
14 February 2006 [10:00]

Ogtay Asadov to visit Iran

Chairman of Milli Majlis Ogtay Asadov will pay his next visit to Iran.
14 February 2006 [09:50]

Ali Karimli met with the British Ambassador

PFPA leader Ali Karimli today met with Laurie Bristow.
14 February 2006 [09:20]

Elmar Mammadyarov receives the delegation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov yesterday received the delegation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations which represents 52 the most influential Jewish organizations from the US and other countries.
14 February 2006 [08:51]

Azerbaijan will raise a question on Russia's supply to Armenia in UNO

A conference on illegal proliferation of small arms and light weapons will be held in June-July with participation of UN member countries.
14 February 2006 [08:41]

Fifth conference of TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission deferred till May

Fifth conference of the TRACECA Intergovernmental Commission will be held in Sofia city on May 2-3.
14 February 2006 [08:36]

KLO demands to stop talks with Armenia

Yesterday Karabakh Liberation Organization (KLO) issued a statement demanding stop of negotiations to be held afterward.
14 February 2006 [08:25]

President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the CE visits Azerbaijan

Giovanni Di Stasi, President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, has started his visit to Azerbaijan.
14 February 2006 [08:11]

Mehriban Aliyeva received the delegation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

Yesterday President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, MP Mehriban Aliyeva received the delegation of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.
14 February 2006 [07:32]

Cooperation protocol signed between Transport Ministries of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan

A protocol concerning expansion of relations and development of cooperation on the TRACECA project was signed between the Transport Ministries of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan yeaterday.
13 February 2006 [16:28]

Iranian Foreign Minister arriving in Armenia February 14

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki is arriving in Armenia on a formal visit February 14.
13 February 2006 [16:25]

Peace talks to continue in Washington early March

The negotiations on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement will be continued in Washington in early March.
13 February 2006 [16:02]

OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs go on consultations in Paris

The Co-Chairmen of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk group on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict peaceful settlement continue consultations in Paris, the Group on Nagorno Karabakh under the Russia's Foreign Ministry told.
13 February 2006 [15:15]

Meeting of PACE monitiring committee due

The meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe monitoring committee to be held in early March will consider observation of parliamentary reelections in Azerbaijan scheduled for May 13, Chairman of the Milli Majlis standing commission on international relations and parliamentary ties, head of the Azerbaijan delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Samed Seyidov said.
13 February 2006 [13:48]

Why Robert Kocharyan left negotiations?

Armenian President cuts the negotiations under the pretext om minister's father-in-law death.
13 February 2006 [13:39]

New EU special envoy in South Caucasus is known

A Swedish diplomat Peter Semneby will be a new special envoy of the European Union in South Caucasus.
13 February 2006 [13:19]

Jerusalem Post: "Israel, US Look to Azerbaijan for Help"

Azerbaijan was a strategic partner to Israel and the US and could play a major role in the current showdown with Iran over its nuclear ambitions, foreign diplomats stationed here said over the weekend.
13 February 2006 [02:20]

Staff replacement expected in Ali Bayramli city YAP organization

Gathering of Central Council of YAP organization in Ali Bayramli will be held in a few days.
12 February 2006 [22:37]

Grand National Assembly of Turkey to commemorate Khojaly genocide

An exhibition dedicated to Khojaly genocide will be staged in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
12 February 2006 [22:29]

Azerbaijan-Turkey economic relations to be further developed

An agreement on development of economic ties between Azerbaijan and Turkey was reached during Milli Majlis Chairman Ogtay Asadov's visit to Turkey.
12 February 2006 [22:15]

President's visit to France over

Having finished his visit to France, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev left Paris for Baku on February 12.
12 February 2006 [16:23]

Presidents failed to reach agreement in Rambouillet

On Friday the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan had a tete-a-tete conversation on ways to end the 18-year conflict over the enclave of Nagorno Karabakh, but reached no conclusion and planned more talks Saturday.
12 February 2006 [15:25]

MM delegation back from Turkey

Parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan led by Milli Majlis speaker Ogtay Asadov wrapped up the visit to Turkey and returned home on February 12.
11 February 2006 [17:37]

