TODAY.AZ / Politics

President Ilham Aliyev visits western regions of Azerbaijan - UPDATE - PHOTOS

08 July 2013 [09:45] - TODAY.AZ
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed the Agstafa paintball and shooting center.

It was noted that the Agstafa paintball and shooting center, built on the banks of the Hasansu river in Agstafa, has an office building, shooting ranges, firing zones and training centers. The area has been extensively landscaped. It has a modern lighting system and all the conditions for recreation.

It was indicated that the establishment of the center began this year. The building has a weapons and hunting equipment store, a medical center, a weapons storage room, a coaching room, clothing facilities and a coffee shop. The building, constructed in an interesting architectural style, has a modern ventilation system. Under construction at the center is an observation platform and an area for skeet shooting and sports hunting. The installation of artificial barriers and wooden houses has been completed at the paintball court.

The head of state watched two teams in competition, as well as a training session in skeet shooting and sports hunting.

It was mentioned that the center would also operate as a recreation and entertainment facility. There are special rules for using sporting weapons here. The center is expected to play an important part in the military and patriotic education of young people and in preparing them for military service.

It was noted that special attention has been paid to clay pigeon shooting as the most popular form of shooting sports included in the Olympic program.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening ceremony of the reconstructed water supply and sewage systems of Agstafa.

President Ilham Aliyev met with members of the general public.

District resident Galib Jafarov expressed his gratitude to the President of Azerbaijan for the attention being paid to the development of Agstafa.

It was noted that the project on the reconstruction of the water supply and sewage systems of Agstafa has started in December 2010 on the basis of a relevant order of President Ilham Aliyev. The project covers the city of Agstafa, the settlement of Khatai, the villages of Gachag Karam, Yenigun, Ashagi Kasaman and Ashagi Goyjali. Its implementation will address water needs of 18,000 urban and 22,000 rural residents, which makes it possible to expand the system into additional locations. Laboratory analyses have revealed that the water quality at this stage is fully consistent with both international and local standards.

President Ilham Aliyev reviewed a layout of the wastewater treatment installation of Agstafa.

Then the President launched the installation feeding water to Agstafa.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed the open-air park of historical and modern monument in Agstafa.

It was noted that the goal in establishing the park is to promote natural sights and Azerbaijan’s cultural and historical monuments. The park complements the appearance of the city of Agstafa with new architectural elements.

It was indicated that the construction of the park began in November 2012. Construction work was carried out using the resources of the district. The park, located in the center of Agstafa, covers an area of 2.5 hectares. The park of miniatures contains map images of mountain ranges, rivers, lakes and natural scenery of Azerbaijan. The layouts of ancient buildings, monuments, palaces, fortifications, mosques, tombs and works of modern architecture have been executed with a high level of professionalism. The park displays layouts of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus mountains and miniature copies of other geographical features of the country. The park is surrounded by the image of the Caspian Sea 160 meters in a length and 10 meters in width. Pedestrian crossings on the premises are lined with granite, an area of 5,000 square meters has been landscaped, and modern lighting and irrigation systems installed. Each exhibit has individual lighting in the evenings, while a display provides information about each exhibit in the Azerbaijani and English languages.

President Ilham Aliyev praised the work done in the park.


President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a literature museum in Gazakh.

The Head of State cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the museum.

It was noted that the improvement of museum affairs was at the center of attention in Azerbaijan. From this point of view, the order of President Ilham Aliyev dated 6 March 2007 "On the improvement of museum affairs in Azerbaijan" gave a strong impetus to important qualitative changes in the preservation of national cultural values and communication of numerous artifacts and works of art stored in museum collections to future generations. The Heydar Aliyev Foundation is also making an invaluable contribution to the development of the museum network and comprehensive improvement of museums in our country.

The three-storey museum building is located in Heydar Aliyev Avenue of Gazakh. On the first floor of it there is a conference room, a canteen and offices. The lobby of the building is decorated with portraits of prominent figures of Azerbaijani literature. The museum of writers operates on the second floor. On the third floor there are various offices and a conference room. The museum has been built using funds in the amount of 5 million manats allocated from the Contingency Fund of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan according to a presidential decree dated 1 June 2012.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a new office building of the Gazakh district branch of the “Yeni Azerbaijan Party”.

The Head of State cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the building.

Then President Ilham Aliyev was shown around the building.
It was noted that the new office building of the district branch of the "Yeni Azerbaijan Party" was constructed in a modern architectural style. It has all the conditions for productive work.

In the lobby of the building there is a bust of great leader Heydar Aliyev. There are photo stands describing the activities of the founder of the "Yeni Azerbaijan Party", national leader Heydar Aliyev, and the worthy successor of his political course - President Ilham Aliyev.

