonstrations ends

Over 50 representatives of Azerbaijani law enforcement agencies yesterday completed one-week training programme on correct police conduct during public demonstrations and received certificates of recognition from the OSCE Office in Baku.
08 September 2005 [08:54]

Embassy of Azerbaijan to function in Japan soon

Embassy of Azerbaijan is going to function in Japan.
08 September 2005 [08:53]

Politsh Ambassador: “Poland recognizes territorial integrity of Azerbaijan”

“Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, the territorial integrity of which Poland recognizes,” Kshihstof Krayevskiy, the newly appointed Ambassador of Poland to Azerbaijan, told Trend.
08 September 2005 [08:47]

ADP started “orange tent” campaign

An orange tent was erected in the balcony of the headquarters of Azerbaijan Democrat Party this morning.
08 September 2005 [08:44]

2059 candidates to MP to ballot

A total of 2059 candidates will participate in the forthcoming parliamentary elections to be held in Azerbaijan on 6 November 2005.
08 September 2005 [08:41]

Armenian NGOs intend to observe the elections

Non-governmental organizations of Armenia intend to observe the parliamentary elections due to in Azerbaijan.
07 September 2005 [10:51]

Central Election Commission finalized the stage of registration of candidates

A next meeting of the Central Election Commission was held yesterday. Complaints and appeals were investigated in the meeting, directions in connection with propaganda of candidates was discussed.
07 September 2005 [10:47]

Court process on abolishing Rasul Guliyev’s inviolability postponed

The appeal of the party on abolishing chairman of Azerbaijan Democrat Party ADP) Rasul Guliyev’s inviolability was reviewed by the court of Sabayel district yesterday.
07 September 2005 [10:45]

Prosecutor General ordered Interior Ministry to arrest Ayaz Mutellibov

The Ministry of Interior Affairs was charged with execution of the court decision on arresting Ayaz Mutellibov.
07 September 2005 [10:42]

Propaganda-agitation campaign of candidates to the deputy starts today

The stage of registration of candidates for participating in the parliamentary elections ended the day before yesterday.
07 September 2005 [10:31]

TABDC co-chairman Kaan Soyak: “Conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia cannot be resolved by keeping the borderlines close”

Co-chairman of Council for Development of Turkey-Armenia Economical Relations (TABDC) Kaan Soyak’s exclusive interview to “APA”.
07 September 2005 [10:01]

Terry Davis: “CE drew up special election plan to help Azerbaijan – CE Sec-Gen”

Trend interviews Terry Davis, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
07 September 2005 [09:52]

Ali Karimli gave press conference

Chairman of PFPA(r) Ali Karimli gave a press conference on “Azadlig” bloc’s election campaign.
07 September 2005 [09:50]

Session of PACE monitoring committee will not discuss any issue on Azerbaijan

“I will not participate in the forthcoming session of the PACE Monitoring Committee to be held in Antalia, Turkey, but I can say that the major issues in the agenda will be linked with the state in Moldova and Ukraine.
07 September 2005 [08:58]

The Nagorno Karabkah issue to be discussed in Greece

Next meeting of the education, culture and social questions committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black sea Economic Partnership organization will be held in Saloniki city of Greece on October 4-5.
07 September 2005 [08:56]

OSCE chairman: “Resolution of Nagorno-Karabakh by late 2005 possible only through will of conflict sides”

(ARKA) the resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict by the end of 2005 is possible only through the will of the conflict sides, the chairman-in-office of the OSCE, Dimitrij Rupel, told a news conference in Yerevan.
07 September 2005 [08:51]

Asim Molazade: “Democratic elections in Azerbaijan to come out a test for democracy”

The democratic elections in Azerbaijan are a great test for the country. It is the test to reiterate the democracy and establishment of a favorable international image of the country, Asim Mollazada, the chairman of the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP) stated on Monday.
07 September 2005 [08:37]

President will visit the south region at the week-end

The president Ilham Aliyev is expected to visit the south region for the second time during the last one year.
06 September 2005 [09:42]

Davis noted that his current visit to Baku was dedicated to appraisal of the pre-elections situation in Azerbaijan and Karabakh conflict would be left untouched.

15 thousand transparent ballot boxes will be used in the parliamentary elections.
06 September 2005 [09:41]

Preparations for the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan should be done more professionally than previous years, CE Sec-Gen urges

“The preparations for the parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan should be implemented in more professional way than the previous years and discuss the issue with Azerbaijani leadership, Terry Davis, the Council of Europe Secretary General, said in Heydar Aliyev airport on 4 September.
06 September 2005 [09:38]

3334 persons’ names included into the voter’s list on Khankendi constituency #122

3334 persons’ names have been included into the voter’s list on Khankendi constituency #122 so far.
06 September 2005 [09:25]

CEC chairman Mazahir Panahov met with Terry Davis

The chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) met the secretary general of the Council of Europe Terry Davis yesterday.
06 September 2005 [09:15]

Statoil probably to participate in construction of Aktau-Baku pipeline within BTC project

(Kazakhstan today) – “The Norwegian Statoil State Oil Company does not exclude participation in the construction of the Actau-Baku pipeline within the Baku-Tblisi-Ceyhan (BTC) project,” Per Einar Rettedal, the manager general of the Statoil on Kazakhstan, told Trend.
06 September 2005 [09:10]

Terry Davis and Dmitrij Rupel met with the opposition representatives

The Council of Europe Secretary General Terry Davis met with representatives of the opposition in Baku Information Office of the Council of Europe yesterday.
06 September 2005 [08:43]

Initiatives on changes to EC 2 months prior elections are attempt to break elections

The initiatives on changes to the Elections Code (EC) two months prior to the elections are nothing else than attempts for breaking the elections, while there is not necessity in it, Ali Hassanov, the head of the Public and Political Department at the President’s Apparat, said.
06 September 2005 [08:42]

Candidacy of Ayaz Mutallibov registered

The candidacy of the co-chairman of the Azerbaijan Social Democrat Party (ASDP), ex-president Ayaz Mutallibov was registered in the Yasamal third election constituency #17.