
02 May 2006 [21:22]

President accepted Ambassador from Oman sultanate

The Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev accepted specially assigned Ambassador of Oman sultanate, personal advisor of sultan, Oman's representative in UN and UNESCO free will Ambassador, Sheikh Hasan Shakir May 2.
02 May 2006 [17:39]

NATO week to be held in Baku

Next NATO week will be held in Baku, NATO mission in Azerbaijan press-attach?, Leila Abdullayeva informs.
02 May 2006 [17:19]

Musavat: "6 applications submitted for nomination to the Party's Medjlis"

6 applications were submitted to Congress Organization Committee for nomination to Musavat's Medjlis, Chairman of the Committee, Deputy Head of Musavat Vurgun Eyyub stated.
02 May 2006 [17:13]

International human rights conference due

On initiative of the Ombudsman of the Azerbaijan Republic Elmira Suleymanova, Baku is to host May 5-7 at international conference on human rights "Status of cooperation and prospects to improve protection of human rights".
02 May 2006 [16:34]

Kazakh PM to meet Iranian leader during his visit to Azerbaijan

The Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Daniyal Akhmetov will visit Azerbaijan May 4-6, the official spokesperson of Kazakhstan MFA Yerzhan Ashikbayev has announced today at briefing.
02 May 2006 [15:09]

Asim Mollazadeh to participate in international conference

On May 2 Asim Mollazadeh, chairman of Democratic Reforms Party, took of for Vilnius to partake in conference entitled "Europe new democracies and Euro-Atlantic diary" by invitation of Lithuanian foreign Minister Antanas Valjonis.
02 May 2006 [15:05]

Azerbaijani government is interested in democratic and transparent elections

All elections in Azerbaijan should reflect the position of voters i.e. the whole electoral process should be open and transparent.
02 May 2006 [13:36]

President of NATO Parliamentary Assembly to visit Azerbaijan

Pierre Lellouche, president of NATO's Parliamentary Assembly, is going to visit Azerbaijan in 2006, Leyla Abdullayeva, press attach? with Azeri Mission to NATO, informs.
02 May 2006 [12:53]

Putin, Bush discuss Iran issue by phone

The Russian and U.S. presidents, Vladimir Putin and George W. Bush, in a telephone call on Monday, discussed interaction between their countries on international issues including the Iranian nuclear program.
02 May 2006 [12:46]

No trip to Nagorno Karabakh planned after Moscow meeting of OSCE Minsk Group

The OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs, US Ambassador Steven Mann, Russian Ambassador Yuriy Merzlyakov, and French Ambassador Bernard Fassier set up two-day consultations in Moscow May 2, Terry Davidson, spokesman of the Department for Europe and Eurasia of the US Department of States.
02 May 2006 [08:24]

Document on communication field will be signed between South Korea and Azerbaijan

Cooperation issues between two countries will be discussed during the Korean President's visit to Azerbaijan May 10-12.
02 May 2006 [08:18]

Armenian Armed Forces violated ceasefire 65 times in April

Within April month, Armenian Armed Forces have violated ceasefire in several directions 65 times.
02 May 2006 [08:12]

One month baby and 109 aged resident are among the captives

Azerbaijan State Commission (SC) on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons have registered 6583 lost residents as a result of Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict (1988-2006).
01 May 2006 [21:55]

Eurasia Daily Monitor: "Azerbaijan on the West's new frontier of energy security"

An arcticle by Vladimir Socor published by the Jamestown Foundation.
01 May 2006 [17:07]

CE ministers committee approves 2 actions plans on elections in Azerbaijan

The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers approved a similar two-year action plan (2006-2007) 8 to assist the authorities in fulfilling the country's outstanding commitments, report of the incumbent CE chairman for January-April, 2006.
01 May 2006 [16:29]

Turkish PM will warn Iranian President over nuclear program

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is due to attend the annual meeting of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan this Friday.
01 May 2006 [16:24]

Azerbaijan's Way leads action in Canada

On occasion of 14t anniversary of Shusha siege, political movement Azerbaijan's Way led an action in Feierbach, Canada.
01 May 2006 [14:27]

DRP leader meet with OSCE representatives

Asim Mollazade, Chairman of the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP) met with the vice-head of the OSCE pre-elections mission in Azerbaijan, Herald Yapson and specialist on elections Rikkardo Kelleri.
01 May 2006 [14:12]