President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the construction of the building had begun in January 2013.

On the first floor there is a 65-seat auditorium for various activities and offices. On the second floor there is a meeting room, a 20-seat conference room, a lounge, a computer room and an archive. The area of the two-storey building area is 378 square meters. Its courtyard has been landscaped.

The Head of State expressed his satisfaction with the work carried out in the building.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a children`s entertainment center in Gazakh.

The Head of State cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the center.

It was noted that the provision of children with quality education and medical care at the level of world standards and the creation of conditions necessary for raising the younger generation as responsible citizens are the main principles of the state child policy in Azerbaijan. Providing continuous support for the state child policy, the Heydar Aliyev Foundation is implementing important projects in this direction. The adoption and implementation of appropriate state programs in this area have assumed a consistent nature. Nurseries, kindergartens and recreation centers are built and boarding and secondary schools renovated in Baku and elsewhere.
The President of Azerbaijan examined the conditions created at the children`s entertainment center in Gazakh.

It was indicated that the surrounding area has been landscaped and the necessary conditions created for the effective organization of children`s leisure. The area of the center is 1.2 hectares. In front of the center there is an artificial lake covering 1,080 square meters, which imparts special beauty to the area. The construction area of the center covers 400 square meters.

It was noted that the construction of the children`s entertainment center had begun in January 2013. The children will be looked after by a staff of eight people. The center has all the conditions for the entertainment of kids. There are computer and game rooms, a snack bar, a cafe, a kitchen, offices and personnel rooms.

The Head of State expressed his satisfaction with the work done at the center.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a 15-km section of the Gazakh-Gushchu Ayrim motor road.

The Head of State reviewed the stands describing the technical parameters of the new road.

It was noted that the modernization of the road transport system in Azerbaijan, the construction of new bridges, overpasses and highways, in addition to being social measures, are also very important in terms of the economic development of the country. In accordance with the instructions of the head of state, modernization of the road infrastructure in the districts is ongoing. At present, the construction and reconstruction of rural roads in the republic has assumed extensive proportions. Following the implementation of projects on the construction of roads of international and national importance, now the focus is on the construction of rural roads. The construction and reconstruction of rural roads are also in full swing in Gazakh.

It was noted that the 27-km Gazakh-Gushchu Ayrim motor now starts at KP 469 of the Baku-state border with Georgia highway. The road passes through 15 villages in the district with a total population of 26,000 people - Chayli, Kommuna, Urkmazli, Damirchilar, Dash Salahli, Alpout, Ashagi Askipara, Baganis Ayrim, Yukhari Askipara and other settlements. It was built on the account of 6.9 million manats allocated from the Contingency Fund of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. A 15-km section of the road, the construction of which began in May of this year, is now ready for use. The remaining 12 kilometers will be put into operation in September of this year.
It was noted that the width of the roadbed of the two-lane road is 10-12 meters and each lane is 3.5 meters wide. Other measures on the construction of rural roads are also ongoing in Gazakh.

After reviewing the new road, President Ilham Aliyev gave relevant instructions and recommendations.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of a new production line at the Gazakh cement plant.

The President was informed that the "Industrial, Construction and Investment Corporation Accord" OJSC and the International Bank of Azerbaijan are successfully implementing an investment project on the construction of a cement plant owned by "Accord". The construction of the enterprise began in 2010.

It was noted that an asphalt road had been build from the Gazakh-Georgian border highway to the Dash Salahli village. The monitor installed at the start of the road runs videos about the life and work of the great leader and the consistent measures he had taken for the development of the economy and regions. A railway and a 110-kilovolt power line have been laid along the asphalt road to the plant. A water line, an irrigation canal, a dam to protect against floods and other facilities have also been built.There is a statue of national leader Heydar Aliyev on the plant premises. A park has been set up here on the basis of an interesting design. A six-storey four-star hotel with 56 rooms covering a total area of more than 4,000 square meters and a fully-equipped three-storey canteen for 250 people have been built as well. The construction of a 69-room and five-storey office building with a total area of 3,400 square meters has also been completed. A number of facilities are currently under construction on the premises.

Then President Ilham Aliyev reviewed the office building. On the first floor there is a photo stand describing the measures carried out by great leader Heydar Aliyev and President Ilham Aliyev towards socioeconomic development of the country, including the districts. The office building has all the conditions for the normal work of employees. Special attention is paid to the application of information and communication technologies.

While at the central control room, the head of state was provided with detailed information about the enterprise. The stands on display describe the workflow, the investment project on the construction and the master plan of the plant.

