TODAY.AZ / Politics

Over 89 per cent of Azerbaijani population supports Ilham Aliyev's presidential candidacy - POLL

18 September 2013 [15:15] - TODAY.AZ
According to monitoring results on the eve of the presidential election in Azerbaijan, more than 89 per cent of the population supports Ilham Aliyev's candidacy, a report from the Alliance of NGO cooperation following the first phase of long term monitoring of the presidential election to be held in Azerbaijan on October 9 said.

Whilst speaking at a press conference dedicated to the results of the first stage of monitoring, co-chairman of the Alliance Rufiz Gonagov said that the monitoring conducted in six regions of the country covered the period from August 12 to September 12.

While responding to the question 'which of the presidential candidates do you trust most of all?' within the monitoring, around 89.32 per cent of respondents named President Aliyev, Gonagov said.

"Some 7.94 per cent respondents named single candidate from the National Council Jamil Hasanli, 0.91 per cent - candidate of the Umid party Iqbal Agazade, 0.55 per cent - Gudrat Hasanguliyev, 0.35 per cent - Ilyas Ismayilov, 0.31 per cent - Sardar Jalaloglu, 0.62 per cent - other candidates," he said.

While answering the question 'who would you vote for if the elections were held today?', the vast majority of respondents named Ilham Aliyev.

This means around 89.32 per cent which is 8932 people out of 10,000 involved in the monitoring, said they would vote for Ilham Aliyev, 7.94 per cent for single candidate from the National Council Jamil Hasanli, 2.74 per cent for other candidates.

Co-chairman of the Alliance Rafail Bejanov stressed that one of the main objectives was to determine the rankings of candidates and political parties.

"The New Azerbaijan Party stands in first place," he said. "Around 8932 people, that is 89.32 per cent of respondents evaluating the activity of the parties said they are constantly monitoring the ruling party's activity.

"They stressed the high rating of the party and multiplicity of its members. Around 10.68 per cent of respondents evaluated the activity of other parties. The Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (2.45 per cent of respondents), Musavat (2.43 per cent), Classic Popular Front Party (1.31 per cent) and Liberal Party of Azerbaijan (1.12 per cent), as well as Umid (0.91 per cent of the respondents) are among them. Around 2.46 per cent were among the Adalat, Modern Musavat Party, the Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan and others."

Co-chairman of the Alliance Yadigar Mammadov holds the information about the pre-election situation in the country.

"No violations of the law have been revealed during the monitoring," he added. "No restrictions were observed in connection with a signature collection campaign, the registration of candidates and conducting mass protests. The population is willing to participate and to vote in the election. Azerbaijani voters expect as a result of the election that the economic growth, social development, infrastructure projects will continue. Around 94 per cent of respondents positively evaluated the entire development of the country and support maintaining these rates."

The next stage of monitoring will be held in Nakhchivan, Baku and Sumgait.



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