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Azerbaijani pavilion to be set up at 60th Venice Biennale

18 April 2024 [16:41] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan will be represented at the 60th Venice Biennale with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, the Azerbaijan Culture Ministry and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Italy, Azernews reports.

Since 2007, Azerbaijan has participated in the Venice Biennale, which is one of the world's most famous platforms in the field of modern art. This year, the 60th Venice Biennale will take place from April 20 to November 24, under the motto "Foreigners Everywhere".

Curator of the Biennale Adriano Pedrosa did not choose the topic by chance. Adriano Pedrosa, stating that the Biennale operates against the background of crises related to the migration of people to different countries, notes that this is accompanied by various differences and difficulties.

"Foreigners are everywhere" has two meanings. First, no matter where we go, we encounter foreigners everywhere - they (we) are everywhere. Secondly, if we go to any foreign place, we are always foreigners.

The Azerbaijani pavilion located in Campo della Tana, one of the amazing architectural monuments of the 16th century, was organised on the theme "From Caspian to Pink Planet: I Am Here" at the Venice exhibition and reflects the motto of the biennale.

The theme of foreignness will be explored through the rich palette of the works of honoured artists Irina Eldarova, Rashad Alakbarov, and artist Vusala Agaraziyeva in our pavilion, created under the curatorship of Luca Beatrice, a critic of modern art, professor of art studies who was the curator of the Italian pavilion at the 53rd Venice Biennale. Trips, travel, and emigration will always have an impact on personal identity and art.

Based on their personal experiences, the authors convey in their works the relevance of the topic of foreignness for Azerbaijan, reflect the deep bonds between a person and the place where he lives, and at the same time declare the importance of treating others with respect through art.

Visitors will be able to see the harmony of the mixture of different cultures and the necessity of the idea of universal mutual understanding by looking at the works from different angles.


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