"The Council of Europe (CE) will not allow Azerbaijan delaying with solution of issue of political prisoners. Trends informs, rapporteur on political prisoners in Azerbaijan of the Committee of legal issues and human rights PACE Malcolm Bruce stated about this.
He mentioned at the press conference at Information office of CE in Baku as a result of his visit, he had several fruitful meetings in the capital of Azerbaijan. Meetings with representatives of NGO, political prisoners, members of their families, members of commission of pardon, the president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, delegation of Azerbaijan to PACE are among these meetings Mentioning that main task of structure presented by ?.Bruce is complete solution of issue of political prisoners in Azerbaijan, he informed, for achievement of this aim definite frames and methods were discussed at the meetings run by him.
He said, additionally names of 9 persons are in the list of political prisoners. "Signature by Azerbaijan president of Decree on pardon is expected in few days. We hope, majority of prisoners, whose names are in the list political prisoners of Azerbaijan of CE are to be liberated. Thus, this issue is to be solved in Azerbaijan forever", -said ?.Bruce.
Answering issue concerning former OMON Vugar Mamedov, who was released as "political prisoner" and committed murder of the whole family M., Bruce did not exclude the possibility of such risks. He mentioned, issue of release of opposition leaders, arrested on occasion of 15-16 October events was discussed at the meeting with Azerbaijan leadership. He also indicated, as list of political prisoners in CE was composed earlier, that is why names of opposition leaders arrested autumn 2003 are not indicated there.
"Majority of political prisoners, whose names were presented in the list earlier, is released. It would be unfair not to appreciate this. But along with this, creation of new political prisoners concerns us and we informed the leadership of government about our concern", - said ?.Bruce. Mentioning the PACE rapporteur, that for last six moths there were no any change in matter of release of " political prisoners", informed, he is concerned about this.
"This issue was considered as non-satisfactory at PACE session on legal issues and human rights in January. The following conclusions were made at the meeting, if in the nearest future this issue will not be solved, then relations between Azerbaijan and CE will be again considered... We unambiguously informed the government of the state that additional time Will not be given to Azerbaijan at any condition of solution of issue of political prisoners, - said M. Bruce.