
22 July 2005 [08:57]

Oppositional “Azadlig” bloc to restore its actions in August

“Azadlig” bloc will hold its next actions in the capital in August.
22 July 2005 [08:50]

Rashid Hajili: “We shall try to transmit “Yeni TV” prior to the parliamentary elections”

Financial problems should be defined first in order to transmit “Yeni TV”.
22 July 2005 [08:48]

Northern Cyprus grants a permission to air communications with Azerbaijan

The Principle Unit of the Civil Aviation under the Transport Ministry of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus granted an official permission to Azerbaijani air company Imair Airlines, a affiliate company of Improtex, to set up the Baku-Lefkosha-Baku flights.
22 July 2005 [08:33]

House of reps of U.S. Congress calls on Azerbaijan to hold free and fair elections

The House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress adopted a resolution on Wednesday demanding the Azerbaijan to hold and fair parliamentary elections.
22 July 2005 [08:20]

Baku office of Republicans Institute held national survey among citizens in connection with parliamentary elections

The Baku office of the USA Republicans Institute held a national survey together with USAID and STRATEGIES PUBLIC OPINION organizations among 1200 Azerbaijani citizens on June 6-30 in connection with the parliamentary elections to be held on November 6.
22 July 2005 [08:16]

USA State Department allocated more means for Armenia than for Azerbaijan

The senate asserted the state budget for 2006 of the USA State Department today (APA). The volume of the budget is 32 milliard USA dollars.
21 July 2005 [09:28]

Two of “Karabakh partisans” released yesterday

Two of the “Karabakh partisans” were released from the detention places today in accordance with the verdict pronounced by the Supreme Court yesterday.
21 July 2005 [09:18]

Our one more Azeri soldier died of the enemy’s bullet

The next martyr was taken to Masalli yesterday.
21 July 2005 [09:15]

Azeri President’s not expected to pay official visit to foreign countries

“The Azerbaijan President is not scheduled to pay any official visit to foreign countries by late August”
21 July 2005 [09:13]

Training-seminar organized by OSCE for chiefs of press-services of state structures and associates of mass media organs finished

The 3-day training-seminar organized by the OSCE representatives on press freedom and the Baku office of the structure for the chiefs of the press-services of the state structures and the associates of the mass media organs finished yesterday.
21 July 2005 [09:11]

R?na Safaraliyeva: “Anti-corruption legal advice center, second in Azerbaijan, to open in Gyanja”

The Anti-corruption Legal Advice Centre (ALAC) will be opened in Gyanja in the coming weeks, the executive director of the Transparency Azerbaijan organization Rena Safaraliyeva told on 20 July in Baku at the opening ceremony of the country’s first anti-corruption center.
21 July 2005 [09:07]

Azeri ?mbudsman proposes to set up independent monitoring group for observing election process

The ombudsman of Azerbaijan Elmira Suleymanova made a proposal to set up independent monitoring group for observing the forthcoming parliamentary elections process in the country, Suleymanova stated on 20 July at the roundtable on the subject “The role of fair elections in building the democratic and legal state” with involvement of the Milli Mejlis deputies and the non-governmental organizations, Trend reports.
21 July 2005 [09:05]

Venice Commission to announce its final opinion regarding the amendments made to the Election Code in October

The text of the additions and amendments made to the Election Code by Milli Majlis (parliament) following the suggestion of Council of Europe Venice Commission has not been sent to the Venice Commission yet.
21 July 2005 [08:59]

Ilham Aliyev received Ruslan Aushev

The president Ilham Aliyev received the chairman of the Internationalist Fighters Works Committee at the CIS State Heads Council Ruslan Aushev yesterday.
21 July 2005 [08:56]

New Russia’s ambassador to Azerbaijan to be appointed not earlier November

A new Ambassador of the Russian Federation (RF) to Azerbaijan will be appointed not earlier the current November.
21 July 2005 [08:31]

Etibar Mammedov met George Bush

International Democrat union Leaders’ Meeting held in Washington ended.
21 July 2005 [08:28]