Iran threatens to reconsider its position on NPT

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Saturday that Iran may reconsider its position on the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty if the West continues to use this agreement as a means of denying the country's right to nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
11 February 2006 [14:59]

Meeting of Foreign Ministries heads of Azerbaijan and Armenia is taking place in Paris

The meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Elmar Mammadyarov and Vardan Oskanyan is currently taking place in Paris.
11 February 2006 [14:55]

Council of Europe Committee of Ministers to debate issue of inadmissibility of Armenia's (occupier) membership of the Council of Europe on 15 February

The letter of inquiry sent by the member of the Azerbaijan delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Rafael Huseynov entitled "Inadmissibility of Armenia's (occupier) membership of the Council of Europe for violating fundamental principles and the main criteria of this Organization" will be debated at the sitting of the Committee of Ministers of the council of Europe (CE) on 15 February.
11 February 2006 [10:45]

Samad Seyidov: "Opposition to get another two places in Azeri delegation to PACE after repeated elections"

Two vacant places in Azerbaijani delegation to PACE will be given to opposition deputies after repeated elections on May 13, said Samad Seyidov, head of Azeri delegation to the organization.
11 February 2006 [10:30]

Mazahir Panahov: "No problem exists with the activity of CEC"

"Although composition of Central Election Commission was not formed completely, there is no problem with the activity of the commission", Chairman of Central Election Commission (CEC) Mazahir Panahov told journalists.
11 February 2006 [10:15]

Ali Karimli: "No reason to boycott both the re-elections and the Parliament, the party admits"

"The decision of Musavat on its quitting Azadliq alliance was not unexpected to me. Thus, the party knew that its anti-bloc steps would lead to its leaving the bloc sooner or later. Musavat quitted the bloc factually by determining to go parliament and re-elections. The party's latest statement is only legal confirmation of this decision."
11 February 2006 [10:05]

Samad Seyidov: "Most probably Leo Platvoet will lead the Council of Europe observation mission in re-elections"

The issue concerning the observation mission of Council of Europe for the rerun of elections to Milli Majlis scheduled for May 13 will be discussed in the Monitoring Committee of the organization.
11 February 2006 [10:00]

Contract on interrelated development of military-industrial complexes to be signed between Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Pakistan

A contract on interrelated development of military-industrial complexes (MIC) is expected to be signed between Azerbaijan, Ukraine and Pakistan this year.
11 February 2006 [09:55]

Lawyer Irada Javadova met with Farhad Aliyev

Yesterday lawyer Irada Javadova met with ex-minister of economic development Farhad Aliyev, who is detained in the jail ward of National Security Ministry.
11 February 2006 [09:50]

Igor Muradyan: "Parliament of Nagorno Karabakh is assemblage of political criminals"

"Though Arkadi Gukasyan is my friend I must say that, he has no idea about Nagorno Garabagh problem. Any official car driver in Yerevan knows much more about it than him," political scientist Igor Muradyan told in the presentation ceremony of the collection "Liberating territories of Armenia and Arsakh problem" in Yerevan.
11 February 2006 [09:45]

Arif Hajili: ""16 October Movement" will hold gatherings regularly"

""16 October Movement" will regularly hold gatherings after that."
11 February 2006 [09:35]

Kamaladdin Heydarov met with the US Ambassador

Yesterday Minister for Emergencies Kamaladdin Heydarov has met with the ambassador of United States of America to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish.
11 February 2006 [09:15]

New ministries will be set up in Nakhchivan

New ministries will be set up in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
11 February 2006 [01:24]

India hopes for military cooperation with Armenia

Secretary of the Armenian National Security Council, Defense Minister Serzh Sarkisyan received newly appointed Indian Ambassador to Armenia Rin Pande.
11 February 2006 [01:03]

Turkish FM: "I'm proud of rapid development of Azerbaijan"

Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation, met with the First Deputy Premier of Turkey, Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul during the visit to Turkey.
11 February 2006 [00:45]

Next sitting of inter-governmental commission between Azerbaijan and Saudi Arabia may take place in March

