TODAY.AZ / Politics

I doubt CSTO member states will favor Armenia in case of hostilities with Azerbaijan: political expert

06 August 2009 [16:56] - TODAY.AZ
“I doubt the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states will favor Armenia in case of outbreak of hostilities with Azerbaijan,” Azerbaijani political expert Fikrat Sadigov said while commenting on statement by CSTO secretary general which said that “based on the Treaty on Collective Security fourth article of which says that aggression against one of CSTO member-states is seen as aggression against all.”

“Azerbaijan has not waged a war against a neighboring state. Armenia has occupied a significant part of Azerbaijani territory and continues to support separatism in the territory of our country. Azerbaijan patiently negotiates with Armenia for almost 20 years. But this can not continue forever,” he said.

“CSTO member states, Russian and Armenian leadership and OSCE Minsk Group must understand it. If we resort to force, it will not at all mean that we commit aggression against any state. These are captured Azerbaijani territories. Karabakh is recognized as Azerbaijan’s territory both international organizations and leading states,” he added.

“There are big differences in CSTO as well. They first need to settle relations between them and then think about the prospects. Relations between Belarus and Russia are strained. Kazakhstan is unlikely accept such actions. Other states also build their own foreign policy priorities and they have very kind partnership with Azerbaijan,” he said.  

“I do not think that the opinion of a retired general and secretary general of CSTO Bordyuzha is the opinion of all those leaders who are member of this organization. They all have friendly relations with Azerbaijan,” he said.


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