TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Culture Minister visits cultural institutions in Naftalan

04 November 2023 [16:57] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Azerbaijani Culture Minister Adil Karimli has visited Naftalan district.

The minister met with local residents and got acquainted with the activities of the cultural institutions in the city, Azernews reports.

Information was given about the history, material and technical capabilities, and current condition of the cultural centre.

Later, the Naftalan City Museum of History and Local History, the Cultural Centre, and the Central Library of the Centralized Library System (MKS) were inspected.

Appropriate tasks and recommendations were given regarding the elimination of existing problems in enterprises and the efficient organisation of activities.

The minister recently visited the Naftalan City Children's Music School and met with teachers and students. The importance of evaluating and recognising the skills of talented, creative potential children in educational institutions was brought to attention.


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