
17 February 2006 [11:27]

No Azerbaijani to participate in Ukraine Supreme Rada

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine Talat Aliyev told journalists that elections will be held for Ukraine Supreme Rada (parliament) on March 26.
17 February 2006 [10:40]

Russia's Rodina Party leader makes pro-Armenian proposals

Dmitri Rogozin, leader of Rodina Party of Russia proposed versions for resolution of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
17 February 2006 [10:25]

Deputy Prime Minister to visit Kiev

"First Deputy Prime Minister Abbas Abbasov will pay a visit to Kiev in early March," Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine Talat Aliyev told the journalists.
17 February 2006 [10:15]

Milli Majlis permanent commission for regional affairs held its sitting

Courts received appeals on heads of 80 municipalities, financial shortage amounting 342 million manats found in 8 municipalities.
17 February 2006 [10:10]

Mikhail Saakashvili met with local Azerbaijani residents

Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili met on Thursday with local Azerbaijani residents of Jandar village in Gardabani region.
17 February 2006 [09:50]

Chair of Milli Majlis meets with US Amb

Ogtay Asadov, the chairman of the Milli Majlis, received Rino Harnish, the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan on Thursday.
17 February 2006 [09:45]

Ilham Aliyev visits Ukraine

Ukraine will chair GUAM (Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Moldova) since this summer, summit of GUAM will be held in Ukraine for this reason.
17 February 2006 [09:37]

Jonathan Henick: "There are no US military forces in Azerbaijan"

"US military forces don’t exist in Azerbaijan. The information spread in the press that US military men have taken Nakhchivan Airport under control is false," US embassy Public Affairs Officer Jonathan Henick said.
17 February 2006 [09:25]

3 economic documents to be signed during Putin's visit

Three documents on economic sphere will be signed during the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Baku on 21 February 2006.
17 February 2006 [09:15]

Oktay Asadov met with EU Comissioner

"Azerbaijan is ready to present guarantees for peaceable co-resistance of the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities after the liberation of the occupied territory of Azerbaijan," said Oktay Asadov.
17 February 2006 [09:10]

Defense Minister receives Capestown group of USNDU

Safar Abiyev, the Azerbaijani Defense Minister, received on Thursday a Capestown group of the US National Defense University comprised of high ranking officers under leadership of the General Joseph Goa.
17 February 2006 [08:30]

Viktor Yushchenko will not visit Baku

Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine, Talat Aliyev told that the date of Ukrainian President official visit to Baku hadn't been specified yet.
17 February 2006 [08:18]

ILO to hold pickets in front of UN and OSCE

Iravan Liberation Organization (ILO) has sent a warning letter to Baku Mayor's Office to hold pickets outside the UN and OSCE offices in Azerbaijan on February 23.
17 February 2006 [08:08]

Deputy FM of Ukraine visits Baku

17 February 2006 [07:51]

President expected to sign "On labour pension" decree these days

The State Social Protection Fund (SSPF) expects for adoption of the bill "On labour pension" to divide social and labour retirees into different categories. The Fund has already submitted the list of social pensioners to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population.
17 February 2006 [07:43]

President signed order on "On electron trade" law

President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order to apply "On adoption of additions to some codes related to application of law "On electron trade" law".
16 February 2006 [17:59]

No plans to send more peacekeepers to Iraq

The Iraqi ambassador to Azerbaijan Arshad Ismayil Omar has proposed to expand the contingent of Azerbaijani peacekeepers in his country.
16 February 2006 [17:55]

MP expects no Azeri-Armenian accord in 2006

An MP has played down the projections that the long-standing Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno Karabakh will be settled in 2006.
16 February 2006 [17:44]

ANDP picket in front of Justice Ministry failes

On Thursday several activists of the Azerbaijan National Democratic Party (ANDP-Boz Gurd) attempted to hold an unapproved picket at the front of the Justice Ministry.
16 February 2006 [17:42]

President Aliyev received EU Commissioner

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received today the EU Commissioner of External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner.
16 February 2006 [17:38]

"Talat Pasha Organization" to protest against recognition of "Armenian genocide" in Germany

"Talat Pasha Organization" led by ex-president of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Rauf Denktash, and Turkish left-wing party leaders Doghu Perinchek, Vural Savash and other well-known figures will stage a demonstration in Berlin on 18 March.
16 February 2006 [17:16]

Hojali Tragedy anniversary will be commemorated in Kars, Igdir and Erzerum

"The events dedicated to the 14-th anniversary of the Hojali tragedy will be held in the Turkish cities of Kars, Igdir and Erzerum on 26-27 February," said the consul general of Azerbaijan in Kars Hasan Zeynalov.
16 February 2006 [17:14]

