TODAY.AZ / World news

Iran offers to establish int'l commission over kidnapped diplomats

11 July 2012 [18:10] - TODAY.AZ
Iran has demanded that the UN Secretary General establishes a joint international commission to study the facts to determine the fate of four Iranian diplomats kidnapped in Lebanon in 1982, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said on Wednesday during a speech at an event in Tehran, held in connection with the 30th anniversary of the kidnapping of its diplomats.

Salehi called on UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to become more involved in establishing the fate of the Iranian diplomats.

According to Iranian media, three Iranian diplomats and a correspondent of the Iranian state news agency were kidnapped in the northern district of Beirut on their way to the Iranian embassy in 1982.

Iran says the diplomats were kidnapped by members of the Kataeb party which is in close relations with Israel and they are in captivity in Israel. Iranian charge d'affaires in Lebanon, Mousavi Mohsin, and one of the commanders of the Revolutionary Guards of Iran Haji Ahmed Mutavassilianyu were among the kidnapped diplomats.

"In 2008, the Israeli regime has made a report on the kidnapped diplomats which showed that this regime is associated with the persons who kidnapped the diplomats" Salehi said.


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