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ADA University signs memorandum with GL

27 October 2023 [13:37] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

GL Oil Company and ADA University have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Memorandum provides for close cooperation and joining efforts in the training and career development of students, Azernews reports.

GL is the first private local energy company in Azerbaijan and attaches great importance to developing talented youth and creating practical experience opportunities for students.

According to the agreement, GL and ADA University will implement joint projects to train high-level personnel. The company will organize knowledge exchange classes, and industrial and voluntary internship programs in various fields for students of the University.

CEO of GL Asif Zeynalov said that this agreement is a manifestation of GL's corporate social responsibility as well as an investment in Azerbaijani youth, education, and human capital:

"Against the background of mutual co-operation, the participation of GL employees at all stages of the process of formation of young professionals will be an interesting and useful experience."

According to the Memorandum, GL employees, in addition to the opportunity to take refresher courses at ADA University, will also participate in the educational process as guest lecturers at the university.

GL has oil and gas operations in five fields in Azerbaijan, namely "Kursengi" and "Garabaghli" in the Salyan district, "Buzovna-Mashtaga", "Gala" and "Zirya" in the Absheron Peninsula. GL's business portfolio includes Salyan Oil Limited, Taghiyev Operating Company, and GL Technical Services, which provides multi-faceted technical services to the oil and gas industry using state-of-the-art facilities and technology.


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