Using a model of the enterprise, President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the construction of the plant with a designed capacity of 2,500 tons of clinker and 1 million tons of cement is conducted in two stages. As part of the first phase, the cement production line is to be commissioned, while the second will see completion of construction and assembly work on the production of clinker. In March of this year, construction and assembly work on the cement production line was completed, enabling the start of cold and hot trials of the equipment. The trials have been successful. The plant will produce cement of several brands and has already received relevant certificates of conformity.

In order to regularly check the quality of raw materials used in the production of cement and the finished products, the factory operates a chemical and physical laboratory. The laboratory conducts chemical, physical and mechanical trials of gypsum, limestone, marl, clay, volcanic ash, clinker and cement types.

The automatic plant control system is programmed by experts from Siemens and fitted with cutting-edge equipment. The plant is controlled from a central control room.

President Ilham Aliyev launched the production line from here.

It was noted that assembly work at the section for clinker production is progressing according to plan. This production line is scheduled for commissioning this year. The overall production complex of the enterprise includes 49 buildings and installations, of which 34 are main and 15 auxiliary ones. In order to meet the demand for the mineral raw materials required for cement production, a plot of land covering 452 hectares has been allocated. The implementation of this project plays an important part in the socioeconomic development of the western region of Azerbaijan. The capacity of the production line will be 2,500 tons of clinker per day.

There are plans to engage 700 people who will work at mining, transport and other facilities. Most of the workers will come from Gazakh and surrounding districts.

After reviewing the plant, President Ilham Aliyev met with the plant team and representatives of the local public.

The head of state delivered a speech.

Speaking afterwards were the chairman of the Board of Directors of "Accord", Khagani Guluzadeh, and local resident Mammad Yusifov.
In conclusion, a photo was taken as a souvenir.

After completing the visit to Tovuz, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev arrived in Gazakh district.

First, the President laid flowers at the statue of national leader Heydar Aliyev erected in the center of Gazakh.

Head of the District Executive Authority Ayaz Asgarov informed President Ilham Aliyev that the reconstruction of the 4-hectare park where the monument has been erected had commenced in 2012. Half of the restoration work was completed in the same year. The other two hectares of the territory were landscaped this year. There are necessary conditions for the recreation of local residents here.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed a project on the reconstruction of the water supply and sewage systems in the city of Tovuz.

An Action Plan to accelerate the socioeconomic development of the regions of Azerbaijan, including the city of Shirvan, as well as Hajigabul, Kurdamir, Saatli, Sabirabad, Agstafa, Gadabay, Gazakh, Shamkir and Tovuz Districts, was approved by a decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated 14 October 2005. The construction of a water line to the city Tovuz was also part of the Action Plan. Under a relevant decision of the Cabinet of Ministers, the implementation of projects on the reconstruction of water supply and sewerage systems in the cities of Agstafa and Tovuz was entrusted to the Agency for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of territories. Project and cost estimate documentation was prepared and the "Industrial, Construction and Investment Corporation Accord" OJSC started the work in November of the same year. The work began in December 2010. The implementation of the project on the reconstruction of the water supply and sewage systems of the city of Tovuz will meet water needs of the district center, as well as the villages of Abulbayli, Bozalganli, Asagi Oysuzlu, Duz Jirdahan, Jalilli and Gazgulu. In accordance with the project, 16,000 urban and 28,000 rural residents will receive water supply on a round-the-clock basis. In general, the project will fully address the needs of 20,000 urban and 30,000 rural people for water. The quality of water complies with the existing drinking water standards. Thanks to the completion of the Tovuzchay water reservoir in the future, the productivity of wells will also be increased.
The President was informed that work on the reconstruction of the water supply and sewage systems of the city of Tovuz was carried out in three phases.

The first phase saw the construction of a water main, water reservoirs, chlorination and other structural facilities. At this stage, a line of polyethylene pipes 1,588 meters in length was built from artesian wells to the pumping station, together with the main line from the pump station to the reservoirs and main water lines 3,434 meters in length from the reservoirs to the city network. A crossing station, a water intake chamber, chlorination buildings, laboratories and new reservoirs with a capacity by 2,500 cubic meters were built at the water intake facility.

The President of Azerbaijan was informed about the second stage of the work. It was noted that five artesian wells were drilled, urban water supply and sewage systems, a sewer line, a service building and an operational base for the local water utility management were built at this stage based on the results of hydro-geological, engineering and exploration work along the Tovuzchay river as a water source and in the village of Gazgulu.
The third phase of the project is focusing on the construction of wastewater treatment plants and the establishment of process systems. The capacity of sewage system is sufficient to cover the city of Tovuz city, the villages of Alimardanli, Abulbayli and Bozalganli. In the future, the capacity of the sewage treatment plant will be increased to 7,000 cubic meters per day to enable coverage of additional settlements.

