TODAY.AZ / Politics

Reno Harnish: "Washington supports democratization process in Azerbaijan"

21 April 2005 [17:25] - TODAY.AZ
"As in the other countries Washington supports democratization process in Azerbaijan, too".
Ambassador of USA Reno Harnsh taking part in yesterday's meeting of founders of "Yeni Siyaset" (YeS) block said it to be position of George Bush.

According to the information of one of the founders of the block Eldar Namazov to APA in the meeting program of the block related with public was adopted and measures have been identified to implement in fortcoming stages.

Founders gave information to USA ambassador about the duties of the block and works done in the program in the meeting that lasted for two hours: "We brought to the attention of ambassador that, visit of george Bush to Georgia will affect positive impact on democratization process in South Caucasus".

It was decided to present to media recently, organizations and persons that want to join the block.

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