Azeri FM to address to US-Islamic world conference in Doha

An international forum "The United States – Islamic World" will be held in Doha on 18-20 February.
16 February 2006 [14:56]

Azeri diplomatic missions deny groundless charges by Armenia

"The Embassies of Azerbaijan and the diplomatic missions at the international organizations issued press-releases in connection with the ongoing campaign of the Armenian Diaspora on groundless assertions on the so-called destruction of tomb-stones in Julfa District," said Tahir Tagizade, the head of the Press and Information Policy Department of the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry.
16 February 2006 [14:26]

Elmar Mammadyarov: "US strikes from Azerbaijan not being discussed"

Azeri Foreign Minister made this statement during the press-conference with Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the EU Commissioner
16 February 2006 [14:21]

Consultations on preparations for Ukrainian President's forthcoming visit to Azerbaijan continue

"The consultations on preparations for Ukrainian President Victor Yuschenko's forthcoming visit to Azerbaijan continue and the exact of the visit will be coordinated with consideration of the business schedule of the heads of states," Talat Aliyev, the Azerbaijani Ambassador to Ukraine, told journalists on Thursday.
16 February 2006 [14:12]

EU Comissioner: "EU interested in development of energy co-op with Azerbaijan"

"The European Union is interested in the cooperation with Azerbaijan and we hope in rapid completion of talks on adoption of action Plan under the EU's New Neighborhood Policy," the EU Commissioner of External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, said on Thursday in a briefing on the result of a meeting with Elmar Mammadyarov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister.
16 February 2006 [14:10]

Armenia-Azerbaijan contradiction on Lachin and Kalbajar

"The talks between Azeri and Armenian Presidents Ilham Aliyev and Robert Kocharian in the French town of Rambouillet over the weekend on settling the Nagorno Karabakh conflict turned out fruitless due to Azerbaijan's stance of accepting no compromise on its territorial integrity," Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov has said.
16 February 2006 [14:05]

Azeri delegate to PACE: "CoE Cabinet of Ministers discusses Armenia's occupation policy"

On Wednesday the Cabinet of Ministers of the Council of Europe discussed an inquiry by Azerbaijan on "Occupant Armenia's membership at the CoE is unacceptable due to contradictory to major principles and criteria of the organization" at its meeting in Strasbourg.
16 February 2006 [08:38]

European Trio Foreign Ministers to discuss Karabakh conflict

A meeting will be held among European Trio Foreign Ministers and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Vienna, capital of Austria today.
16 February 2006 [08:33]

Large group from Russia in Baku

The Foreign Ministry informs that a large group has arrived in Baku yesterday to organize the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 21.
16 February 2006 [08:29]

Discussions to be held in Khankandi for regulation of Karabakh conflict

In the middle of March discussions for regulation of Nagorno Karabakh conflict will be held in so-called parliament of separatist regime occupied lands of Azerbaijan.
16 February 2006 [04:13]

Council of Europe discusses membership of Armenia

Yesterday Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe has discussed the appeal on unacceptability of Armenia's membership to CE.
16 February 2006 [04:06]

Emar Mammadyarov: "Next round of talks will be held in Washington"

The Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov says that OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs Yuri Merzlyakov (Russia), Steven Mann (US) and Bernard Fasier (France) will meet in Washington in March.
16 February 2006 [03:41]

Official opening ceremony of the Year of Russia in Azerbaijan to be held

Official opening ceremony of the Year of Russia in Azerbaijan will be held after February 21 with participation of Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin.
16 February 2006 [03:34]

Workshop on "European Union and Azerbaijan" held for journalists

Workshop on "European Union and Azerbaijan" was conducted for journalists in European House, the main meeting place of European commission in Azerbaijan.
16 February 2006 [03:22]

President Ilham Aliyev signs several decrees

President Ilham Aliyev signed decree for confirmation of "Model Regulations of central authorities"; decree on amendments and additions; on introduction of law on making additions and changes to some laws and a decree for execution of the law "On obtaining information"; "On rules concerning signing of agreements on credits received by state guarantee".
16 February 2006 [01:17]

Chairman of SCC, US Amb discusses development of customs co-op

Aydin Aliyev, the Chairman of the Azerbaijani State Customs Committee, received Rino Harnish, the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan, on Wednesday.
16 February 2006 [00:39]

"For Free and Fair Elections" CCC draws up working plan on observation over by-elections