Azerbaijan is example of intercultural and inter-religion dialog for the entire region

Azerbaijan is an example of intercultural and inter-religion dialog for the entire region, Azeri Ambassador to Spain Mamed Aliyev, who was speaking at international conference "Europe for intercultural dialog" held in Granada, stated.
01 May 2006 [13:59]

Korean President to visit Azerbaijan

During the official visit to Azerbaijan, President Roh Moo-hyun is expected to bolster energy and natural resources diplomacy.
01 May 2006 [12:16]

Armistice breach fixed on frontline

April 30 the units of the Armenian armed forces dislocated in Gizil Hajili village of Gazakh District of Azerbaijan fired from 23:00pm to 23:45pm the positions of the Azerbaijan National Army placed in Mazamli village of the same district.
01 May 2006 [09:01]

U.S. News: "A Big Ally in a Tiny Country"

President's Aliyev interview to U.S. News & World Report edition.
01 May 2006 [08:47]

PM receives Kazakhstan delegation

Azerbaijani Prime Minister Arthur Rasizade received co-chairs of Azerbaijan-Kazakhstan intergovernmental commission on economic cooperation, Deputy Premier Abbas Abbasov and Kazakh Energy Minister Baktikoja Izmukhamedov.
01 May 2006 [08:40]

Roundtable on "Role of governmental bodies in elections' organization" held

Roundtable on "Role of governmental bodies in elections' organization" has been held in Baku organized by Parliamentary Assemble of Council of Europe (PACE).
01 May 2006 [08:30]

Speaker of Azeri Parliament awarded "Commonweath" order

Speaker of Milly Majlis Ogtay Asadov's visit to Saint–Petersburg for taking part in 100 jubilee of Russia State Duma completed.
01 May 2006 [08:00]

Ilham Aliyev returns from the US

President's Office informed that President Ilham Aliyev had returned from the US on Saturday.
29 April 2006 [19:58]

US Department of State notes Azerbaijan's successes in fighting terror

The US Department of State published a Country Reports on Terrorism 2005.
29 April 2006 [19:56]

Samed Seyidov: "Lord Russell-Johnston to visit South Caucasus"

Position of the Council of Europe on Nagorno Karabakh conflict is evident - full recognition of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity as it was mentioned in resolution 1416, adopted during the January 2005 session, said the head of the Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation in CE, MP Samed Seyidov.
29 April 2006 [19:52]

Deputy Speaker met with members of PACE's observation mission

First deputy chairman of Milli Majlis, head of parliamentary commission for security and defense Ziyafet Askerov met with members of PACE's observation mission that currently visits Baku.
29 April 2006 [19:31]

Azerbaijan denies hosting CIA secret prisons

Azerbaijan dismissed Saturday reports of CIA secret jails on its territory.
29 April 2006 [09:27]

"Azadliq" bloc will apply to found TV

"Azadliq" bloc will apply to relevant state organizations to found television, PFPA Chairman Ali Karimli informs.
29 April 2006 [09:19]

Leo Platvoet holds press conference

Head of PACE Election Observation Mission Leo Platvoet held press conference.
29 April 2006 [08:53]

Azerbaijani students will hold meeting in Izmir

Azerbaijani students studying in Turkey will hold meeting May 6 in Izmir.
29 April 2006 [08:37]

Baku criticizes Yerevan statement on Karabakh

Yerevan's statement that Nagorno Karabakh's re-inclusion in Azerbaijan is impossible was designed "for domestic consumption," an Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry spokesman said Friday.
29 April 2006 [08:36]

KLO issued statement denouncing Armenian FM's visit to Khankendi

Today Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) has issued statement denouncing Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian's visit to Khankendi.
28 April 2006 [19:54]

President Aliyev meets President Bush

Remarks by President Aliyev and President Bush in a photo opportunity.
28 April 2006 [19:45]

Bush wants diplomatic solution to Iran nuclear issue

President George W. Bush said on Friday he wanted to solve the Iran nuclear issue diplomatically and peacefully.
28 April 2006 [18:45]

Samad Seyidov: "Election Code will not be changed up to repeat parliamentary elections"

