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Gala State Historical Ethnographic Reserve offers captivating journey through time

08 December 2023 [20:30] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Laman Ismayilova

Established in 2008, Gala State Historical Ethnographic Reserve is home to a rich collection of artifacts unearthed during archaeological excavations, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.

At the reserve, visitors can explore the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography, the Museum of Antiques, and the Castle Museum, which together house over 2,000 archaeological and architectural relics.

Among them are ancient rock paintings, pottery, jewelry, weapons, and coins, among other fascinating artifacts. Of particular interest are the 18th-century tandir, two underground passages from the 10th to 15th centuries, and various traditional dwellings such as portable animal skin tents and stone and straw houses with domes.

The Reserve also boasts ancient mounds, grave stones, places of worship, and other captivating monuments that capture the curiosity of visitors. One standout feature of Gala settlement is its stunning rock carvings. Dating back centuries, they depict the hunting scenes, anthropomorphic figures, and zoomorphic images. Scenes of sacrifice, as well as depictions of deer, goats, and oxen, can also be admired here.

These ancient findings are housed in the open-air museum, alongside a mosque located next to the Gesr tower. Gala is renowned as one of the oldest shopping centers in history. As early as the 17th century, the European traveler Engelbert Kaempfer mentioned the mining of high-quality salt in the village.

In the 18th century, Johann Lerch detailed his journey to Gala in his notes, while the Russian traveler Berezin mentioned the fortress in the 19th century. Today, Gala State Reserve faithfully preserves the essence of Azerbaijan's historical past.

Every year, numerous visitors flock to the Reserve to immerse themselves in the unforgettable ambiance of this remarkable place.


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