TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Baku to host Days of Kyrgyz Culture

22 April 2024 [15:31] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Days of Kyrgyz Culture will be held in Baku on April 23-26, Azernews reports.

The event is an important event in terms of promoting the rich cultural heritage of the friendly and brotherly Kyrgyz people in Azerbaijan, Azernews reports.

Azerbaijan-Kyrgyzstan relations are deepening year by year both within the framework of international organizations and in the context of bilateral relations.

With the political will and joint efforts of the heads of state, cultural relations between the two countries are developing dynamically, just like in the political and economic sphere. Mutual visits of individual artists, creative collectives, as well as joint cultural projects are carried out.

A gala-concert of Kyrgyz art masters, Kyrgyz Cinema Days, an exhibition of works by the country's decorative-applied and fine arts masters, a clothing collection and a demonstration of national cuisine will be organized as part of the Days of Kyrgyz Culture.


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