Аzer Mursaliyev: “Threats of terrorist attacks on Caspian quite real”

The Russian initiative to set up the naval group for the rapid interaction on the Caspian Sea (CASFOR) is, undoubtedly, positive, as the threat for the terrorist attacks in the region is quite real.
21 July 2005 [08:27]

Ambassador of Azerbaijan in USA Hafiz Pashayev met with congressmen

“Assuming as a basis the according decree issued by the president Ilham Aliyev in connection with the parliamentary elections, the government of Azerbaijan will create necessary condition for voting to be held in November to meet the international standards”.
21 July 2005 [08:22]

Public will be informed on Hajiyev’s case, security minister assures

Investigation into the case of senior operator-in-charge of the Central Criminal Search Department of the Interior Ministry, Lieutenant-Colonel Haji Mammadov, and his criminal group.
21 July 2005 [08:20]

Reno Harnish: “The USA wants Azerbaijan to hold free and fair elections”

”The USA is cooperating with both government of Azerbaijan and the political parties for achieving free and fair elections in Azerbaijan”- USA ambassador to our country Reno Harnish told journalists.
21 July 2005 [08:17]

Security ministry to work in intensified regime on the eve of parliamentary elections

“The National Security Ministry will work in intensified regime in connection with the forthcoming parliamentary elections,” Eldar Mahmudov, the National Security Minister, told Trend.
21 July 2005 [08:13]

The defense minister Safar Abiyev met with defense minister of Turkey Vajdi Konul

The defense minister of Turkey Vajdi Konul who came to an official visit to Azerbaijan in the evening yesterday visited the Honorary Alley in the morning today and laid a wreath on the grave of the late president Heydar Aliyev.
20 July 2005 [10:38]

Ruslan Aushev: “Russia should be charged with main role in resolving Nagorno Karabakh conflict”

“Generally speaking, I am against the war as a witness of it. I think, Russia as the successor of the USSR should be charged with playing main role in the solution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict”.
20 July 2005 [10:34]

Etibar Mammedov elected as deputy chairman of International Democrat Union

Member of ”Yes” Coordination Council, leader of ANIP Etibar Mammedov was elected as deputy chairman of International Democrat Union for the next three years term.
20 July 2005 [10:30]

Head of Azerbaijan’s foreign ministry does not plan visit to Iran

The visit of the Foreign Minister (FM) of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov to Iran is not scheduled in the nearest time.
20 July 2005 [10:28]

Report of Goran Lenmarker about Nagorno Karabakh is revealed

The secretariat of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly explained the report of the rapporteur on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict of the OSCE chairman Goran Lenmarker called “Valuable chance – some views on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict”.
20 July 2005 [10:25]

Oppositionist against demands of formation of elections commission on parity basis

The demand of the opposition on the formation of elections commissions on parity basis is not right, Avez Temirkhan, the chairman of the Central Committee of the Liberal Party.
20 July 2005 [10:13]

Ilham Aliyev received prime-minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaydeli

President Ilham Aliyev received the prime-minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaydeli today who is on an official visit in our country.
20 July 2005 [10:02]

Italian Ambassador in Azerbaijan awarded order ‘Glory’

Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan, signed a decree to award Margarita Kosta, the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador, with the order ‘Glory’ on July 19.
20 July 2005 [09:56]

Asim Mollazade made a speech in two research centers of the USA

Chairman of Democratic Reforms Party, Deputy Asim Mollazade made a speech in the two leading research centers of the USA-Enterprise Institute and Carnegie Foundation.
20 July 2005 [08:52]

OSCE MG co-chairs hold deep discussions on Karabakh conflict resolution, Russian Amb at OSCE MG

The OSCE Minks Group co-chairs appreciate the results of the visit to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict region, Russian Ambassador Yuriy Merzlyakov, the OSCE Minsk Group co-chair.
20 July 2005 [08:49]

Khalaf Khalafov: “I hope the matter of the 3 areas will be solved in the sitting of Azerbaijan-Russia delimitation commission in autumn”

