
24 March 2006 [23:43]

Azerbaijan to release Armenian POW

Azerbaijan has repatriated POW Vartan Saakyan to the Armenian side.
24 March 2006 [23:17]

MPs suggested to declare Iranian Ambassador persona non grata

Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Afshar Suleymani shall be expelled from the country, National Front of the Single Azerbaijan party chairman, MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev told at the parliamentary meeting March 24.
24 March 2006 [23:02]

The resident wounded during cease-fire feels better

The state of Anar Husseynov, the resident of the Aghdam region, who was wounded as a result of violation of the cease-fire by Armenians on March 22-23, is satisfactory.
24 March 2006 [14:52]

Azeri MPs to observe parliamentary elections in Ukraine

Azerbaijani parliamentarians arrived at Ukraine to observe upcoming elections on March 26.
24 March 2006 [14:27]

"Refugees and Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia" on PACE spring session agenda

Declaration on "Refugees and Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia" was included into Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) spring preliminary session agenda. Project of the given document was prepared by the Latvian reporter of the Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population, Boriss Cilevics.
24 March 2006 [13:49]

Cease-fire breach in Armenian-Azeri frontline

March 23 the units of the Armenian armed forces dislocated in 0.4km south of Mazamli village of Gazakh District fired from 18:20pm to 18:25pm the positions of the Azerbaijan National Army in the opposite.
24 March 2006 [13:28]

CEC invites foreign partners to observe re-run elections

The Azerbaijan Central Elections Commission (CEC) will invite representatives of CEC from other countries to observe the re-run parliamentary elections on May 13, CEC Vice-Chairman, Swetlana Gasimova stated.
24 March 2006 [11:56]

Al Qaeda recruiting Azeri girls

"The Al Qaeda terror cell is trying to recruit Azeri girls to carry out suicide attacks," the National Security Minister Eldar Mahmudov has said.
24 March 2006 [11:45]

Opposition cites West's "double standard" on Azerbaijan

The opposition has accused the West of a “double standard” against Azerbaijan.
24 March 2006 [11:27]

Afshar Suleymani: "Azerbaijani TV channels banned me"

"Reckless statements cannot harm relations, relations between the two countries will expand and deepen, planned projects will be implemented," Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Afshar Suleymani, said.
24 March 2006 [11:08]

Steven Mann: "Time works against all of us"

"OSCE MG co-chairs consider peace agreement on Nagorno Karabakh conflict in this year in any version as desirable. But in the conclusion, this agreement depends on the conflicting parties," American co-chair Steven Mann told.
24 March 2006 [09:25]

Vardan Oskanian: "Opportunities to settle Karabakh conflict reduced a bit in 2006"

"After the Istanbul meeting on March 20 the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have not informed of their coming steps yet," Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian said.
24 March 2006 [09:20]

Kazakhstan to enter the list of 50 competing states

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev made traditional appeal to people on March 1.
23 March 2006 [23:48]

CE Venice Commission organizes roundtable on by-elections in Azerbaijan

"The C? Venice Commission supposes to organize roundtable in Baku soon in relation to the by-elections to the Milli Majlis in Azerbaijan May 13, 2006," Tatyana Myshelova, representative of the Venice Commission Secretariat stated.
23 March 2006 [23:16]

South Caucasus Parliamentary Assembly to meet in Berlin

Meeting of the South Caucasus Parliamentary Assembly originally scheduled for late March has been postponed, a member of the South Caucasus parliamentary assembly (PA) from Azerbaijan, MP Zahid Oruj informed.
23 March 2006 [23:02]

Azeri Ombudsman participated in int'l symposium in Bucharest

The Azerbaijani Ombudsman, Elmira Suleymanova took part in the international symposium on "The Role of Women in the Religious World" that was recently held in Bucharest.
23 March 2006 [22:56]

US International Republican Institute to monitor by-elections in Azerbaijan

The US International Republican Institute (IRI) will participate in the re-run parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan scheduled for May 13, 2006.
23 March 2006 [16:56]

Armenians' ceasefire violation wounded Azerbaijani resident

Armenians, from their positions in the occupied village Yusifjanli of Aghdam region of Azerbaijan, fired on the Afatli village, Aghdam, at about 12.30 today.
23 March 2006 [16:18]

