
25 June 2005 [08:55]

Supporters of killed journalist to hold a protest action

The Elmar Husseinov Fund will hold a protest action in front of the building of the National Security Ministry on June 28.
25 June 2005 [08:53]

Azerbaijan satisifed with PACE session

The summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has produced “normal, positive and constructive” results to Azerbaijan, according to the head of the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE, MP Samad Seyidov.
25 June 2005 [08:51]

NATO is concerned replacing of military bases withdrawn from Georgia to Armenia

NATO Deputy Secretary-General John Colston and chairman of Sate Border Service (SBS) lieutenant-general Elchin Guliyev met media representatives.
25 June 2005 [08:45]

“Azadlig” bloc decided to hold rally in 11 dictricts of Baku at the same time

The parties of “Azadlig” or Freedom bloc decided to hold rally on 2 July.
25 June 2005 [08:27]

USA State Department gave “green-card” to 235 Azerbaijanis

The USA State Department announced the results of the “green-card” lottery which official name is “DV-2005”.
25 June 2005 [08:25]

Turkish PM’s visit to Azerbaijan to be too important, state official

«The Azerbaijan - Turkey relations are high-level and manifests as friendly, fraternal and strategic partnership,” Novruz Mammadov, the head of the Pubic Political Department of the Azerbaijani President’s Apparat, said on the eve of the forthcoming official visit of Turkish Prime Minister Rejep Tayyub Erdogan to Azerbaijan on 28-29 June.
25 June 2005 [08:23]

First sitting of sub-committee of the PACE on Karabakh problem held

First sitting of sub-committee of the PACE on Karabakh problem was held.
24 June 2005 [09:28]

Ziyafet Asgarov dissatisfied with the opinions in PACE Resolution

Vise-speaker of Milli Majlis Ziyafet Asgarov is dissatisfied with the opinions stated in Resolution of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) on Azerbaijan.
24 June 2005 [09:25]

Azerbaijani leadership accepts normally PACE’s last resolution

The leadership of Azerbaijan accepts normally the resolution on Azerbaijan, adopted on 22 June at the summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), head of the foreign relations department of the Executive Office of the Azerbaijan’s President (EOP), Novruz Mamedov told Trend.
24 June 2005 [09:21]

Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe adopted two decisions on Azerbaijan

A report of the PACE raporteur Malcolm Bruce on the political prisoner problem and the report named “Activity of the democratic institutions in Azerbaijan” prepared by the PACE co-rapporteurs on Azerbaijan Andreas Gross and Andres Herkel were listened to in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
24 June 2005 [09:12]

Foreign Ministry of Russia - Russia does not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh

The Russian citizens, who observed the so-called ‘parliamentary elections’ in Nagorno-Karabakh, did it on their own initiative and privately," Information and Press Department if the Russian Foreign Ministry announced.
24 June 2005 [09:08]

Ilham Aliyev received deputy secretary general of NATO John Kolstone

President Ilham Aliyev received deputy secretary general of NATO John Kolstone who is on a visit to Azerbaijan.
24 June 2005 [08:49]

Romanian Prime Minister to come to Baku

Romanian Prime Minister Kelin Popesku-Terichianu will come to Baku after the parliamentary elections sin November.
24 June 2005 [08:45]

Polish ambassador Marchin Navrot: “Four years are not enough for knowing Azerbaijan”

“I shall miss Azerbaijan. This country is very beautiful, four years are not enough for knowing Azerbaijan. Regrettably, I shall have to leave this wonderful country due to ending my diplomatic mission”.
24 June 2005 [08:41]

Expert groups of Azerbaijan, Russia, and Iran to meet in Baku

Meeting between the experts groups of the national head energetic offices of Azerbaijan, Russia and Iran is intended to taka place in Baku in the third ten-days of July.
24 June 2005 [08:30]

Baku hosts EU-Azerbaijan meeting

Expansion of bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and the European Union tops the agenda of the corresponding meeting of the parties, which opened today (June 23) in Baku.
23 June 2005 [09:27]

Glen Howard: “Azerbaijan army is better provided with military equipment than the previous period”

The volume of the defense expenses was increased in the bill related to the changes to the state budget in Milli Majlis.
23 June 2005 [09:25]

Lale Shovkat Hajiyeva: “The USA is the guarantee for holding free elections in Azerbaijan”

“The USA is the guarantee for democratic processes and holding free elections in Azerbaijan. This is related to America’s intention to carry out democratic reforms in Azerbaijan and the processes ongoing in the countries of the post-Soviet”.
23 June 2005 [08:46]

Resolution urging to ensure free elections in Azerbaijan under consideration at US Congress

