TODAY.AZ / Business

Next sitting of Azerbaijan-Georgia intergovernmental commission held in Ganja

19 July 2005 [09:23] - TODAY.AZ
Next sitting of Azerbaijan-Georgia intergovernmental economic commission was held in Ganja yesterday.
According to Ganja bureau of APA, Georgia was represented in this sitting by the delegation led by Prime Minister Zorab Nogaideli.

Georgian delegation arrived at Ganja Airport named after Heydar Aliyev this morning. Georgian officials to attend the sitting of intergovernmental economic commission were met by first deputy Prime Minister Abbas Abbasov in the airport. After the official meeting ceremony in the airport Georgian delegation visited Heydar Aliyev memory museum, laid a wreath on the monument to the late President.

The sitting of intergovernmental commission started in the building of Executive Power of Ganja. It must be noted that the agenda of the sitting of the commission was agreed during first deputy Prime Minister Abbas Abbasov’s visit to Tbilisi on 12 July.

The sides exchanged views on the issues concerning increasing the volume of trade turnover between the two countries, solution of the problems on interstates debts, transport, energy, transportation of hydrocarbon resources of the Caspian Sea during the sitting in Ganja. The sides signed some documents of economic character in the end of the sitting. These documents include reducing customs during goods transportations in the borderline, fixing the date of paying the debts of Georgia to Azerbaijan for the electric energy, cooperation in the field of agriculture. Georgian delegation familiarized with the activity of the enterprises functioning in Ganja and exporting their products to this country after the sitting. Georgian delegation left for Baku this evening. It must be reminded that, the exhibition of products made in Georgia will be displayed in Baku today.

Then business-forum will be held with the participation of government officials, entrepreneurs and businessmen. Georgian Prime Minister Zorab Nogaideli is expected to conduct several official meetings in Baku tomorrow, will be received by his Azerbaijani counterpart Arthur Rasizade and President Ilham Aliyev later on.


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