TODAY.AZ / Society

“Icherisheher festival” to be held in Baku

02 June 2005 [14:36] - TODAY.AZ
“Icherisheher festival” will be held in Baku with participation of local residents.
The festival held in the frame of the project “Preserving Natural Heritage of Azerbaijan” is realized by the allocation of World Bank. APA was informed by the head of the project.

The conception of the festival is “Day of Icerisheher”- Complex of measures directed to the preserving Icherisheher. The working on the conception and learning the interest of locals to this were the main priorities in the stage of preparation which lasted for two years and half. The scenario of the festival program was formed on the basis of the events organized by local communities, interesting persons and organizations.54 main and 54 additional speeches are expected to be in the program. The mysterious ancient Icherisheher will turn to the square of theatrical centers, sports competitions, and programmes for children and parades during the festival.

The old streets will be enlivened; personal streets will be open for the rest and communication of locals. The festival guests will be presented works of art; exhibition of ancient things and interesting photos in several addresses. The festival is expected to be held every year with the participation of residents of Icherisheher and a lot of guests. This will have important role in improving socio-economical condition of local resident as well as inpreservation of historical monuments.


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