The "For Free and Fair Elections" Coordinating Consultative Council (CCC) drew up a working plan on organization of observation over holding of the by-elections to parliament, scheduled for May 13, 2006, the Council told.
16 February 2006 [00:27]

Implementation of USAID project "Strengthening of Primary Health Care in Azerbaijan" launched

The ceremony of launching of a new collaborative project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) "Strengthening Primary Health care in Azerbaijan" took place today in Baku, according to the press service of the US Embassy to Azerbaijan.
15 February 2006 [20:06]

Japan allocates $92,000 for construction of new hospital in Ismayilly region

The next agreement on allocation of grant within program "Human Safety and Plant Roots" was signed at the Japanese Embassy in Azerbaijan on Wednesday. In his remarks, Tadahiro Abe, the Japanese Ambassador to Azerbaijan, reported that in the framework of the project a new hospital was supposed to be constructed in the Galajig village, the Ismayilly region. The total value of the project exceeds $92,000.
15 February 2006 [20:01]

President of Azerbaijan accepted credentials of 7 Ambassadors

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev accepted credentials of the Ambassadors of Brazil, Canada, Madagascar, Nigeria, Portugal, Kirgizistan and Slovakia today.
15 February 2006 [19:54]

Ilham Aliyev congratulated Valdas Adamkus on Independence Day of Lithuania

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev sent a congratulatory message to the President of Lithuania, Valdas Adamkus in regard to the national holiday, the Day of Independence.
15 February 2006 [17:10]

Azerbaijan Interior Minister Ramil Usubov in Barda

The Azerbaijan Interior Minister, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov is on a visit to Barda.
15 February 2006 [15:36]

European Commission has no plans about opening its Embassy in Yerevan

It is not planned to open the Embassy of the European Commission of the European Union in Yerevan, Alan Waddams, the special Ambassador of the EU's European Commission in Azerbaijan, told journalists on Wednesday.
15 February 2006 [15:13]

?lan Waddams: "Consultations within European Neighbourhood Policy between Azerbaijan and EU will go on in March 2006"

The second round of consultations on developing the European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan between Azerbaijan and the European Union (EU) will be held in March 2006, the EU European Commission special envoy to Azerbaijan Alan Waddams told journalists today.
15 February 2006 [13:26]

Rene van der Linden: "The future of the South Caucasus region depends on peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict"

PACE President Rene van der Linden today expressed his great disappointment about the lack of breakthrough in the latest round of presidential talks on the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
15 February 2006 [12:44]

Foreign Minister met newly appointed ambassadors

Foreign Minister of Azerbaijan Elmar Mammadyarov met on Tuesday with the newly appointed Ambassadors to Azerbaijan Mr. Sezario Melantonio Meton of Brazil, Mr. Yves Brodeur of Canada, Mr. Eloi Alphonse Maxim Dovoe of Madagascar, Mr. Ibrahim Ganyama Abubakar of Nigeria, Mr. Jorge Alberto Nogueira of Portugal, Mr. Apas Chumagulov of Kirgizstan and Mr. Augustin Chisar of Slovakia.
15 February 2006 [12:27]

Number of candidates to re-elections reaches 110

The number of candidates to the re-elections to parliament, which will be held on 13 May 2006, reached 110.
15 February 2006 [10:05]

Ukranian Ambassador: "Documents to be signed during Viktor Yushshenko's visit"

"Both Azerbaijan and Ukraine attach great importance to the president Yushshenko's visit to Azerbaijan", said newly appointed Ambassador of Ukraine to Azerbaijan Stepan Volkovetski.
15 February 2006 [09:05]

Safar Abiyev receives Slovakian military attache

Defense Minister Safar Abiyev received Colonel Ivan Bella - military attache of Slovakia who has been accredited in Russia and in Azerbaijan as well.
15 February 2006 [09:00]

Vurgun Ayyub: "Azadlig is the union of separated parties"

Musavat Party is in favor of establishing more large coalition of opposition in accordance with the decision of Assembly.
14 February 2006 [22:40]

Iranian FM in Armenia: "I am happy to pay my first visit to the friendly country"

Manouchehr Mottaki met with the Armenian political liders.
14 February 2006 [22:35]

EU commissioner of External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy arrives in Azerbaijan

The EU commissioner of External Relations and the European Neighbourhood Policy Benita Ferrero-Waldner will pay a one-day visit to Azerbaijan on 15 February.
14 February 2006 [22:20]

President Aliyev received BSECO Secretary General

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev received today Secretary General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSECO) Tedo Djaparidze.
14 February 2006 [21:52]