Cooperation between two countries to reach new level.
11 February 2006 [00:43]

CEC of Azerbaijan will send invitations for international monitoring of by-elections

"Central Election Committee of Azerbaijan will send invitations in the current April to some countries to monitor the 13 May by-elections," said the head of the CEC international relations department Rovzat Gasimov.
11 February 2006 [00:41]

Jacques Chirac: "International community supports efforts for achieving peace in Nagorny Karabakh"

"The international community supports efforts applied for achieving peace in Nagorno Karabakh and development of agreement between the sides," the French president Jacques Chirac said in a statement today, the Elysee Palace official spokesman reported.
11 February 2006 [00:34]

Sitting of Attorney's General collegium to be held

Sitting of the collegium of the Azerbaijan Attorney’s General office will take place on 11 February.
11 February 2006 [00:22]

Sardar Jalaloglu: "Musavat party made a decision beforehand not waiting for expelling from Azadlig block"

The statement by Musavat party on leaving Azadlig block reagarded as advance decision by other parties.
11 February 2006 [00:09]

Akif Muradverdiyev's appeal rejected

On Friday appeal by Akif Muradverdiyev, the former head of the President's Administration, was considered under the chairmanship of Judge Rasim Isgandarov at the Court of Appeals in relation to the sentence by the Nasimi district court on prolongation of his imprisonment by 4 months, but the court rejected his appeal.
10 February 2006 [18:24]

President Ilham Aliyev met with French President Jacques Chirac

The official reception ceremony of the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev in Paris took place today at the Elysee Palace, the official residence of the French President.
10 February 2006 [18:02]

Defense Minister receives Chinese Amb

The Defense Minister of Azerbaijan, Safar Abiyev, received the Chinese Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Zhang Haizhou, on Friday.
10 February 2006 [17:41]

Jewish community of US starts its visit to Baku

A Jewish community of the United States - Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations - started a visit to Azerbaijan on Friday.
10 February 2006 [12:05]

Chair of CE Congress of local and regional authorities to visit Azerbaijan

The chairman of the Council of Europe Congress of local and regional authorities will pay an official visit to Azerbaijan on February 13.
10 February 2006 [10:51]

Armen Rustamyan: "Presidents' meeting in Paris might be short-term"

"Azerbaijan's not making compromise on principal issues impedes progress in negotiation process on regulation of Nagorno Karabakh conflict."
10 February 2006 [10:39]

Romania to hold a summit on frozen conflicts in Black Sea region, including Nagorno Karabakh

Romania is going to hold a summit dedicated to frozen conflicts in the Black Sea region this summer.
10 February 2006 [10:35]

Musavat will select its candidates for re-election next week

"Musavat Party will choose its candidates for the reelection next week," said party deputy Chief Arif Hajili.
10 February 2006 [10:30]

Interior Troops are not subordinate to Ministry of Emergencies

"The opinions that, the Interior Troops have been subordinated to the Ministry of Emergencies are not true."
10 February 2006 [10:25]

Azerbaijani delegation led by Valeh Alasgarov to attend meeting of the CIS parliament speakers

The meeting of the CIS parliament speakers will be held in Ukraine on 10 February.
10 February 2006 [10:20]

Akif Muradverdiyev's appeal to be reviewed today

The appeal filed against the decision of Nasimi district court on elongation of arrest term of ex-director of administrative department of President's Office Akif Muradverdiyev for 4 more months will be reviewed today.
10 February 2006 [10:15]

GUAM becomes international organization

GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova) can become an international organization soon.
10 February 2006 [10:00]

Ali Nagiyev: "I'll not change my political convictions"

"I heard about the presidential order from the TV channels. I bid my sincere farewell to the staff and went home. I respect the decision of the head of state."
10 February 2006 [09:55]

Ana Vatan Party protests against proposals by opposition on formation of CEC on parity basis

"The formation of new Central Election Committee (CEC) and the full completion of the process after the by-elections to parliament is logical," said MP Fazail Aghamaly, the chairman of Ana Vatan Party.
10 February 2006 [09:50]

