TODAY.AZ / Politics

Azerbaijani political expert explained why Iran wants to mediate in resolving Karabakh conflict

20 April 2010 [15:05] - TODAY.AZ
Day.Az interview with well-known Azerbaijani expert Zardusht Alizade.
What are your comments on Iran’s proposal to mediate in resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and organize trilateral meeting of foreign ministers in Tehran?

Usually mediators in conflict resolution are those powers that have ability to influence the parties to the conflict. In the case of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, we have the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs which include the U.S., Russia and France, with an influence on both sides of the conflict.

Unfortunately, this influence is often expressed in open moral, political, financial and other support to the aggressor Armenia. This is reality. And of course, countries that are co-chairs of OSCE Minsk Group, have no desire to change these realities, and, in particular, to allow Iran to mediate in resolving the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

In addition, it should be noted that Iran's leadership has already once attempted to mediate in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Then why does Iran offers its mediation to resolve the conflict once superpowers will not allow it to do so?  

Iranian Foreign Ministry needs to demonstrate to the Iranian people and the world community its ability and willingness to play role of a peacemaker in the region. They are thus trying to prove that Iran is still an important geopolitical player. However, Tehran understands that the world's superpowers will not allow it to increase their influence in our region.

Speaking about Iran, we can not but touch the issue of bad relations between Iran and the United States. How do you assess the probability of force options to address this issue?

Only U.S. president Barack Obama or someone from the Israeli leaders have an exact answer to this question. I can only conclude that Iran is one of the few countries that does not put up with domination of the United States.

Also, the U.S. and Israel are preparing for a planned military operation against Iran over the past years. As part of this preparation, they conduct a series of promotional actions with the recent Washington summit on nuclear safety being one of them. Through this conference they were shaping world public opinion that Iran poses a threat for world and only U.S. can save the world from the "Iranian threat".

In addition, there is adequate preparation for implementation of military action against Iran. As a result, it is possible that U.S. troops will be on a certain part of Iranian territory, just as they are already present on the territory of Afghanistan and Iraq. Of course, Iran will resist actions of the United States.


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