Last week Azerbaijani and Russian experts held measure in Balaken in the altitude called “Stik” where Azerbaijan, Georgia and Russia join. Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov told APA that, the meeting of experts is usually held before the sitting of the state commissions.
19 July 2005 [09:21]

CEC starting seminar-trainings for members of constituency and precinct election commissions

The Central Election Commission intends to start the seminar-trainings for the members of the constituency and precinct election commissions beginning since July 20.
19 July 2005 [09:19]

Cable televisions to be set up in Azerbaijan

5-6 new cable televisions are expected to open in 5-6 months in Azerbaijan.
19 July 2005 [09:16]

Erdoghan: “The steps taken by Azerbaijan means its de-facto recognition of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”

Delegation composed of 9 members of Milli Majlis (parliament) left for Lefkosha, capital of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to attend the ceremonies on the 31th anniversary of 20 July-Cyprus Reconcile Movement yesterday.
19 July 2005 [09:06]

Ilham Aliyev received chairman of Armed Forces Staff of Qatar

President Ilham Aliyev today received the delegation led by chairman of Armed Forces Staff of Qatar, colonel-general Hamad Bin Ali al-Atiyya.
19 July 2005 [09:02]

Mehmet Ali Talat: “Greeks threaten Azerbaijan by organizing direct flights to Nagorno Karabakh”

“Azerbaijan’s decision to start realizing direct flights to our country irritated the Greeks. They threaten Azerbaijan by organizing direct flights to Nagorno Karabakh.
19 July 2005 [09:00]

?raz Azimov: “Today the chances for Nagorno-Karabakgh conflict settlement high as never before”

The chances for the Nagorno-Karabakh, Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement are today high as never before and I call on the Armenian side to take advantage of these chances, the deputy Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Araz Azimov stated on 18 July at the briefing on the results of the OSCE Minsk group co-chairmen’s visit.
19 July 2005 [08:44]

Nushirevan Maharramli: “Government presents bureaucratic obstacles to normal activity of mass media”

“It will be very difficult to watch how efficiently the agreement memorandum signed by mass media is complied with. We have not defined its mechanism yet. It wouldn’t be necessary if the public consciousness of society were in high level”.
19 July 2005 [08:42]

Monitoring started at Nakhchivan-Armenia border

A monitoring started in the contact line of the armies between the Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan and Armenia of the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border yesterday in accordance with the credentials of the personal representative of the current OSCE chairman-in-office.
19 July 2005 [08:37]

Turkish Defense Minister Vejdi Konul to come for an official visit to Azerbaijan

Turkish Defense Minister Vejdi Konul will come for an official visit to Azerbaijan today.
19 July 2005 [08:12]

Ismayil Omarov: “We intend to broadcast a telecast in Armenian language in the Public Television”

“The Public Television both has a financial problem and does not. You know, it is impossible to form a TV with 10 milliard manats. But the government informed us that it will allocate means how much is needed for forming PTV”.
19 July 2005 [08:08]

Official visit of prime-minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaydeli to Azerbaijan started

The official visit to Azerbaijan of the delegation led by the prime-minister of Georgia Zurab Nogaydeli started yesterday.
18 July 2005 [08:11]

Etibar Mammadov left for the USA

Leader of Azerbaijan National Independence Party Etibar Mammedov left for the USA to attend the meeting of International Democrats Union this morning.
18 July 2005 [08:09]

5 new agreements to be signed between Azerbaijan, Egypt

Azerbaijan and Egypt will sign approximately 5 new agreements, covering cooperation between Archive Departments of the National Academies of Science, state libraries, as well as in sphere of pharmaceutics, the Egyptian Embassy to Azerbaijan told Trend.
18 July 2005 [08:07]

OSCE will hold monitoring in Azerbaijan-Armenia borderline for 3 days

Monitoring is planned to be held in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan-Armenia state borderline and in the contact line of troops between Armenia on 18-21 July, in accordance with the mandate of personal representative of OSCE Chairman-in-office.
18 July 2005 [08:05]

Central Election Commission chair invited to observe parliamentary elections in Norway

