TODAY.AZ / Politics

German Michael Roth proves his loyalty to Armenian lobby

12 April 2024 [12:46] - TODAY.AZ
Every day, already forgotten defenders of Armenians pop up on the vastness of social networks, in particular X social platform, says correspondent. The last on this list was the Chairman of the Bundestag Foreign Policy Committee, Michael Roth, who again spoke about the endless suffering of the Armenians. Remembering that the time had come to prove his loyalty to his masters, the German politician again duplicated the main points of Armenian propaganda, including the mythical “ethnic cleansing”, which only Armenians and the politicians bought by them see throughout the world.

Let's start with the fact that this is not ethnic cleansing for one simple reason. The Garabagh Armenians were given a choice. The fact that they decided to go to Armenia was only their choice. They also had a path to reintegration, which was offered by Azerbaijan. But the Armenians thought that they would be better off in Armenia.

But, of course, speaking about the “suffering” Armenians, he did not remember the million Azerbaijanis who were expelled from their lands more than 30 years ago. But the Azerbaijanis did not have such a choice; no one gave it to them. And for this reason, the words of the German politician are real hypocrisy. After all, it is obvious that he is only interested in Armenians, despite the fact that he is trying to present this as a defense of human rights.

It should be noted that Michael Roth has very low authority in Germany itself, and his pro-Armenian posts are criticized by ordinary Germans. After all, the average German cares little about the fictitious problems of the Armenians. They are more interested in how well the politicians elected by the people protect their interests.

And the German government is very likely not happy with Roth’s inclination to comment on issues of international politics. Back in 2020, he accused Poland and Hungary of being undemocratic, and also called Budapest anti-Semitic. Which led to an international scandal. And of course, the German Ambassador to Hungary had to answer for this.

This is the level of today's defenders of Armenians. Absolutely no recognition in their countries, and in international politics they only lead to scandals and unnecessary problems.

Politicians like Roth create problems, first of all, for Germany itself, whose interests he must protect first of all. Having sold himself to the Armenian lobby, Michael Roth says and does what his masters instruct him to do. Even if it goes against German interests. The conflict of interest is obvious, but despite this, unfortunately, in Germany this approach is acceptable.

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