TODAY.AZ / Politics

Iran's Khamenei maintains right to develop nuclear technology

28 June 2006 [01:39] - TODAY.AZ
Iran will maintain its right to develop nuclear technology in the face of pressure from the U.S. and its allies to suspend a uranium enrichment program, the country's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday.

"We will not negotiate with anyone over our undeniable right to access and use nuclear technology," the state-run Fars news agency cited Khamenei as saying during a meeting today with visiting Senegalese President Aboulaye Wade, Bloomberg reports.

Iran sees "no use for us to negotiate with the U.S.," Khamenei said. Should the international community acknowledge Iran's nuclear rights, he said, "we are ready to negotiate over supervision controls and guarantees to the world. The ground for such talks is now available."

The U.S. and European Union are offering Iran technology and trade incentives in exchange for the Islamic Republic halting its uranium enrichment program. The U.S. suspects Iran's drive to develop the nuclear fuel is a precursor to building a weapon, in contravention of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which it is a signatory. Iran says the fuel is needed for electricity generation.

The U.S. does not regard Khamenei's remarks as an official response from the Iranian government to the incentive proposals, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow said.

"There are differing voices coming out of Iran," Snow said today at a briefing in Washington. The U.S. is awaiting a response from Ali Larijani, Iran's chief nuclear negotiator, in discussions with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.



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