Kazakh Premier to pay a visit to Azerbaijan

Danial Ahmetov, the Kazakh Premier, will pay a visit to Azerbaijan, Andar Shukputov, the Kazakh Ambassador to Azerbaijan, informed.
23 March 2006 [15:43]

Jyoti Svarup Pande: "India interested in purchase of oil through BTC"

India will to purchase Azerbaijani oil through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, Trend reports quoting Jyoti Svarup Pande, the Indian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, as saying at a news conference in Baku on Thursday.
23 March 2006 [15:29]

Armenian PM: "Talks on Nagorno Karabakh are not at deadlock"

Talks on Karabakh conflict settlement continue, and they have not still reached a deadlock, stated Armenian Prime Minister, leader of the Republican Party Andranik Margaryan, speaking with the press.
23 March 2006 [15:15]

Andar Shukputov: "Kazakhstan waits for Azerbaijan's reply about oil transit"

Kazakhstan waits for Azerbaijan's reply due to signing of agreement on oil transit through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, Andar Shukputov, the Kazakh Ambassador to Azerbaijan, told press on Thursday.
23 March 2006 [10:53]

Russian MP: "US, EU not seen as impartial Karabakh mediators"

The mediation on settling the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict should be undertaken by "a force that is accepted both in Azerbaijan and Armenian as an impartial party" instead, a Russian MP has said.
23 March 2006 [10:44]

Azeri expert predicts fallout from Iran war

An Azeri political analyst has warned against a possible US attack on Iran.
23 March 2006 [10:32]

OSCE Parliamentary Assembly to adopt resolution on Nagorno Karabakh

Resolution on the Nagorno Karabakh settlement will be adopted at the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Summer Session, Armenian Parliament's vice-speaker, Head of the Armenian delegation to the OSCE PA Vaan Ovannisian stated.
23 March 2006 [09:19]

Ilham Aliyev congratulates Pervez Musharraf

The President Ilham Aliyev has sent a congratulation letter to Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on the national holiday of Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Day of Pakistan.
23 March 2006 [08:43]

Peter Semneby: "The EU's main activity to divert the conflict regulation process to right direction"

"The European Union has a wish to take an active part in the conflict settlement in the South Caucasus," EU Special Envoy for the South Caucasus Peter Semneby stated in Georgia.
23 March 2006 [08:39]

WAC accuses Iranian Amb of offending Azerbaijani statehood

The World Azerbaijanis Congress (WAC) today issued a statement denouncing the Iranian Ambassador to Baku Afshar Suleymanis' recent statements related to the 2nd Congress of World Azerbaijanis.
23 March 2006 [01:09]

Foreign Minister met with PACE delegation

In the process of solving Nagorno Karabakh conflict initially IDPs should return to their places said Edward Lintner, deputy chief of CE Parliamentary Assembly Commission on Legal Affairs and Human Rights after the meeting with Elmar Mammadyarov, minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan.
23 March 2006 [00:59]

French Ambassador to Armenia: "Rambouillet doesn't mean end of talks"

"The activities for the conflict settlement will be continued this year," he added.
23 March 2006 [00:55]

Istanbul meeting of Karabakh settlement mediators had working character

Co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group in Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement still do not comment to the press on the agenda of their negotiations in Istanbul of March 20.
23 March 2006 [00:45]

CEC holds a meeting

A meeting of the Central Electoral Commission of Azerbaijan (CEC) took place on March 22.
23 March 2006 [00:39]

US Ambassador Reno Harnish leaves Azerbaijan

US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish's completes his duties.
22 March 2006 [23:54]

Greeks want Azerbaijan's written commitment on not recognizing Northern Cyprus

Problem caused by the flight from Azerbaijan to Northern Cyprus on June 27 last year has remained unsolved.
22 March 2006 [18:04]

President meets with PACE Vice Chairman on human rights

The President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, received delegation headed by the Vice Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on human rights, member of PACE monitoring group, Edward Linthner March 22.
22 March 2006 [17:54]

Azeri Diaspora's policy doesn't aimed at Iranian internal affairs

Some thoughts voiced during the 2nd congress of World Azerbaijanis in relation to Iran can not be the official position of Azerbaijan, Nazim Ibrahimov, the Chair of the State Committee on Azerbaijanis Living Abroad, stated.
22 March 2006 [12:56]

