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Azerbaijani hero: One-man army destroying Armenian myth

03 January 2024 [18:05] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews 

Qabil Ashirov

Undoubtedly, the First Garabagh War created a crisis in the South Caucasus as a whole, along with Azerbaijan. Over one million Azerbaijanis regardless of their ethnic origin lost their homes and turned into refugees and IDPs. Hundreds of thousands of people had to live in tents and wagons under heat, rain, and snow instead of warm homes.

Besides, over 16 thousand civilians were killed and over 4,000 people went missing during the war. However, apart from the abovementioned facts, the first Garabagh War also forged mass into a united nation as well. It demonstrated the unbroken will, character, and tolerance of Azerbaijanis to the world. It revealed the heroes that history will speak about them forever. One of these heroes is Natiq Gasimov, who taught the world, especially Armenians, bravery and courage. He was one of the rare samples who sacrificed himself to save innocent civilians. Moreover, figuratively speaking, it was he, who tore the curtain and unearthed the inhuman cowardly character of Armenians.

Natiq Gasimov was born on January 2, 1971 in the village of Kichic Garamurad, Gadabay district. His family moved to Mingachevir in 1975. Here he finished the school and joined the Soviet Army and finished his military service in 1991. Having finished his active military service he returned home.

Khojaly massacre opened a new page for him which led inscription of his name into Azerbaijani history. When he saw Khojaly's victims, as a human being he could not accept such big atrocities and joined the Azerbaijani Army.

At the Army, he was distinguished from other soldiers with his personal character, and therefore he was one of six chosen soldiers to participate in the Khramort operation. This little group took an Albanian church located in Khramort village in Agdam. After four days, Armenian armed groups consisting of dozens of soldiers sieged the church. In an unequal fight, five of his friends were martyred, but Natiq Gasimov continued to fight. The fighting lasted five days and most of Armenian soldiers were slain during this days. The Armenian site thought that there was a single Azerbaijani soldier but a group.

Understanding that they would not be able to destroy a group consisting of one brave man, the Armenian side resorted to the trick. They took a school director from Khojaly to the church and instructed him that if the group did not surrender they would kill 22 civil hostages from Khojaly. After this instruction, they send the director to the church.

“ They dropped me off the car stopped near the church and ordered me to enter the church. As I entered the church, I heard a voice. I quickly said that I was an Azerbaijani and that if he did not surrender, 22 people from Khojali will be killed. He said that he was alone and that he had been fighting alone for five days without hunger or thirst. I told him the opinion of the Armenians. He thought for a moment. Then he removed the Azerbaijani flag from the top of the church. He had two bullets left, which he shot in the air and left the church. He did not agree that Khojaly hostages to be killed. He pressed the Azerbaijani flag to his chest and left the church,” the school director told in his memories.

On that day Italian photographer Enrico Sarsini was there as well and he immortalized this hero with his photos. He took several photos of Natiq Gasimov in the fighting, his surrender, and his questioning. Unfortunately, he was the last person. After that Natiq Gasimov went missing. His family and the Azerbaijani government have looked for him for a long. Different information was received about Natiq Gasimov. One of this information claims that he is alive and is being forced to work in Armenia. There have been more such kinds of information, but the information got by the British company "Broken Pot Media". is more realistic than others. The company made a documentary film about him, and interviewed several people with different military ranks in Armenia and Azerbaijan. General Vitaly Balasanyan was among the interviewed people. He said that he did not recognize Natiq and said that if he had been surrendered he would have been changed with Armenian prisoners. However, other Armenian officers recognized Natiq and confirmed that Vitaly Balasanyan questioned him. Even they showed Vitaly Balasanyan sitting in front of the Natiq in the photo taken by Enrico Sarsni. According to the Armenian officers Natiq was dismembered after questioning.

It could be seen as barbaric for normal people, but not for Armenians. Because he destroyed Armenian myth and revealed Armenian characters. So, they revenged him. However, Natiq Gasimov demonstrated such bravery that inscribed his name not only into Azerbaijani history but in the hearts of all Azerbaijanis. With the 44-day War, Azerbaijani soldiers demonstrated to Armenians and the whole world that Natiq is immortal, there are thousands of Natiqs in Azerbaijan, the more they are martyred, the more they are born. Rest in peace dear martyr of Azerbaijan. This nation has not forgotten your birthday and will never forget since you are in our hearts.


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