Azeri Government is not going to revise Election Code (EC) up to repeat parliamentary elections of May 13, 2006.
28 April 2006 [14:30]

Ilham Aliyev: "Azerbaijan won't be a place for US-Russian confrontation"

"If the United States of America and Russia want a place for confrontation let them choose not Azerbaijan, but other place," visiting the Unites States of America Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan told at Business and Investment Meeting of the US-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce (USACC).
28 April 2006 [14:08]

Ali Hasanov: "Elections boycott is not actual for Azerbaijan"

Elections boycott is not on political agenda of Azerbaijan, Ali Hasanov, Head of Public Policy Department of President's Administration stated April 28.
28 April 2006 [13:14]

CEC requests Venice commission for technical support

Central Election Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan sent a request for support in upgrade of complaints examination mechanism to the Venice Commission of Council of Europe, Shahin Aliyev, Chief of Legislation and legal expertise issues department, stated.
28 April 2006 [12:52]

Russian military technique transported from Georgia via Azerbaijan

Russian military technique will not be transported from Georgia by sea, General Vladimir Isakov, Head of rear services of Military Forces of the Russian Federation and Deputy Minister of Defense of the RF, stated.
28 April 2006 [12:29]

Azeri speaker attends 100th anniversary of Russian State Duma

The Speaker of Milli Majlis, Oktai Asadov, address a ceremony held in St-Petersburg in connection with the 100th anniversary of the State Duma.
28 April 2006 [10:50]

Washington Post: "Bush to receive Azerbaijan's leader"

Washington Post published an article by David S. Hilzenrath and Bradley Graham on the Ilham Aliyev's visit to the United States.
28 April 2006 [09:37]

CIS and OSCE observation mission representatives to meet May 2

CIS observation mission headquarter leader Yevgeni Sloboda will meet with OSCE/ODIHR bureau limited election observation mission leader Gert Ahrens.
28 April 2006 [09:33]

Vladimir Gork to lead CIS mission to observe by-elections in Azerbaijan

CIS Observation Mission headquarters will start on April 24.
28 April 2006 [09:20]

Stratfor: "Baku is much readier for the war than before"

Stratfor Agency spread analytic information about probable resumption of hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh.
28 April 2006 [09:12]

The Washington Times: "Progress in Azerbaijan"

The Washington Times published an article "Progress in Azerbaijan" by S. Rob Sobhani, President of Caspian Energy Consulting, on the Ilham Aliyev's visit to the United States.
28 April 2006 [08:49]

Steven Mann: "Efficient grounds exist in solution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

"Efficient grounds exist for compromise in solution process of Nagorno Karabakh conflict," OSCE Minsk Group American co-chair Steven Mann has said.
28 April 2006 [08:42]

Isa Gambar: "We will start mass protests if by-elections are like November 6"

Musavat Party Chair Isa Gambar told that he would take stance on some issues when it is time.
28 April 2006 [08:31]

Abdulla Gul: "US does not plan any military intervention against Iran"

"The US does not plan any military intervention against Iran. I consider that the US will not make any military interference against Iran. Washington increases pressures against this country through UNO line", this statement was made to journalists by Abdulla Gul, Foreign Minister of Turkey.
28 April 2006 [08:28]

"Freedom House" Organization announced next report

"Freedom House" Organization announced next report with regard to elections on polls' base about re-election situation, political situation in Azerbaijan, political prisoner problem, freedom of speech and press, activities of courts, living condition of people.
27 April 2006 [23:16]

CIS heads to discuss 20 matters

20 different issues are expected to be discussed at the next meeting of the CIS countries government heads, which is due to take place in Dushanbe May 25.
27 April 2006 [19:34]

Turkey tells Rice it opposes military option

Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer stressed to visiting U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Tuesday that Turkey wants a peaceful diplomatic resolution to the Iranian nuclear crisis, and that it opposes any military options.
27 April 2006 [16:16]

No incidents during monitoring

No incidents noticed during the monitoring at the front lines between Azerbaijani and Armenian armed forces April 27, the Head of the Defense Ministry press-service, Ilgar Verdiyev stated.
27 April 2006 [15:08]

Ombudsmen of BSEC gather in Istanbul

Ombudsmen of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) have gathered in Istanbul, Turkey, to discuss role of Ombudsman institution in strengthening democracy.
27 April 2006 [14:30]