President Aliyev: "Resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict through territorial integrity only"

The resolution of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno Karabakh passes through the rehabilitation of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and repatriation of refugees, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated in his appeal to nation at the ceremonial celebration of Novruz Bayram.
21 March 2006 [20:39]

Sultan of Brunei met with Elmar Mammadyarov

His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam on Monday granted an audience to Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, at Istana Nurul Iman.
21 March 2006 [20:17]

Edward Lintner and Werner Munch met opposition leaders

Edward Lintner, deputy chief of CE Parliamentary Assembly Commission on Legal Affairs and Human Rights and Werner Munch, European Union expert today separately met with opposition leaders.
21 March 2006 [20:13]

Deputy Chair Armenian Parliament: "Growth of anti-Russian sentiments in Armenia is possible"

"After the growth of tariffs for Russian gas pragmatic approaches substituted for empiric pro-Russian sentiments," Armenian Vice-Speaker Vahan Hovhannisyan said.
21 March 2006 [16:41]

OSCE MG Co-Chairs meet in Istanbul

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs have held regular consultations in Istanbul.
21 March 2006 [14:33]

Turkish Ambassador visited Tovuz region

Tural Morali, ambassador of Turkey to Azerbaijan visited Tovuz's villages on the boarder with Armenia.
21 March 2006 [14:02]

The EU and conflict resolution in the South Caucasus

To guarantee its own security, the EU must become more engaged in resolving the conflicts in the South Caucasus lest they ignite into full-fledged wars in Europe's neighbourhood.
21 March 2006 [12:07]

Missed Azerbaijanis' destiny to be discussed at PACE meeting

Destiny of the missed Azerbaijanis will be discussed at the meeting of Parliament Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) committee for refugees, population and migration issues of on March 20 in Brussels, Belgium.
20 March 2006 [23:22]

Will Georgia recognize "Armenian genocide"?

"Georgia sympathizes with the Armenian people who survived the tragedy in 1915 that resulted in such great number of victims," Georgian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Armenia Revaz Gachechiladze said.
20 March 2006 [22:40]

Azerbaijan submits 7 MoUs to enhance cooperation with Malaysia

Azerbaijan has submitted seven memoranda of understanding to Malaysia containing its proposals to enhance bilateral cooperation and relationship.
18 March 2006 [21:34]

MFA advices Iranian Ambassador to stop showing his emotions

Foreign Ministry comments Suleymani's statement.
18 March 2006 [21:10]

Armenians instructed Azeri prisoner to blow up President's route

As a result of counter-intelligence measures, it was proved that junior sergeant of a military unit of Azerbaijan's Defense Ministry, resident of Shamkir region Bakirov Ruslan Khagani, who has been in Armenian captive from February 15 till May 7, 2005, had a secret cooperation with Armenian intelligence services.
18 March 2006 [21:06]

Minister of Defence Industry appointed

Former head of "Azneft" appointed to a new position.
18 March 2006 [20:52]

Protest action in front of Iranian Embassy

A group of classical wing of Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan tried to hold unsanctioned picket opposite embassy of Iran to Azerbaijan.
18 March 2006 [12:18]

President received Turkish delegation

President Ilham Aliyev received the delegation headed by Akkan Suver, Chairman of Marmara Group Strategic and Social Research Foundation, Turkey.
18 March 2006 [10:56]

Azerbaijani Embassy in Russia sent note to Russian Foreign Ministry

Azerbaijani Embassy in Russia sent a note to Russian Foreign Ministry due to the fact that Nagorno Garabagh was shown as territory of Armenia at Inter RAO EES website.
18 March 2006 [10:16]

Iranian Ambassador threatens Azerbaijan

Afshar Suleymani is indignant at the World Azerbaijanis Congress Chairman's words.
18 March 2006 [09:13]

Elmar Mammadyarov meets with Malaysian PM and FM

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov paid and official visit to Malaysia. The Minister had talks with Malaysian officials.
18 March 2006 [08:22]

Azerbaijani MPs to attend meeting of PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population

