The European Azerbaijan Society will organize the visit of French origin Ivonna Botto-Shirmammadova, who has been living in Murguzali village of Imishli region of Azerbaijan since 1947, to the France on October 9-18 this year.
The Society said that Ms Botto-Shirmammadova will visit her relatives found as a result of Society’s researches, will visit the settlement where she was born as well as the graves of her deceased owns.
The European Azerbaijan society could find documents and photos belonging to Botto-Shirmammadova as well as her birth certificate in France’s corresponding archives.
Along with the organization of this visit, the European Azerbaijan Society works on shooting of documentary about the life of Botto-Shirmammadova. The shootings of the film are made both in Azerbaijan, in Mirguzali village of Imishli region, and around Le Fayet settlement near Lyon city where she was born. The presentation of the film will be held on November in Paris and shown by French TV channels.
The European Azerbaijan Society thanked French embassy in Azerbaijan, as well as Paris city Mayor’s Office and leadership of Charles de Gaulle Airport for their organizational support in the organizations of the visit and the shooting of the film.
The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS), which is an independent non-governmental organization, was founded in the United Kingdom. Its central office is situated in London. Its objective is to promote Azerbaijan to international audiences and create a sense of community for expatriate Azerbaijanis.
Ivonna Botto Jacques was born in 1928. She arrived in Azerbaijan in 1947. her spouse, soldier of the Soviet army Shammad Shirmammadov fell prisoner to the fascists and was carried to the camp of captives. After the US army freed Italy, he could run to France. He joined the French Liberty Movement and was acquainted with Paul Botto Jacques. Then he got acquainted with Paul’s sister Ivonna and married to her after the war and came to Azerbaijan. Ivonna has been living in Azerbaijan 64 years.