TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Gerard Depardieu recited poetry of "Carmen" in IV International Festival of Rostropovich - PHOTOS

14 December 2010 [13:15] - TODAY.AZ
The famous French actor Gerard Depardieu appeared on the stage of Opera and Ballet Theater within the IV International Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich yesterday.

The actor recited a passage from "Carmen" of Prosper Merimee and Azerbaijani audience received his 10-minute performance with great ovation. G. Depardieu expressed his content with attention paid to him in Azerbaijan.

Then Georges Bizet’s "Carmen" opera was performed. Galina Vyushnevskaya’s students and the soloist of The State Academic Bolshoi Theatre of Russia Elchin Azizov (Escamilla) performed on the stage.

Of note, The International Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich was first time held in Baku in 2007.

The president and the artistic director of the event was maestro’s daughter Olga Rostropovich Mstislavovna. Currently, she is the head of Rostropovich Foundation. The IV International Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich will last till December 19.


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