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Neymar's arrival beginning of clash!?

05 June 2013 [15:31] - TODAY.AZ
Neymar's arrival has been received by Culés with both absolute delight and a certain amount of fear about how the relationship between the Brazilian and Messi may develop behind the scenes. Even more so after Johan Cruyff's warning a week ago when he said that "there can't be two captains of the same ship".

MARCA decided to gauge the feeling of the situation by speaking to influential 'Azulgranas', discovering that opinion is split. There are those who think there will not be any problem, and those who believe the two will clash for the role of top dog off the field. "It's not just Messi; there are other big fish in the dressing room. It's a nice problem to have. Give me good players", was the comment from Julio Salinas, who shared locker space with many top players in his time.

Other former footballers, such as Moratella, were of the same opinion: "They could be a brilliant match". And Sadurní: "If they are intelligent, there's no need for them to clash".

Other influential Barça figures are not so sure. "Neymar was the boss, and now he's coming to a place where that's not the case. There won't be any problems to begin with but Leo may lose his peace of mind..." ex-agent Minguella commented.

Former presidency candidate, Jordi Majó, is of the same mind: "I totally agree with Cruyff, from start to finish. Historically it hasn't worked and there's a clear risk. It's a gamble". Ex-management Ramón Fusté goes even further, saying: "I think he will clash with Messi. That was one of the reasons Guardiola left".



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