TODAY.AZ / Voice of Diaspora

Azerbaijani students protest outside French embassy in Tbilisi

01 February 2012 [11:57] - TODAY.AZ
Azerbaijani students and NGO representatives in Georgia gathered outside the French embassy to protest the French law criminalizing the denial of so-called “Armenian genocide”. They chanted slogans against the French Senate`s decision in Georgian, Azeri and English.

The statement reads that the decision violates the freedoms of speech and thoughts of not only Turks, but also French citizens. “This is an issue of historians, but not the French Senate. The law is against the 34th article of the French Constitution and will force the Turkic students to interrupt their education in France. It will also prevent the peace and reconciliation in the South Caucasus.

On behalf of 600 000 Turks of Georgia, we express protest against this wrong decision. Four non-governmental organizations, which joined this protest action, decided to boycott all French events in Georgia. We will continue protest actions”. The text of the statement translated into French and English was submitted to the French embass.


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