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As a project state, Pashinyan's government sells false hopes to Armenian nation

11 March 2024 [22:55] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Fatime Letifova

Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan’s interview with the TRT World TV channel was another proof of the hypocrisy of this country.

The Armenian government, which had been carrying out illegal operations on Azerbaijani lands for years and caused the displacement of more than 1 million Azerbaijanis from their homelands during the First Garabagh War, is now portraying itself as oppressed and Azerbaijan as an 'aggressor' after liberating its own lands.

We should not forget that Azerbaijan's peace talks with this country have been left unanswered or delayed since November 9, 2020.

Despite this, the Armenian government calls for peace at international conferences and meetings but engages in provocations on the Azerbajani border behind the scenes, especially in February this year, at the time of the inauguration ceremony of President Ilham Aliyev.

A Turkish political analyst, Husamettin Inac, a professor at Turkiye’s Dumlupinar University who touched on the issue in a comment for Azernews, spoke about the main purpose of Mirzoyan’s speech.

He emphasised that after being defeated in 2020 in a 44-day war, Armenia must find a serious basis for an agreement and ensure a final peace treaty.

“Armenia, after being defeated in 2020 and in the local anti-terror measures carried out in September 2023, should find a serious basis for an agreement with Azerbaijan and ensure final peace. However, we see a great imbalance in the Armenian government nowadays,” he said.

The Turkish professor explained the main reason for Armenia’s blind policy acts. He added that European countries are filling the gap in Armenia, which Russia left behind.

“Because the gap left by Russia in Armenia is currently being filled by European countries, France, and America. It is an example of Armenia's withdrawal from the CSTO and the demand for Russian soldiers' exit from the region.

The message they are trying to convey is this:

"We will give you all kinds of weapons, military equipment, etc. You just fight with Azerbaijan as much as you can, but do not conclude a definitive peace agreement."

Especially Pashinyan's contacts in Europe and America, Macron's visit to Armenia, and the signing of the military defence and cooperation agreement are among the initial factors that show this,” he added.

Inac also talked about Armenian people. He noted that Armenians clearly understand what is happening today in the region. They know the normalisation process is in their own favour.

“Most of the Armenian people know everything very well. They know very well that they will not be able to fight with Azerbaijan from now on, and even if they fight, they will not be able to win. On the other hand, normalisation of relations with both Azerbaijan and Turkiye will improve their daily lives and well-being.”

The expert added that the Armenian diaspora undermines this normalisation process.

"When we look at the Armenian diaspora and their contacts and pressures in different places, we see that the defeated government is trying to reduce criticism against Pashinyan's party. Therefore, there are attempts to sell some fake hopes to the nation in Armenia," he underlined.

He drew attention to the European Union Parliament Assembly and its biased diplomacy. Inac said that Azerbaijan made the right decision by leaving the Assembly at that moment.

“Similar allegations were raised in the European Parliament. A number of illogical and absurd claims have been put forward, such as fearing that Azerbaijan will attack Armenia or commit genocide against Armenians within its borders.

They are trying to create an international union that they want to be on Armenia's side. As a result, Azerbaijan gave the right answer and left the parliamentary assembly,” the professor emphasised.

Husamettin Inac clarified the issue of international law that Ararat Mirzoyan voiced in his speech. He said that the Armenians have not got any punishment for any of the crimes they have committed so far.

“We do not see that Armenia fulfils its obligations arising from international law in any matter. The biggest example of this is the war in Garabagh in 1991 and 1992, after Soviet Russia declared its economic and political bankruptcy and withdrew from the international scene.

For example, when we look at what happened in Khojaly, we see genocide, a terrible crime against humanity. We also see that Armenia was not punished in any way for the Khojaly massacre,” he said.

Professor Inac linked Armenia's indifferent approach to the processes in the region and lack of enthusiasm for the peace process to its being a project state. He noted that these types of states always have special privileges not to abide by international law.


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