TODAY.AZ / World news

Head of France's Patriots party urges impeachment of President Macron

29 February 2024 [14:41] - TODAY.AZ
Abbas Ganbay

Head of the French party "Patriots" Florian Philippot wrote in the social network "X" calling on the French government to declare impeachment of the country's President Emmanuel Macron, Azernews reports.

In his opinion, Macron hates France and is trying to drag it into the third world war.

"National petition for parliamentarians to finally move! Article 35 of the Constitution, requiring a vote on war, and Article 68: his impeachment!" the politician wrote.

On February 26, Macron allowed the possibility of sending EU troops to Ukraine. He said that the possibility of sending EU ground troops to Ukraine was discussed at a conference in Paris. However, a consensus has not been reached yet.

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