TODAY.AZ / Weird / Interesting

UK Children "believe Queen invented phone"

15 March 2010 [19:05] - TODAY.AZ
One in ten children believe the Queen invented the telephone, a new survey has revealed.

BBC News says that the study of 1,000 primary and secondary school children found that many are confused about scientific achievements.

Charles Darwin and Noel Edmonds were also believed to have inventing the telephone, while 1 in 20 children thought either Luke Skywalker or Richard Branson had been the first person to walk on the moon.

Almost 60% of 9 and 10-year-olds believe that Sir Isaac Newton discovered fire, while some students thought he had invented the internet.

However, the study also found that more children want to win a Nobel prize for science than The X Factor.

Dr Pam Waddell from Birmingham Science City, who organised the research, said: "While some of these findings will raise a smile, it suggests that schoolchildren aren't tuned into our scientific heroes in the same way that they might be to sporting or music legends."

/Digital Spy/

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