The House of Representatives of the US Congress set to consideration of the resolution urging to hold “free and fair elections in Azerbaijan”.
23 June 2005 [08:44]

Russia does not recognize the independence of Nagorno Karabakh and the elections held here

“The Russian citizens and deputies of State Duma functioning as observers in the elections in Nagorno Karabakh have come here by their own initiatives”.
23 June 2005 [08:31]

France announced elections held to fake “NKR parliament“ non-legitimate

“Parliamentary elections” held in the Nagorno Karabakh Region (NKR) of Azerbaijan will have no effect to the peace process and future status of this territory” Press minister of France Janne-Batist Matye announced this statement.
23 June 2005 [08:21]

Monitoring in the contact line of troops suffered no incident

Monitoring was held in the village Kuropatkino of Kojavend region, in the contact line of the troops yesterday in accordance with the mandate of personal representative of OSCE chairman-in-office.
23 June 2005 [08:18]

PACE pending democratic changes in South Caucasus

The upcoming processes in the South Caucasus are of priority importance for the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, according to the acting chairman of the Council’s Ministerial Committee.
23 June 2005 [08:13]

Elmar Mammedyarov discussed the Nagorno Karabakh problem with Javier Solana

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammedyarov who is attending the international conference on establishment of democracy in Iraq is conducting bilateral meetings.
23 June 2005 [08:10]

GUAM countries made declaration on solution of conflicts

An international conference dedicated to 30th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act and 15th anniversary of the Paris Charter is continuing its work.
23 June 2005 [08:08]

Asim Mollazade included in the PACE provisional commission on Karabakh

Leader of the Party for Democratic Reforms of Azerbaijan (DRPA), member of the parliamentary delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Asim Mollazade has been included in the PACE provisional committee on the Upper Karabakh issue, the DRPA central office told Trend.
22 June 2005 [08:49]

OSCE observers expected

14 observation groups of the OSCE each comprised of 2 experts will arrive in Azerbaijan early this September, according to a report developed by the OSCE Office for Democratic Instates and Human Rights on the base of a weekly monitoring by a demand estimating mission.
22 June 2005 [08:27]

Armenia has no territorial claims to Azerbaijan

Armenia has no territorial claims to Azerbaijan, a special representative of the Azerbaijan’s President on Nagorno Karabakh conflict, deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan, Araz Azimov told Trend at the briefing on 20 June.
22 June 2005 [08:24]

Georgian Prime Minister to pay an official visit to Baku

Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli will pay an official visit to Baku in the first half of July. APA was informed from Georgian Embassy in our country.
22 June 2005 [08:22]

President of Azerbaijan signed decree on pardoning of 100 persons

President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on pardoning of a group of persons, condemned for imprisonment.
22 June 2005 [08:20]

Andres Herkel: “Amendments are expected to be made to the report on political prisoners in Azerbaijan”

The pardon decree of the President issued yesterday concerns 30 prisoners in the list of political prisoners of Council of Europe (CE).
21 June 2005 [09:39]

OSCE Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Bureau spread report on results of its mission’s visit to Azerbaijan

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) realized the Requirements Estimating Mission (REM) in Azerbaijan on June 5-10, 2005.
21 June 2005 [09:37]

Ilham Aliyev issued pardon decree

Yesterday President Ilham Aliyev issued pardon decree.
21 June 2005 [09:29]

Ambassador Elchin Amirbayov submitted his credentials to Roman Pope Benedict XVI

Ambassador of Azerbaijan Republic to Holy Crown (Vatican) Elchin Amirbayov presented his credentials to Roman Pope Benedict XVI.
21 June 2005 [09:27]

OSCE Minsk group co-chairs expected in Azerbaijan

“The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs will pay a visit to Azerbaijan as part of a tour of the region on July 11,” Araz Azimov, the Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister, a special representative of the Azerbaijan President on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict told journalists.
21 June 2005 [09:09]

Azeri, Armenian foreign ministers discuss opening Agdam-Nakhchivan route in Paris

The Azerbaijani and Armenian Foreign Ministers, Elmar Mammadyarov and Vardan Oskanian, discussed the opening of the Agdam-Nakhchivan motor highway in a meeting held in Paris on 17 June, Trend reports quoting Araz Azimov, the Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister, a special representative of the Azerbaijan President on Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.
21 June 2005 [09:06]

Next meeting of Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharyan to take place in Kazan in August

Next meeting between Presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharyan on the regulation of the Nagorno Karabakh problem will take place within the CIS summit in Kazan in August.
21 June 2005 [09:00]

Azeris in Germany held splendid protest action in the center of Berlin

Our compatriots in Germany held march-rally protesting against the Resolution of Bundestag on recognizing the so-called “Armenian genocide” in the center of Berlin.
19 June 2005 [08:30]

