TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Composers' Union marks centennial of People's Artist Suleyman Alasgarov

18 April 2024 [12:44] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijan Composers' Union has celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of outstanding composer Suleyman Alasgarov, Azernews reports.

Chairman of the Azerbaijan Composers' Union, People's Artist Frangiz Alizade, said that the 100th anniversary of Suleyman Alasgarov was widely celebrated according to the presidential decree. He emphasised that the outstanding composer left a great legacy in Azerbaijani professional music.

Suleyman Alasgarov wrote two operas, twelve operettas, numerous symphonic works, cantatas, plays, romances and songs, as well as a number of textbooks for secondary schools.

In 1948, he graduated with honours from the Azerbaijan State Conservatory in the composition class of B.I. Zeidman and became the director of the Baku Music School. Member of the CPSU since 1948. From 1949 to 1951, he was artistic director of the orchestra of the Cinematography Committee of the Azerbaijan SSR.

In 1951–1952, Suleyman Alasgarov was appointed as the director of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Hall. In 1974, he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR.

Next, a documentary "Dive into a dream" dedicated to Suleyman Alasgarov was shown as part of the event.

Doctor of Art Criticism Leyla Zohrabova, Deputy Head of the Shusha Executive Power, Vusala Fataliyeva, People's Artist Agaverdi Pashayev and others spoke about Suleyman Alasgarov's life and creativity. The event continued with a concert program.


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