Head of PACE Mission Leo Platvoet visited Milli Majlis

April 27, 2006 Head of PACE Mission for repeat parliamentary elections Leo Platvoet met with members of Azeri delegation to PACE in Milli Majlis.
27 April 2006 [14:01]

President Aliyev holds meetings in the U.S. Congress

President of Azerbaijan on 26 April at the U.S. Congress building met with Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
27 April 2006 [13:55]

CE to host conference on re-run parliamentary elections

Meeting in the top dedicated to the forthcoming re-run parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan scheduled for 13 May will be held at Park Inn hotel of Baku April 26, 2006.
27 April 2006 [12:44]

GUAM national coordinators meet in Kiev

A regular meeting of the Committee of National Coordinators of the GUAM member states (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) was held in Kiev on April 25-26, the Georgian Foreign Ministry reported.
27 April 2006 [12:35]

MP proposes parliament TV

An MP has proposed to establish a television channel for the Azeri parliament.
27 April 2006 [12:31]

Turkish Prime Minister expected May 4

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan is due to arrive in Azerbaijan May 4.
27 April 2006 [12:25]

Iranian FM to visit Baku

Iranian Foreign Minister Manuchekhr Mottaki is visiting Baku in early May.
27 April 2006 [09:18]

President Aliyev: "Azerbaijan can't help Washington in any hostile action against Iran"

Azerbaijani President, Ilham Aliyev, is in Washington this week for meetings with U.S. government officials, including President George W. Bush April 28.
27 April 2006 [09:11]

Turkish embassy comes under Armenian terror threat

A number of media have released reports suggesting the Turkish embassy in Baku came under a threat of a terrorist act on the day of the fake Armenian genocide.
27 April 2006 [08:56]

U.S. State Department: "No connection beetwen Ambassador Harnish, death of his former interpreter and a sex ring"

The State Department yesterday denounced reports that attempted to link the former U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan to a sex ring and to the slaying of his former interpreter.
27 April 2006 [08:33]

Armenian Armed Forces violated cease-fire again

Armenians still continue to violate the cease-fire.
27 April 2006 [08:26]

Ali Hasanov: "We hope OSCE MG co-chair states will intensify pressure on official Yerevan"

"We think that the US and Azerbaijani presidents will discuss Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Iran problem and other problems of regional concern and will exchange views on these issues," President's Office socio-political department Chief Ali Hasanov stated.
27 April 2006 [08:09]

Sabina Freizer: "US should think of Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement"

"Energy and security issues are likely to dominate the 28 April meeting of President Bush and President Ilham Aliyev. It will be Aliyev's first visit since becoming Head of the oil-rich state bordering both Russia and Iran; and Teheran's nuclear ambitions are undoubtedly one of the main reasons Aliyev has been invited to the White House."
26 April 2006 [19:00]

Vice-speaker considers unnecessary to mark Occupation Day on May 8

There is no necessity to mark some individual day as the day of lands occupation, Bahar Muradova, Deputy Chairman of Milli Medjlis, stated.
26 April 2006 [18:24]

Political Center for Coordination of Opposition establishes meeting organization committee

Political Center for Coordination of Opposition (PCCO) established a committee for preparation to the meeting scheduled to May 6, Ayaz Rustamov, Chairman of National Independence party of Azerbaijan (NIPA), stated.
26 April 2006 [14:58]

President Aliyev arrives in Washington D.C.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev arrived on April 25 in Washington D.C. at the invitation of the President of the United State of America George W. Bush.
26 April 2006 [14:47]

HRW: "Bush must press for human rights reform in Azerbaijan"

U.S. President George W. Bush must press for concrete progress in Azerbaijan's poor human rights record when he hosts Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliev at the White House on Friday, Human Rights Watch said in a letter sent last week to President Bush.
26 April 2006 [14:17]

Hidayat Orujov: "Azerbaijan decisively condemns all types of fascism"

Representatives of all nations, residing in the territory of Azerbaijan equally suffered from the Armenian fascism.
26 April 2006 [14:11]

Ziyafet Askerov meets with Youth association of Turkey's ruling party

Ziyafet Askerov, first deputy chairman of Milli Majlis, received a group of members of Youth Associaiton with Justice and Development Party of Turkey.