The next meeting of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population will be held in Brussels March 20-21.
17 March 2006 [23:44]

Note from Iranian government

The Iranian Embassy in Baku sent a note to Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry as a result of "anti-Iranian" statements voiced at the 2nd Congress of World Azerbaijanis.
17 March 2006 [18:10]

President received Latvian Delegation

Today President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev received the delegation headed by Ainars Latkovskis, Minister of Special Assignments of Society Integration Affairs.
17 March 2006 [17:45]

President Aliyev receives delegation headed by EU Special Envoy

March 17 Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev received delegation headed by Peter Semnebi, the European Union Special Envoy to South Caucasus.
17 March 2006 [16:12]

British journalist Thomas de Waal: "Armenians and Azeris doomed to be neighbors"

"Permanent political instability in Azerbaijan was an important factor in the Karabakh war," said author of "Black Garden" book dedicated to the Nagorno Karabakh conflict Thomas de Waal.
17 March 2006 [15:48]

Novruz Mammadov: "Vardan Oskanian trying to derail peace talks"

Azeri presidential administration accused Armenian Foreign Minister of attempting to derail efforts to settle the long-standing Nagorno Karabakh conflict, following the latter's outrageous statement.
17 March 2006 [15:05]

Daniel Fried: "Azerbaijan, Armenia seeking to continue talks"

"The talks on settling the long-standing Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict are not stagnant," said the US Department of State Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Daniel Fried as saying.
17 March 2006 [10:22]

Armenian Armed Forces violated cease-fire in Gazakh and Terter

Armenians violated the cease-fire at Gazakh and Terter frontlines.
17 March 2006 [10:19]

KLO members arrested

Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) made several attempts to prevent participation of Armenian representatives in the preparatory conference to the OSCE Economic Forum, but police prevented the attempts.
17 March 2006 [10:05]

NATO PA spring session to discuss Karabakh issue

Azerbaijani delegation led by first Deputy Speaker of Parliament Ziyafet Asgharov will attend NATO Parliamentary Assembly spring session in Paris this May.
17 March 2006 [09:59]

Peter Semneby: "I believe in settlement of Karabakh conflict"

He thinks there is much likelihood that the conflict will be settled in 2006.
17 March 2006 [09:56]

CEC composition to be fully formed after re-elections

The composition of the Central Election Commission (CEC) will be fully formed after the Constitutional Court's decision on the re-run of the parliamentary elections.
17 March 2006 [09:38]

Frank Geerkens: "Restoration of relations might be useful for Azerbaijan and Armenia"

He said that OSCE focuses on the settlement of Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.
17 March 2006 [09:34]

Steven Mann: "No political implication in OSCE MG meeting in Istanbul"

"There is no special meaning in the next meeting of co-chairs of the OSCE MG for settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict to be held in Istanbul," OSCE Minsk Group US Ambassador Steven Mann said in Yerevan.
16 March 2006 [19:34]

ANIP leader meets with Director of NDI

On Thursday Etibar Mammadov, the leader of the Azerbaijan National Independence Party (ANIP), met with Amy Sultz, the Director of the U.S. National Democratic Institute (NDI).
16 March 2006 [18:54]

Chair of Polish Parliament to visit Azerbaijan

Bogdan Borusevich, the chair of the Upper Chamber of the Polish Senate will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan from 6 to 7 April.
16 March 2006 [18:40]

Ali Ahmadov rules out state financing of political parties in 2006

"The implementation of state financing of political parties in Azerbaijan is impossible in 2006," said Ali Ahmadov, the Executive Secretary of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan Party (YAP).
16 March 2006 [18:20]

Term of CE action plan on parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan prolonged

The efficiency term of the Council of Europe's Action Plan on parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan has been prolonged.
16 March 2006 [17:20]

Asim Mollazade meets with Director of NDI on Azerbaijan

Asim Mollazade, the chairman of the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP), met with Emi Shultz, the Director of the U.S. National Democratic Institute (NDI) on Azerbaijan.
16 March 2006 [17:00]

Program of Azeri FM's visit to Malaysia defined

"Elmar Mammadyarov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, will start his official visit to Malaysia on Thursday evening," said the head of the Media and Information Policy Department of the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, Tahir Tagizade.