TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

Unique project combines Azerbaijani carpets, Shakespeare's works

21 February 2019 [15:00] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

By Laman Ismayilova

Winners of Azerbaijan Shakespeare Carpet Competition have been announced.

In honour of Shakespeare’s 450th anniversary, the British Council Azerbaijan in partnership with the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum announced the carpet competition.

The project brought together Azerbaijan’s rich cultural heritage in carpet design and the place of Shakespeare in world literature.

In her speech, Director of the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum, Chairman of ICOM Azerbaijan Shirin Melikova noted that the competition was announced in 2016 and held by British Council Azerbaijan together with the Ministry of Culture of Azerbaijan and the State Academy of Arts.

By the decision of the jury, three carpets were selected, each of which is presented in a special nomination.

Minister of Culture Abulfaz Garayev expressed his gratitude to the British Embassy in Azerbaijan and the British Council for their assistance in organizing and holding the competition.

The minister stressed that such events bring Azerbaijan and the UK closer together in the field of culture and art.

It was also noted that a cooperation agreement was recently signed with the British Council, under which many interesting projects will be implemented.

UK Prime Minister's Trade Envoy Baroness Emma Nicholson and the head of the British Council in Azerbaijan Samr Shah expressed their gratitude to the Ministry of Culture and the Azerbaijan Carpet Museum for their efforts to preserve and promote the art of carpet weaving throughout the world.

Speakers at the event congratulated the winners of the competition and wished them continued success.

Then the guests got acquainted with the works of the contest winners - Telman Shikhiyev (the absolute winner), Suray Muganli (winner in the general category) and Aydan Sadikhbeyli (special jury prize).

These carpets for a month will be on display in the Carpet Museum, and then transferred to the British museums.

In conclusion, the director of the Carpet Museum Shirin Melikova presented a memorable gift to Baroness Emma Nicholson.


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