IRI highly appreciates election strategy of YAP

Ali Ahmadov, the deputy chairman of the Yeni Azerbaijan Party (YAP) met with the executive secretary of the party, Dallas Frorip, the head of the U.S. International Republican Institute (IRI) Baku office.
14 February 2006 [21:50]

Political council of Vahdat party decided to hold dialogue with authorities

At the sitting of the Vahdat party held today the issue of party's participation in the dialogue with the authorities has been discussed.
14 February 2006 [21:47]

Musavat Party not to dispatch its rep to CEC through casting of lots

"Musavat Party will not agree to dispatch its representatives to the Central Elections Committee through casting of lots," said Arif Hajili, the deputy chairman of the party.
14 February 2006 [21:45]

Reno Harnish: "US disappointed by lack of progress in talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia"

"The United States disappointed by lack of progress in the negotiation process over the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement," the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish said in a statement on Tuesday.
14 February 2006 [21:42]

CEC conducts enlightenment program on by-elections

The Central Elections Commission (CEC) of Azerbaijan carries out enlightenment work in connection with the by- parliamentary elections to be held on 13 May 2006.
14 February 2006 [21:41]

National Democratic Movement to hold negotiations with parties on co-op

"The National Democratic Movement (NDM) made a decision on holding of negotiations with parties of national character on cooperation at the meeting on Tuesday," said Tofig Seyidov, the co-constitutor of the Movement.
14 February 2006 [21:38]

Azeri Foreign Minister receives copies of credentials of 7 Ambs

Elmar Mammadyarov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Affairs Minister, received the copies of the creditials of the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors newly-appointed to Azerbaijan from 7 countries.
14 February 2006 [21:36]

Chairman of PDR met with spokesmen of Republican Institute and IFES

The chairman of the Party of Democratic Reforms (PDR), MP Asim Mollazade met with the program director of the International Republican Institute (IRI), Dallas Frohrib.
14 February 2006 [21:24]

Former Ukranian President visits Azerbaijan

Leonid Kuchma, the President of the Ukraine Foundation, ex-President of Ukraine, arrived in Baku on Tuesday. He paid the visit at the invitation of the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.
14 February 2006 [15:47]

American Jewish Community for fair resolution of Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno Karabakh conflict

Visiting Azerbaijan a delegation of the Conference of the Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations of the United States, in particular, Chairman of the Conference of Presidents Harold Tanner, Executive Vice-chairman Malcolm Hoenlein, Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Mikhail Chlenov held a conference on February 13.
14 February 2006 [14:37]

Azerbaijan and Russia continue talks on strategic partnership in Caspian – Azeri Deputy FM

The talks between Azerbaijan and Russia in the sphere of strategic partnership in the Caspian region are continued, Khalaf Khalafov, the Azerbaijani Deputy Foreign Minister, said.
14 February 2006 [12:39]

Israeli Ambassador: "Unity of Azerbaijan - its multinationality"

"The unity of Azerbaijan is its multinationality, tolerance to the representatives of all religions, absence of confrontation between civilizations, which is often reported by the world media," Arthur Lank, the Israeli Ambassador to Azerbaijan, said to journalists on Monday.
14 February 2006 [12:29]

Aydin Guliyev resigned from DPA

The Baku-Habar newspaper editor-in- chief, a former member of the supreme melis of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan (DPA) Aydin Guliyevannounced of his resignation from the party.
14 February 2006 [12:26]

Turkish Ambassador: "Turkey backs diplomatic solution to the conflict situations"

"Ankara supports the diplomatic solution to conflict situations," Turan Moraly, the Turkish Ambassador to Azerbaijan, told journalists. He was commenting on the situation around nuclear programs in Iran.
14 February 2006 [10:25]

Representatives of Foreign Ministries of GUAM member countries to meet this week

"Meeting of representatives of foreign ministries of GUAM member countries will be held in this week.
14 February 2006 [10:15]

Russian Embassy: "President Putin will visit Baku on February 21"

President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin will visit Baku on February 21 to attend opening ceremony of Russian Culture days in Azerbaijan in February.
14 February 2006 [10:10]

Document on Armenia's aggressive policy to be reviewed at the PACE

The document on Armenia's aggressive policy which has been drawn up by Azerbaijani delegation to the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) will be reviewed in the Committee of Ministers of PACE.
14 February 2006 [10:05]

Ruslan Bashirli moved to medical station

Leader of Yeni Fikir Youth Movement Ruslan Bashirli was moved to medical station on 12 February.