TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

"I LOVE ABSURDE" exhibition to be held in Baku - PHOTOS

13 July 2012 [11:48] - TODAY.AZ
The exhibition "I LOVE ABSURDE" consisting of artist Afet Baghirova's artworks will be held in Baku. The vernissage will take place on 19th of July 2012 at 7 pm at Kicik QalArt.

Human brain is rational and functions with a well-coordinated system. We are sure that the world that we perceive is the same as it's accepted by our brain, but in fact the world does not consist of colors, sounds and flavours. In scientific terms it's explained differently - for example, color is reflection of solar photons off the object. The rule applies to sounds and flavours. The human structure has been originally composed and not accustomed to any kind of innovation, our minds like comfort. It can be called security of a body, which is one of the oldest instincts of the living beings. World obeys instincts. Afet suggests we put a different complexion on the matter. By combining rational images and objects, she gives us a knife to cut the Stereotype. Paintings, sculptures, installations of Afet can be well perceived by brain, but it's almost impossible to logically finish the author's thought - author is inspired by situations which have nothing to do with logic or structure.

Our understanding of the world is based on a logical chain of beginning-end. Each situation must have a beginning, an end, a purpose, a goal... Must? Do we decide that? If we look deeper into our subconscious mind and take a look at the world from there we'll realize that our consciousness has created a handy prism through which we're trying to understand our complicated and at the same time ridiculously simple world.

There is no situation in Afet's artworks which could be logically explained. The author does not know why all of a sudden Grace Bol's head began to flow like a liquid. If you asked the artist what does an exact artwork of hers mean you would have been greeted with an unexpected response, because Afet's artworks are created to make an impact not only on verbal but also on the unconscious. By operating with visual effects the author is creating chaos in our understanding. Our strong stereotype that the artwork has to necessarily mean something places us into a logic labyrinth, a labyrinth which Afet is willing to break.

Fear is our response to an unknown. For thousands of years mankind has patched up the unclear with ideas, dogmas which all erupted into religion! But with the advent of science the old patch had been tear off the suspense, and science could illuminate the phenomenon of which we were this much frightened. Meanwhile the science itself is patching up the Unknown! The logical completeness is our standard. But in nature we see none of a logical completeness, none of a standard! The stone lying under the Greenland ices has no logical bind. Afet's artworks cause an effect of a return to nature, generating the original mother of essence while using contemporary tools. Maybe we have created too convenient world for still being able to perceiving the reality.


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