TODAY.AZ / Society

The Kholokosta Day of Jewish Nation celebrated in Baku

06 May 2005 [14:18] - TODAY.AZ
Kholokosta Day - the day of destroying the European Jews was celebrated in the Cinematographs' Hall the day before yesterday.
The leaders and members of the European and Mountain Jews Community, the war veterans participated in the memorial ceremony organized by the Culture Center of the Israel Embassy.

At the beginning of the measure the religious figure, the second secretary of the embassy Yakov Filkenishteyn and the first secretary Michael Barchan read prayers in Russian and ivrit languages for the memory of 6 million Jews destroyed during the  World War II, lighted candles for the memory of the martyrs, then the literary-artistic composition was shown.

The producer Ziya Shikhlinski taken part in the measure called the mass destroying of the Jewish nation the "worldwide tragedy" and also stated that Jews gave a great present to education, science and health protection of Azerbaijan.

At the end of the measure, the film "The mission of Raul Vallenberg" was shown by the "Kiyevsciencefilm". The film is about the Sweden diplomatist who saved 100 thousands of Jewish people.



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