TODAY.AZ / Society

Information tour organized in Zangilan's Aghali village [VIDEO]

04 November 2023 [12:01] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The State Committee for the Affairs of Refugees and IDPs has organized an information tour to Zangilan's Aghali village.

The tour was held within the context of information, propaganda, and campaign activities for the return of IDPs to the newly built settlements, according to the State Program on the Great Return to the territories freed from occupation, Azernews reports.

Infotur participants were informed about the implementation of the measures specified in the State Program and the tasks carried out by President Ilham Aliyev.

The participants of the infotour visited the school, kindergarten, medical institution and other infrastructure facilities and talked with the residents in the first settlement built on the basis of the concept of "smart village" in the Agali village, the first settlement built on the basis of the "smart village" concept.

Heads and employees of various private creative entities, as well as representatives of companies that are partners of the State Committee on information, publicity and promotion activities, participated in the infotour.


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