TODAY.AZ / Weird / Interesting

Azerbaijan offers countless bird watching destinations

14 November 2023 [17:36] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Laman Ismayilova

As a new type of ecotourism, bird watching has been gaining momentum year by year.

Azerbaijan offers countless bird-watching destinations for nature enthusiasts.

The country has become popular among bird-watching enthusiasts from all over the world.

The State Tourism Board has identified bird watching as an area to protect natural sites and attract tourists.

All necessary conditions have been created for ornithologists and travellers to observe rare bird species throughout Azerbaijan with minimal negative impact on the environment.

Beshbarmag Mount is a particularly popular bird spot along the Caspian Sea coast and serves as an important stopping point for migratory species, including the Imperial Eagle and Peregrine Falcon.

Travellers flock here by the millions to bear witness to the awe-inspiring mountain, which rises to 382 m above sea level.

The Beshbarmag Mount State Historical-Cultural and Natural Reserve is added to the "Archaeological Monuments" section of the list of immovable historical and cultural monuments of national importance.

In July 2021, the State Tourism Agency proposed to approve the security boundaries of the Beshbarmag Mount.

The picturesque villages of Khinalig and Laza are also home to many bird species, especially the Caucasian black grouse and the finch.

The Azerbaijan Tourism Board has recently organised a promotional trip for media representatives from Great Britain, Sweden, Bulgaria, and the Republic of South Africa, as well as tour operators specialising in bird watching, in order to promote the country`s ornithological tourism potential.

The foreign guests visited the 90-kilometer crossing between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea to observe the autumn migration of birds in the territory of the Beshbarmag Mount State Historical-Cultural and Nature Reserve.

The tour operators also arrived in Shirvan, Gizilaghaj, Hirkan National Parks, Mahmudchala Lake, Varvara Reservoir, and Khizi Mountains, as well as other areas known as the main bird-watching spots in Azerbaijan.

The programme also included presentations on ornithological tourism for the participants of the trip, as well as meetings in B2B format.


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