TODAY.AZ / Politics

U.S. senator: "Partnership should be built upon such reliable partners as Azerbaijan"

07 December 2011 [17:35] - TODAY.AZ
The new Azerbaijan America Alliance NGO was presented Tuesday here. The presentation ceremony drew US MPs and government officials, representatives of the diplomatic corps, activists of the US Azerbaijani community as well as members of think tanks.

Opening the event, AAA founder Anar Mammadov said the organization aims to have Azerbaijan recognized in the US and contribute to expansion of US-Azerbaijan relationship. To this end, the AAA will be looking for the ways to develop the friendship between the nations by working with US governmental bodies, NGOs, education sector and cultural centers.

The presentation was attended by former Republican nominee for president, senator from Arizona John McCain, congressman from South Carolina Joe Wilson, Illinois` congressman Randy Hultgren, congressman from California Dana Rohrabacher, Florida state representative Corrine Brown and other American legislators.

McCain pointed out US must seek allies in the changing world. This partnership should be built upon such reliable partners as Azerbaijan. The senator pointed out construction of the gas pipeline from the Caspian basin via Turkey to Europe meets the US interests.


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