TODAY.AZ / Politics

Envoy: Border checkpoint to be reopened on Iranian-Azerbaijani border soon

09 July 2013 [10:02] - TODAY.AZ
Construction equipment that will be used in building the Aslanduz (Parsabad) - Goradiz (Fizuli) border checkpoint, located on the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, is now in place. The checkpoint is expected to be reopened soon, Iran's Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohsin Pakayin said today, the embassy reported.

"There are no obstacles towards its reopening," he said.

"Azerbaijan is also interested in the checkpoint," he said. "Re-opening this checkpoint will improve the lives of people living in the border area."

"Iran and Azerbaijan are linked by many ties, including historical and cultural ones," he added.

"Relations are being developed in many fields between the two countries day by day," he added. "This checkpoint will further develop relations."

Parsabad is located in the north of the Iranian province of Ardabil. In this region, the length of the offshore and onshore borders between Iran and Azerbaijan reaches about 100 kilometers.

There are six border checkpoints on the Iranian-Azerbaijani border, five of which are in operation (Julfa, Shahtahtski, Astara, Bilasuvar and Imishli checkpoints), while the Horadiz customs point has not been operating for a long time.



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