TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

National Art Museum to showcase art pieces by Belarusian artists

02 April 2024 [14:18] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

The Azerbaijan National Art Museum will open an exhibition themed "Belarus through the eyes of artists" on April 2.

The event is co-organised by the Culture Ministries of Azerbaijan and Belarus, the National Art Museums of Azerbaijan and Belarus, and the Belarusian Union of Artists Public Association as part of the Belarusian Cultural Days, Azernews reports.

The exhibition "Belarus through the eyes of artists" displays 35 art pieces.

In 2024, Belarus celebrates the 80th anniversary of liberation from the Nazi invaders. By creating picturesque landscapes as a tribute to the memory of the defenders during those historical events, Belarusian artists Anton Vyrvo, Anna Kononova, Gleb Otchik, Anna Sadovskaya, and Vladimir Urodnich offer to comprehend the beauty and value of a peaceful creative life.

The art pieces convey a special unique aura of Belarusian nature, urban and rural landscapes. Each of the artists offers their own interpretations of the picturesque landscape through the prism of patriotic themes.

The beauty of nature on the canvases is depicted with sincere love for the native land.

Founded in 1937, National Art Museum offers art connoisseurs some of the best examples of decorative-applied arts of Western Europe.

Over 3,000 items in 60 rooms are on permanent display at the museum and around 12,000 items are kept in storage. Here, you can see masterpieces of the Italian, French, German and Polish masters of brush.

The museum has successfully organized and hosted numerous high-level international exhibitions, showcasing the works of renowned artists. These exhibitions have not only attracted art enthusiasts but have also contributed to the cultural exchange between Azerbaijan and other countries.


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