Opposition meeting ended, no incident reported

The mass rally of the Azadlyg (liberty) opposition bloc on 18th of June lasted two hours and ended at 7:00 pm, without any incident.
19 June 2005 [08:26]

Asim Mollazade met with Great Britain diplomats

The chairman of the Organization Committee of the Democratic Reforms Party (OCDRP) Asim Mollazade met with the representative on the Southern Caucasus of Great Britain Brian Hall, the associate of the Eastern Department of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of this country Simon Smith and the head of the Researches group Craig Oliphant.
19 June 2005 [08:15]

Federation of Azeri organizations to hold first conference in Turkey

Employees of the State Committee on work with Azerbaijanis living abroad will pay a working visit to the United States to hold meeting with the Azerbaijani Diaspora of this country Ramil Hassanov, the Secretary General of the State Committee on American Continent and Turkey, told Trend.
19 June 2005 [08:11]

Talks between Elmar Mammedyarov and Vardan Oskanyan were held in very hard atmosphere

The talks between Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia on the regulation of the Karabakh conflict in Paris were held in very hard atmosphere. Foreign Minister Elmar Mammedyarov informed about it to head of Press and Information Office of foreign Ministry Tahir TagizadeT.
18 June 2005 [09:37]

Milli Majlis adopted appeal to Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe

The members of Milli Majlis (Azeri Parliament) adopted an appeal to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE).
18 June 2005 [09:34]

Discussion of additions and amendments to Election Code started in Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan

A question related to the additions and amendments to the Election Code (EC) was put into discussion in the first part of the today’s sitting of Milli Majlis (MM).
18 June 2005 [09:29]

Ilham Aliyev received British special representation in the South Caucasus

President Ilham Aliyev yesterday received the delegation led by British special representation in the South Caucasus Brian Fol.
18 June 2005 [09:03]

Azeri opposition leaders met with British diplomats

Members of parties, forming the “Azadlig” (“Freedom”) election block and members of the «Yeni Siyaset (“New Policy”) met with the Great Britain’s representative on South Caucasus, sir Brian Fall, official of the Foreign Office East department, Simon Smith and leader of the of the Research group, Craig Olifant on June 17, the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA) (reformists) told Trend.
18 June 2005 [09:01]

Azerbaijan-Armenia talks started on resolving the Nagorno Karabakh conflict

The next meeting is held between Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia Elmar Mammedyarov and Vardan Oskanyan in Paris, capital of France.
18 June 2005 [08:59]

Malcolm Bruce: “Political prisoners issue will not be removed from agenda”

The report, related to political prisoners will not be removed from the agenda of the summer session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the PACE rapporteur on political prisoners, member of the British Parliament, Malcolm Bruce announced to the “Liberty” radio-station, Trend reports.
18 June 2005 [08:53]

UNESCO recommended official Baku to appeal Armenia for stopping archaeological excavations in Shusha

The minister of culture Polad Bulbuloglu appealed to the several international organizations including the general director of UNESCO Koichiro Matsuura few time before in connection with stopping archaeological excavations held by the Armenians in Shusha.
18 June 2005 [08:43]

Ilham Aliyev met with presidents of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Estonia

The president Ilham Aliyev who was on an official visit in Ukraine yesterday met with the president of Moldova Vladimir Voronin after the private meeting with the president of Ukraine Viktor Yushshenko.
18 June 2005 [08:41]

Azerbaijan to comply with NATO standards for guarding borders

A seminar, Frontier management reforming: setting up general standards for border security in the framework of the Council of Euro-Atlantic Partnership (CEAP), will be hosted in Baku, June 23 through 24, to discuss aspects of present-day joint frontier management, as well as effective border security and fighting terrorism, organized crime, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their components, and illegal migration prevention through the strengthening of border control.
17 June 2005 [09:48]

Junni Bukikkio: “The Venice Commission is partially satisfied with collaboration with Azerbaijan”

“The parliamentary elections to be held in November of this year will be a great political test for Azerbaijan. We must pass this test successfully”.
17 June 2005 [09:12]

Elmar Mammadyarov met with Terry Davis

The foreign affairs minister Elmar Mammadyarov was on a business visit in Strasbourg on June 15-16, 2005.
17 June 2005 [09:07]

Ilham Aliyev: “Probability of a revolution equals to zero in Azerbaijan”

The delegation led by the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev left for Ukraine to take part in the “Mini Davos” forum held in the capital of this country.
17 June 2005 [09:05]

Heads of Democratic Reforms Party met with CE REP

Asim Mollazada, the chairman of the Organization Committee of the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP), met with Mats Lindsberg, the special representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, on 14 June.
17 June 2005 [09:00]

