TODAY.AZ / Politics

Expert says innovations carried out in Azerbaijan army not related to Armenian provocations

19 February 2024 [21:00] - TODAY.AZ
Fatime Letifova

The Azerbaijani army ranks at the front lines among the South Caucasus and a number of CIS countries due to its strong potential and level of material and technical support. The main reason for this is the special importance the state attaches to military industry and increasing military knowledge.

On February 14, the swearing-in ceremony of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, was held in the Milli Majlis (the Azerbaijani Parliament), and the head of state touched upon a number of important points during his speech. One of them was related to the allocation of funds from the state budget to the Azerbaijani army. President Ilham Aliyev also emphasised the importance of technology development in this field.

Military expert Heydar Mirza, commenting on the subject for Azernews, drew attention to Azerbaijan's purchase of new "Akinci" attack unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) from Turkiye and their presentation ceremony held on February 9. He said that these weapons are a guarantee that Azerbaijan's military industrial complex is moving towards technological development.

"Some time ago, we watched the presentation of Ak?nc? drones. During the presentation ceremony, the President of Azerbaijan, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Ilham Aliyev, and his son Heydar Aliyev visited the military facilities of the Air Force and watched the flight of the newly adopted "Akinci" attack UAVs. This presentation is a complete sign that Azerbaijan's military industrial complex is moving towards technological development."

In his speech, President Ilham Aliyev also touched on the issue of personnel training in the military and technological fields. In addition, expert H. Mirza also emphasised the new military educational institutions created in Azerbaijan, referring to the president's views.

"Recently, three new military colleges were established in Azerbaijan. These colleges were established by the Ministry of Defence in Baku, Nakhchivan, and Ganja for the training of specialised, special purpose military ensigns.

Heydar Mirza said that the steps taken in this field also contributed to education.

"It should be noted that these issues are not only related to the army but also an issue of education, because military colleges are specialised educational institutions in Azerbaijan.

The expert also reminded that Azerbaijan's allocation of funds for military education and weapons and the rapid development of the army are not related to the current relations with Armenia. Heydar Mirza emphasised that the changes implemented in the army are necessary measures for Azerbaijan.

"The innovations carried out in the army are not related to the provocations of Armenia. It is true that Armenia is delaying the signing of the peace agreement under the influence of Western patrons and is causing provocations on the border. However, the Azerbaijani army is developing not on the basis of Armenian provocations, but as a result of correctly calculated and pre-planned measures."

The expert also expressed his opinion about the latest provocations by Armenia on the border. He noted that the elections held in Azerbaijan and the provocations committed on the eve of the inauguration ceremony of President Ilham Aliyev are a step against peace and the state.

"Armenia carried out the provocation on the border directly between the elections and the inauguration - on February 12 and 16. This was a negative message given to us by Armenia or its patrons, and they immediately responded to it."

Heydar Mirza also stated that weapons sent to Armenia from France and other countries can be used in provocations.

"The activity of Western patrons of Armenia is obvious. Certain countries are supposedly coaching Armenia in a so-called qualitative way. The Azerbaijani President pointed them out quite clearly in his speech. Weapon systems sent to Armenia from France and other countries can be used in provocations against the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan.

The expert added that Azerbaijan always focuses on the forces that nurture this provocative policy.

"Even if one double-barreled rifle is sent to Armenia from other countries, this is a step that hinders peace, and Azerbaijan, of course, always intends such things," H. Mirza added.


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