TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Official video for anthem "Baku Autumn" released [VIDEO]

31 October 2023 [16:20] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Exactly 35 years ago, a wonderful song by Mikail Vakilov and Firuza Ismaylova to the words of Malik Farrukh, "My Azerbaijan," was performed on the stage of the Heydar Aliyev Palace, which immediately turned into a hit.

However, the status of a hit is limited for this song, extraordinary in its power and solemnity, the music and words of which are filled with boundless love for the Motherland and pride for Azerbaijan. And soon it became a real anthem that swept through the decades and won the love of new generations.

The organizers of the competition "Bak? pay?z?-2023. 35 il sonra" (Baku Autumn - 2023. 35 years later) decided to please the audience by creating a video for this anthem song, Azernews reports.

The idea was supported not only by all participants in the current competition but also by the winners of the “Baku Autumn 1988” competition. For the first time, the composer himself performed his work on the piano specifically for the video, accompanying the vocalists.

The creation of the video was dedicated to the birthday of the creator of this musical masterpiece, Mikail Vakilov, the video was presented on October 31, on the eve of the gala concert to be held on November 3 at the Heydar Aliyev Palace (19:00).

This will be an unforgettable evening, a fantastic show in which the viewer will go on a wonderful journey through time and space. To the sounds of music, accompanied by modern lighting effects and 3D design, you will be transported to old Baku with its narrow streets, to ancient Egypt with the majestic pyramids, to Italy, America, and other places, and then return to the shores of your native Caspian Sea... However, we won’t reveal all the surprises. But the most important thing is that you will be the first to know the names of the winners of the competition - the best vocalists, composers, dancers, and musical groups - and you will hear both new hits performed by them and old ones in a new arrangement.

Every number, every song, and every composition is a theatrical synthetic performance - an enchanting musical!

The gala concert will feature 16 new original songs, including those by Mikail Vakilov.

New stars will appear on the same stage with the mega-stars of Azerbaijan, performing as a duet.

All this and much more await you on November 3 at the Heydar Aliyev Palace. Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the performances of the stars and go on an exciting musical journey with them!

To purchase tickets, please visit:

The project is being implemented with the support of Best Cast Talent Agency & Golden Arts, the Azerbaijan Culture Ministry and the State Committee on Work with Diaspora.

The general sponsor is Nizami Boutique House. The author of the project and director is Sevinj Karimova, the event organizer is Sabina Hasanova.

Media partners of the event are Azernews.Az, Trend.Az, Day.Az, Milli.Az.

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