President Ilham Aliyev launched a new installation supplying drinking water to the city Tovuz.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has reviewed the Govlar municipal culture and recreation park in Tovuz after reconstruction.

In accordance with a decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated 9 April 2012, the Govlar settlement was granted the status of a city. The Azadlig Avenue and the Train Station Street of the city have been covered with asphalt, a dividing line drawn and a modern lighting system installed. A decorative fence made up of natural rock stone and facing plates has been put in place along the avenue. The facades of public buildings, commercial establishments and service sector facilities along the Train Station and Shahriyar Streets of Govlar have been modernized and new facilities built.

The President was informed that retaining walls of the Govlar municipal culture and recreation park, which covers an area of 5 hectares, have been built and decorated. The fountain established in the park on a new project imparts this recreation park further beauty. The memorial for veterans of World War Two has been moved to a more suitable location, renovated and the area around it landscaped. The park`s lighting and irrigation systems have been replaced, lawns, ornamental trees and flower bushes planted. There are various rides and entertainment facilities for kids.

President Ilham Aliyev praised the work done in the park.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has attended the opening of the reconstructed Tovuz-Govlar-Agbashlar motor road.

The Head of State reviewed the stands describing the technical parameters, the previous and current state of the road, as well the construction and creative work as carried out in the district and the Youth House project.

It was noted that in accordance with a decree of President Ilham Aliyev dated 1 May 2012 "On additional measures to accelerate the socioeconomic development of Tovuz district", 3 million manats were initially allocated from the Contingency Fund of the President of the state budget for 2012 for the construction of the Tovuz-Govlar-Agbashlar motor road linking 35 settlements with a total population of 40,000 people. Subsequently, another 11.5 million manats was allocated for the continuation of the construction.

It was noted that the construction of the Tovuz-Govlar-Agbashlar motor road 51 km in length had started in October 2012. During the reconstruction, tens of thousands of cubic meters of ground and sand-gravel mixture were poured onto the roadway and 330,000 square meters of asphalt laid.

As part of the project, a 62-meter three-span bridge above the river Zayam has been built in the village of Ahmadabad. In addition, a large number of aqueducts along the road have been built and repaired.

The Tovuz-Govlar-Agbashlar motor road, which is essential for the socioeconomic life of the district, will also be used by residents of the neighboring Gadabay district. The new road is extremely important from the point of view of the development of tourism and the district economy as a whole.

Significant work has also been done as part of the reconstruction project on inbound and local roads in adjacent settlements.

President Ilham Aliyev cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the road.
The President praised the work done here.


President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has today arrived in Tovuz district as part of his visit to the country`s western region.

The Head of State put flowers at a monument to national leader Heydar Aliyev in a park in the city center. The President was informed about reconstruction work carried out in the park.
President Ilham Aliyev then opened Tovuz-Qovlar-Aghbashlar highway. The road links 35 residential areas with the total population of 40,000 people. The facility is 51km in length.
The Head of State then inspected the newly-remodelled Qovlar City Culture and Leisure Park. The facility occupies a total area of five hectares. Redevelopment of the park included installation of a fountain and decorative trees and bushes.

President Ilham Aliyev then officially inaugurated Tovuz Hemodialysis Center. The three-storey center occupies a total area of 6,000 square meters. The Head of State toured the center, and then met its staff as well as local residents.

President Ilham Aliyev then attended a ceremony to launch the redeveloped water supply and sanitation system of Tovuz. The system will supply water and sanitation to more than 30,000 people and 7,000 farms.

President Ilham Aliyev inspects Agstafa paintball and shooting center

President attends opening of reconstructed water supply and sewage systems of Agstafa

President Ilham Aliyev reviews open-air park of historical and modern monument in Agstafa

President Ilham Aliyev attends opening of literature museum in Gazakh

President Ilham Aliyev attends opening of new office building of Gazakh district branch of “Yeni Azerbaijan Party”

President Ilham Aliyev attends opening of children`s entertainment center in Gazakh

President Ilham Aliyev attends opening of 15-km section of Gazakh-Gushchu Ayrim motor road

President Ilham Aliyev attends opening of new production line at Gazakh cement plant

President Ilham Aliyev arrives in Gazakh region

President Ilham Aliyev attends ceremony to commission water supply and sewage systems of Tovuz after reconstruction

President Ilham Aliyev reviewed Govlar municipal culture and recreation park in Tovuz district after reconstruction

President Ilham Aliyev attends opening of reconstructed Tovuz-Govlar-Agbashlar motor road

President Ilham Aliyev arrived in Tovuz district


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