Azeri vice speaker skeptical of NATO presence in occupied lands

It is still early to speak about the positioning of NATO peacekeepers in the area of Karabakh, which is under Armenian occupation as a result of ethnic hostilities with Azeris.
17 June 2005 [08:42]

President of Finland to visit Baku

President of Finland Tarya Halonen will arrive in Baku in September this year.
15 June 2005 [09:20]

Additions and amendments to Election Code to be discussed in sitting of parliament to be held on June 17

The question of making the additions and amendments to the Election Code will be put into discussion in the sitting of the parliament to be held on June 17.
15 June 2005 [09:19]

Asim Mollazada’s election bloc will expand

The composition of the Democratic Reforms Party and the elections bloc ’Democratic Reforms’ will get expanded shortly, Asim Mollazada, the chairman of the Organization Committee of the Democratic Reforms Party, told Trend.
15 June 2005 [09:17]

2 more persons whose name were included in political prisoners list released today

Another 2 persons whose names were included in the political prisoners list were released yesterday.
15 June 2005 [09:13]

Azeri speaker: “International organisations will not recognize parliamentary elections in “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic”

None of the international organizations will recognize the parliamentary elections to be held in the so-called “Nagorno-Karabakh Republic” on 19 June 2005, Speaker Murtuz Alasgarov said to a meeting of the Milli Majlis (parliament), Trend reports.
15 June 2005 [09:13]

Azeri Foreign Ministry made statement denouncing the elections to fake ”parliament of UGR”

Foreign Ministry made statement denouncing the fake “parliamentary elections” in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan.
15 June 2005 [09:02]

Presidential decree on pardon expected

“Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev might sign a decree on pardon shortly,” Azay Guliyev, the head of the Confederation of Azerbaijani Non-Governmental Organization, also a member of the State Commission on Pardon at the President’s Administration.
15 June 2005 [09:00]

Ilham Aliyev and Vladimir Putin discussed the Nagorno Karabakh conflict

“I am sure that the relations between Azerbaijan and Russia will develop strongly in the political sphere like in economical sphere”.
15 June 2005 [08:58]

Working group of human rights organizations appealed to PACE with request to postpone viewing political prisoners issue

The working group of representatives of human rights organizations and the Azerbaijan’s authorities appealed to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) with the request to postpone debating the political prisoners’ issue, the Memorandum on the issue of persons, called “political prisoners” says about it, Trend reports.
15 June 2005 [08:54]

Only 19 out of 1489 Azerbaijanis who appealed to government of Sweden achieved political immigrant status

There is statistical information on the webpage of Migration Department attached to Swedish government on the number of the foreign citizens wanting political refuge from this country.
15 June 2005 [08:33]

Venice Commission announced its final opinion on amendments to Election Code of Azerbaijan

The Venice Commission (VC) of Council of Europe and OSCE announced their opinions on the amendments to the Election Code of Azerbaijan.
15 June 2005 [08:28]

Asim Mollazada met with Council of Europe’s representative

The chairman of the organizing committee of the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP), Asim Mollazada, received today (June 14) the personal representative of the Council of Europe’s secretary general, Mats Lindberg.
15 June 2005 [08:26]

Sergei Lavrov: “Moving of the military bases to Armenia will not influence the balance of forces in the South Caucasus”

“Dislocation of the military bases in Armenia will not influence the balance of forces in the South Caucasus region”.
15 June 2005 [08:23]

President approved rules on classification of information of state secret importance

Azerbaijan’s President signed a decree to approve Rules on classification of information of state secret importance.
15 June 2005 [08:21]

Azerbaijani and Armenian journalists met in Istanbul

Meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenian journalists was held in Istanbul on 10-13 June.
15 June 2005 [08:18]

Ilham Aliyev: “Our relations with Russia have reached the level of strategic partnership”

President Ilham Aliyev addressed the XI international economical forum in St.Petersburg.
14 June 2005 [09:53]

Ilham Aliyev presented bill on changes to Election Code to discussion of Milli Majlis

The president Ilham Aliyev presented the offers envelope on the changes to the Election Code to discussion of Milli Majlis.
14 June 2005 [09:48]

Turan Morali: “Azerbaijan is of important country for Turkey from political and economical point of view”

“Azerbaijan is an important country for Turkey not only for close relationship between our nations as well as from political and economical point of view”.
14 June 2005 [09:25]

Iranian speaker expected in Baku

Gulamali Haldat Adil, the Speaker of the Iranian parliament, will visit Azerbaijan approximately in August at the invitation of his Azerbaijani counterpart Murtuz Alasgarov, the Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, told Trend.