TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani FM discusses strengthening of relations with Lithuanian speaker

09 February 2011 [19:30] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov on Wednesday received a delegation headed by Speaker of the Lithuanian Seimas Irena Degutiene, Foreign Ministry's press service reported.

They emphasized the rising rate of the development of relations between the countries and large opportunities for extension of cooperation in the energy, agricultural and other fields.

Minister Elmar Mammadyarov spoke about the situation in the region and called the non-solution of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem as an obstacle preventing the general development of the region. He said it was important that the international community showed its univocal position on the facts of occupation of the Azerbaijani lands by Armenia, ethnic cleansing in the occupied territories and expelling of peaceful population from their homes.

In her turn, Degutiene said her country univocally supported the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan and about 50 members of the Lithuanian Seimas signed a resolution about the conflict. The Lithuanian guest wished soonest peaceful solution of the problem and emphasized the importance of increasing the efforts by the international organizations.


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