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Uzbekistan hosts spectacular event celebrating Azerbaijan Independence Day

27 May 2024 [18:17] - TODAY.AZ

Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan maintains long standing relations with Uzbekistan.Both countries have a rich cultural heritage and have been working together to strengthen their ties and promote cultural exchange.

In recent years, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan have cooperated to enhance cooperation in the fields of culture, education, and tourism. This includes joint cultural events, exchanges of artists and cultural groups, and collaborations on preserving and promoting their shared cultural heritage.

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1995 between the two countries, bilateral ties have forged deep bonds. Numerous documents have been signed between the two countries until today.

The holding of the Uzbek Culture Days in Baku in 2023 was another step towards strengthening Azerbaijani-Uzbek relations.

The large-scale event featured gala concerts, theatre performances, book presentation, exhibition and other events that aimed to highlight Azerbaijani-Uzbek relations.

Operating since 2019, Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre in Tashkent also contributes to the development of ties between Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.

The Embassy of Azerbaijan in Uzbekistan and the Azerbaijan Cultural Center in Tashkent co-organized an official reception on the occasion of Azerbaijan Independence Day (May 28), Azernews reports.

First Deputy Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Achilbay Ramatov, Deputy of the Azerbaijani Parliament, Chairman of the Health Committee Ahliman Amiraslanov, Deputy of the Azerbaijani Parliament, Chairman of the Council of Elders of Azerbaijan Eldar Guliyev, representatives of international organizations and diplomatic missions, heads of government agencies, public organizations, figures of science and culture, and the Azerbaijani Diaspora attended the event.

The national anthems of Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan were played at the opening. Azerbaijani Ambassador to Uzbekistan Huseyn Guliyev noted that May 28 marks the 106th anniversary of the formation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (ADR), which is the first democratic republic in the East.

He underlined that in 1918-1920, significant activities were carried out in the field of state, army building and the implementation of democratic values. The coat of arms, flag, and anthem were approved, all peoples living in the country were granted equal rights, the Azerbaijani language was declared the state language, diplomatic relations were established with neighboring countries, as well as with 20 countries in Europe and America.

It was also noted that Azerbaijan is at the crossroads of different cultures and religions, and tolerance and multicultural values are always in the foreground in the country.

Speaking about Azerbaijani-Uzbek relations, the diplomat emphasized the high level of cooperation. A video was shown reflecting the achievements, attractions, tourism opportunities, and historical monuments of Azerbaijan.

At the event, the guests also enjoyed the dishes of Azerbaijani national cuisine.


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