Mazahir Panahov, the chairman of the Central Elections Commission (CEC) received on Friday the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Norway to Azerbaijan, the CEC told Trend.
18 July 2005 [08:03]

State Borderline Service held special tactical training in the Caspian Sea

State Borderline Service (SBS) conducted special tactical training on the theme “Organizing borderline searches, rendering sabotage- intelligence groups harmless and taking rescue measures by the sub-units of SBS in the Caspian Sea when there is a danger to the coast, islands, oil-gas exports pipelines and oil platforms” on 14-15 July.
16 July 2005 [10:33]

Azeri oppositionists do not agree with recommendation of Venice Commission and OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

“It is impossible to achieve serious result in including one additional oppositionist to the composition of the election commissions”.
16 July 2005 [10:30]

Republicans Institute of USA holding trainings in connection with elections

The Baku representation of the Republicans Institute of USA is holding trainings in connection with the elections to be held in November 6 in Azerbaijan.
16 July 2005 [10:25]

Steven Mann: “The Karabakh conflict can be solved till the end of this year”

The co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group Steven Mann (USA), Bernar Fasie (France) and Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia) held a press-conference dedicated to the results of their visit to the conflict region in Yerevan yesterday.
16 July 2005 [10:13]

Government to be submitted plan of cooperation between European Union and Azerbaijan

The government will be submitted in early September the plan of the “New Neighborhood Policy”, developed by the European Union for Azerbaijan, deputy Foreign Minister Mahmud Mammadguliyev told Trend.
16 July 2005 [10:00]

Arkadi Gukasyan:”It is early to talk about any agreement”

“OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, the sides participating in the regulation of the conflict, as well as Azerbaijan have started to accept Nagorno Karabakhas the side of conflict recently. I am not surprised by this”.
16 July 2005 [09:52]

Results of political survey publicized in Azerbaijan

On Friday the Monitoring Center Ray (Opinion) publicized the results of sociological inquiry in 34 settlements of Azerbaijan to study the pre-elections situation in the country. Rizvan Abbasov, the Director of the Center, said that 1138 respondent aged above 18 participated in the inquiry held from 10 to 14 June.
16 July 2005 [09:50]

Co-chairmen met with Robert Kocharyan

The co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group Steven Mann (USA), Bernar Fasie (France) and Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia) who are on a visit in Yerevan met with president of Armenia yesterday.
16 July 2005 [09:45]

Mechanic constriction of Azeri section of SCP to complete by late 2005

Mechanic construction of the Azerbaijani section of the South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) will be complete by the end of 2005, Trend reports quoting Karl Slatter, manager of the project, as saying.
16 July 2005 [09:26]

Week of Azerbaijani culture to be held in Turkish Republic of Southern Cyprus

The week of Azerbaijani culture will be held in the Turkish Republic of Southern Cyprus in September.
16 July 2005 [09:25]

Next round of Mammadyarov-Oskanyan meeting to be held on August 22

Next meeting between the foreign affairs ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia will be held on August 22.
16 July 2005 [09:01]

Mustafa Evran: “Our greatest desire -to change status of Northern Cyprus representation in Azerbaijan”

«Our greatest desire is to give the Trade Chamber of the Northern Cyprus in Azerbaijan the status of the “representation office of the Cypriot people”, head of the representation office Mustafa Evran made such a statement on 15 July in his exclusive interview to Trend.
16 July 2005 [08:56]

No Azerbaijani official invited to the inauguration ceremony of Iranian President

The inauguration ceremony of newly elected president of Iran Mahmud Ahmadinejad will be held on 25 July. No Azerbaijani official has been invited to the inauguration ceremony.
16 July 2005 [08:53]

Afshar Suleymani: “Mutual understanding is improving in the negotiations on the status of the Caspian Sea”

“I cannot make statement about the content of the negotiations on the status of the Caspian Sea, because the details of the talks are never announced but I can say that the mutual understanding is improving every time”.
16 July 2005 [08:43]

Minister of foreign affairs of Azerbaijan received former head of white house administration

The Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mamadayarov received on 15 July the former head of the White House administration, ex-governor of the New-Hampshire state John Sununu.
16 July 2005 [08:41]

Elmar Mammadyarov: “We are discussing releasing 7 regions in the primary stage in the talks”

“I can not explain which question was agreed with Armenia because the talk’s process is still continued. In order to achieve progress in the talks, we must preserve the secrecy principle. I can only say that the main principle in the talks is protecting the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the talks are conducted based on the paragraphs of the Constitution of Azerbaijan”.
15 July 2005 [09:22]

Mazahir Panahov met with IFES representatives and representative of Venice Commission Sergey Kuznetsov

The chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov met with the head of the Baku office of IFES Daniel Blassington and the director of the strategic activity bureau of the Washington head office of this structure Jerone Mendes.
15 July 2005 [09:13]

Struggle against Corruption Fund prepared changes and additions to bill “About struggle against corruption”

A press-conference was held by the Struggle against Corruption Fund in the International Press Center today for giving information about the “Project of changes and additions to the bill of the Azerbaijan Republic “About struggle against corruption”.
15 July 2005 [08:57]

Vafa Guluzade: “Referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh should not be held”

The official Baku must not agree to hold a referendum in Nagorno Karabakh, as this move will lead to the loss of the native territories of Azerbaijan, the former state advisor on political issues of the president of Azerbaijan, a political analyst Vafa Guluzade made such a statement in his exclusive interview to Trend.
15 July 2005 [08:46]

Expert of European Union is on visit in Azerbaijan

The expert of the European Union mister Peter Ranger is on a visit in Azerbaijan on July 11-16 in the frame of the Control on Narcotics in Border Territories project of the “Southern Caucasus Anti-Drug Programme” (SCAD) Regional Aid Programme financed by the European Union and executed by the UNO Development Program.
15 July 2005 [08:44]

Azeri deputy transport minister: “Armenia is not in transport blockade”

“Armenia is not in transport blockade,” Musa Panahov, the Deputy Azerbaijani Transport Minister, told Trend on Thursday.
15 July 2005 [08:40]

International conference on safety in Caspian Sea starts

(ITAR-TASS) – Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, who was in working visit in Astrakhan province, arrived at the flagship of the Caspian fleet ‘Tatarstan’, to attend an international conference on safety in the Caspian Sea.
15 July 2005 [08:38]

Co-chairs met with head of separatist regime Arkadi Gukasyan

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs Steven Mann (USA), Bernar Fasie (France) and Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia) who left for Khankendi from Baku through the territory of Armenia conducted meeting with head of separatist regime Arkadi Gukasyan.
15 July 2005 [08:30]

NDI representative: “No one can give a recipe of democracy to Azerbaijan out”

“No one can give a recipe of democracy to Azerbaijan abroad. The people of Azerbaijan should use its sovereign right for election,” Patrick Merloe, the head of the Elections Program of the National Democracy Institute (NDI), told a news conference in Baku on Thursday.
15 July 2005 [08:27]

Madeline Albright held press-conference devoted to results of her visit to Azerbaijan

The former USA state secretary, chairman of the National Democracy Institute (NDI) Madlen Albright arrived in Baku on July 10 held a press-conference before she left Baku yesterday.
15 July 2005 [08:25]

Gultekin Hadjiyeva: Document of international crisis group tells on deliberaye order against Azerbaijan

The conference dedicated to the prospects for solution of the Karabakh conflict has taken place in Tbilisi, and has been organized by the International Crisis group.
15 July 2005 [08:23]

Agreed element in talks on solving Nagrno Karabakh conflict is associated with returning 5 regions

The question of returning 5 regions of the occupied territories to Azerbaijan has already been solved; this question is not the subject of the talks held by means of the co-chairmen of the OSCE Minsk Group (MG).
15 July 2005 [08:18]

Asim Mollazade to leave for USA on a business visit

At the invitation of the Carnegy Fund and the Enterprise Institute the visit of the Democratic Reforms Party (PDR) chairman, a member of the Parliament Asim Mollazade commences on 15 July, the party told Trend.