Tbilisi conference of S.Caucasus MPs completes without adoption of final resolution

"On Thursday the Tbilisi conference of the South Caucasus MPs completed adoption of final resolution," said Elkhan Polukhov, the spokesman of the Azerbaijani embassy in Georgia.
10 February 2006 [09:45]

Staff heads of Azeri, Kazakh & Russian border services meet

The meeting of the staff heads of the Azerbaijani, Kazakh and Russian border services was held at the central administration of the Azerbaijani State Border Service (SBS) on Thursday with participation of the head of SBS Elchin Guliyev.
10 February 2006 [09:40]

Elchin Guliyev: "After liberation of Azerbaijan lands from occupants the issue of border guard will raise"

"After liberation of the Azerbaijan lands from invaders the issue of organizing the border guard there will raise," the head of the State Border Service (SBS) of Azerbaijan, Elchin Guliyev said in a statement to journalists.
10 February 2006 [09:35]

President of Turkey received Speaker of Azerbaijani Parliament

The Turkish President Ahmed Nedjet Sezer received today in his residence Chankaya a delegation headed by the Milli Mejlis (the Parliament) chairman of Azerbaijan Ogtay Asadov.
10 February 2006 [09:30]

15 members from NAP to participate in by-elections independently

15 members of New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) will individually ballot in the by-election to parliament, scheduled for 13 May 2006.
10 February 2006 [09:25]

Bulent Arinj: "?urkey hopes implementation of Baku-Ahalkalaki-Kars project will encourage other countries of region to expected moves"

Ensuring regional security and stability are the important goal of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey in this context as wel.
10 February 2006 [09:15]

Eldaniz Guliyev: "If I don't face financial difficulties, I'll participate in by-elections."

"My non-participation in the by-elections to parliament on May 13, 2006 may be related to financial difficulties," said Eldaniz Guliyev, the leader of Intelligentsia Movement.
10 February 2006 [09:10]

US State Secretary phoned to Azerbaijan President Aliyev

The US State Secretary Condoleeza Rice phoned yesterday to the Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev, the press service of the Azerbaijan president reports.
10 February 2006 [09:00]

French Foreign Ministry publicized program of negotiations between presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia

French Foreign Ministry publicized the program of the forthcoming talks between presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia, Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharyan, to be held in the French castle Rambouier.
09 February 2006 [17:42]

Other secratery of CEC to be determined by parties in minority in Milli Majlis

"The secretary of the Azerbaijani Central Election Committee from opposition will be elected by political parties in minority in the Milli Majlis," said Natig Mammadov, the secretary of CEC.
09 February 2006 [17:40]

President of Azerbaijan left for Paris on a visit

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev left today for Paris on a visit.
09 February 2006 [17:29]

Ramiz Mehtiyev: "No grounds for returning to proportional electoral system"

"The issue of re-establishment of the proportional electoral system in Azerbaijan cannot take place in the coming years," the head of the Azerbaijan President executive office Ramiz Mehtiyev said.
09 February 2006 [17:18]

Etibar Mammadov: "NIPA to take final decision on by-elections"

Grouping of the National Independence Party of Azerbaijan (NIPA), headed by Etibar Mammadov took a decision to take part in by-elections.
09 February 2006 [11:34]

US keen on taking Caucasus under control

Influential US analytical center Stratfor has released a report suggesting that military and technical cooperation between the United States and Azerbaijan is expected to expand in the foreseeable future.
09 February 2006 [11:18]

Armenian Prime Minister: "It is incorrect to speak of deployment of peacekeepers in Karabakh conflict zone out of context"

"I think it incorrect to speak about deployment of peacekeepers in the Karabakh conflict zone out of context, because a whole package appears, and the issue of peacekeepers is only one of the components," Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan said.
09 February 2006 [11:14]

British Embassy sends protest note to Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry

The British Embassy has sent a protest note to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry concerning attack on a British diplomat.
09 February 2006 [11:06]

Azerbaijani Speaker met with Turkish counterpart

Visiting Turkey Oqtay Asadov, chairman of Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan met with Bulent Arindj, speaker of Great National Assembly of the country.