TODAY.AZ / Society

Hidayet Orujov: "State Committee had illegally registered some religious communities before"

16 April 2007 [18:02] - TODAY.AZ
Chief of State Committee for Religious Communities, Hidayet Orujov has been interviewed by the APA.

How do you assess the religious situation in Azerbaijan?

The religious situation in Azerbaijan is stable and tolerant. I state that there is nothing to worry. I have meetings with different people. The society does not only consist of religious figures. After holding a number of meetings as a chief I came to the conclusion that we think the same way. Azerbaijan is a secular state, and we are sure it will be always be so. Secularity has not been presented or exported to Azerbaijan. Why were the first newspaper, first drama theater, first opera theater and performance and at last a democratic republic established in Azerbaijan? All of them are the result of secular world outlook.

When you assumed office as chief of the State Committee for Religious communities you promised to eliminate the problems on registration of religious communities.

All obstacles in this sphere have been eliminated. Most of the issues remained from the time the State Committee was set up. The appeals of some religious communities had not yet been considered. There were thousands of such appeals. Analyze and solution of these appeals took much time. We solved them. The registration of religious communities was simplified. There were old unsolved problems. Some communities appealed for registration even stopped their activity. Besides, there were communities that were registered illegally. These problems have been removed.

What is your assessment of religious groups in Azerbaijan?

It will take long, if I start speaking about religious sects in Azerbaijan. There many of them, both Islamic and non-Islamic. I do not want to name them separately. For example, Shiite and Sunnite sects, there were unique relationships between these two trends, but no confrontation occurred among them. It shows great intellect and culture. Non-traditional sects came to Azerbaijan beginning from the end of the 20th century. We have normal relationships with the non-traditional trends which do not impede other confessions and do not instigate relations with religions and sects. No matter what religion they belong to they are Azerbaijanis. But some radical groups try to instigate relations between the religions and sects. But it is unacceptable in Azerbaijan. 96% of Azerbaijani population is Muslims. But Azerbaijani government does differentiate between religious confessions. It respects them.

There had been a divergence between Caucasian Muslims Office and State Committee for Religious Communities before your appointment. The society regarded these two committees as conflicting sides. The problem seems to have been solved after you were appointed.

The Caucasian Muslims Office is the largest religious organization all over the Caucasus. The State Committee implements the religious policy of the government, links the activity of state bodies in this sphere and is engaged in the solution of problems of religious communities. I do not see the possibility of problems between the two bodies. The problem was more serious than you said.

What about your activity as a writer?

I am longing for writing. Unfortunately, I can not write now. I have not written anything since I assumed my new office. I have no time to write.


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