Modern modification of mine clearing machines such as 60-ton machine of night vision was delivered to Azerbaijan.

The machine will be granted to the Azerbaijan National Agency for Mine Actions (ANAMA) under the U.S. Defense Ministry. The machine belongs to Laboratory of Night Vision under the Pentagon. It is put at disposal of the ANAMA free of charge for a year and will work in the special danger regions. Pentagon will be able to grant it to Azerbaijan at the end of 1-year test.
The machine is estimated in $1.5 million, while Azerbaijan has no such fund to purchase it. According to the ANAMA, the machine will allow the Agency to increase the speed of work on mine clearing and personnel’s safety. (Trend)
Now 3 mine clearing machines «BOZENA», made in Slovenia, work in Azerbaijan The Agency cleared around 16m cu m territories, where neutralized 4 000 mines, missiles and grenades.