TODAY.AZ / Politics

Holding Francophonie Summit in Armenia, dominated by fascism, offends humanism

09 October 2018 [10:43] - TODAY.AZ

By  Trend

Holding the Francophonie Summit in Armenia, a country dominated by fascism and ethnic strife, offends culture and humanism, Azerbaijani MP Hikmet Babaoglu told Trend October 8.

"The international event is considered a kind of holiday for those who love the French language, culture and speak French. But Armenia is a mono-ethnic state, and not a single Frenchman is living there permanently. Generally, other nations do not live in Armenia. The reason is hatred and Armenian aggression against other nations. In 1988, Azerbaijanis living in Armenia were expelled with fascist cruelty, whereas the right to live on those lands belonged to Azerbaijanis," Babaoglu said.

The Azerbaijani MP noted that the artificial state, called "Armenia", was established on the historical lands of Azerbaijan.

"And now the summit of the Francophonie organization is held in Yerevan with the participation of representatives from more than 40 countries. No matter how contradictory it looks, the call of the 17th summit sounds like the preservation of coexistence, humane goals and diversity in the region. The Francophonie summit is held in a country where fascism and ethnic strife, insult of culture and humanism dominate. But there is also the political side of the issue. Armenia wants to receive a political dividend from this event, associated with the French language and culture. Armenians, who have been trying for many years to present themselves as one of the peoples close to the French culture, are communicating something that has never existed – the 'French-Armenian historical ties'. In fact, the history of friendship between Armenians and the French people began with animosity against and betrayal of Ottoman Turkey by Armenians. Today, this is a kind of political message to Russia and a hint that Armenia is pursuing a pro-Western policy," the Azerbaijani MP said.

Babaoglu stressed that it is impossible to hide Armenian fascism with such cheap shows.

"Armenia is an aggressor who committed genocide against Azerbaijanis, and it will be punished for that crime," he said.


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