Azerbaijani wrestler Khetag Gazyumov (96 kg) became European champion, defeating Georgian sportsman George Gogshelidze with a score of 2:0, 1:0, thereby retaining his title as European champion.
Member of the Azerbaijani team met with Polish Radoslaw Baran (7:0, 1:0) in the quarter, and with Belarusian Alexei Dubko (4:0, 3:0) in semifinal.
Gazyumov also gained a gold medal last year's World Cup.
Azerbaijan was presented in the championship by Haji Aliyev, Chamssulvar Chamsulvarayev and Khetag Gazyumov.
On the first day of European Championship, Team of Azerbaijan won two gold medals and one silver medal.
On the first day of European Championship, the team of Azerbaijan gained two gold medal and one silver medals.