As APA reports, the lawyer of Barmek Abbas Atakishi said at the court sitting that the suits raised by the Ministry of Taxes against Barmek in last summer are groundless. This step aims to misappropriate large amount of funds from the Company and has not legal grounds.
The lawyers of the Ministry of Taxes participating at the court sitting said that although Barmek has been applied several times for paying AZM 19 billion evaded from the budget, their demand was not fulfilled. The Ministry of Taxes is currently conducting inspections in 16 organizations which implemented purchases and sales with Barmek as well.
Mr.Atakishi said that according to the Ministry's act, the Ministry demanded Barmek to pay AZM 19 billion. Barmek considered inspections and Ministry's act to be illegal and took the Ministry to the court.
At the end of the trial it was decided to hold next sitting April 26.